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Waves of Democratisation:

First wave: Before WW2: Mostly “Western”

Second wave: After WW2: Some remaining Western
and a few non-Western countries
Third wave: Since the 1970s: Mainly the “Third
World”; Latin America and Asia in particular
Fourth wave: Arab Spring? China?
Governance is the sum of the many ways individuals
and institutions, public and private, manage their
common affairs. It is a continuing process through
which conflicting or diverse interests may be
accommodated and co- operative action may be
taken. It includes formal institutions and regimes
empowered to enforce compliance, as well as
informal arrangements that people and institutions
either have agreed to or perceive to be in their
interest. (Commission on Global Governance 1995)
World Freedom according to Freedom House

Democracy Index according to The Economist

‘Whether national elections are free and fair’

‘The security of voters’
‘The influence of foreign powers on
‘The capability of the civil servants to
implement policies’

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