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Group-A4 Ankit Shah Bharati Dhanurkar Jahnvi Manek Kartik Gala Neelam Dharamshi 05 10 20 23 35


The People: pragmatic, utilitarian & materialistic approach to life. Inherent trust of people and a strong belief in social justice. Emphasis on Education Meeting and Greeting: warm & accompanied by a firm handshake. Friends kiss once on the right cheek when meeting. People do not greet strangers when passing on the street. Greeting or smiling at a stranger may be misunderstood. .

Body Language: Stand very close when conversing, both socially and in business. Never sit on or put your feet up on a desk or table. The ch-ch sound is used to get someone's attention or to get a bus to stop. The North American O.K. sign is extremely rude.

Dress: Dress conservatively and seldom wear the bright colours Women may not wear nylons during the summer.

Dining and Entertainment: People are very casual about time for social events. An invitation for 9:00 p.m. usually means to arrive by 10:00 p.m. Uruguayans usually dine at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. It is extremely impolite to use a toothpick in public. Uruguayans are comfortable conducting business over lunch. Gifts: Everyone likes North American jeans. Women love flowers, especially roses. A rare, salmon-coloured tea rose is a favourite. It is polite and common for guests to send candy or flowers to a hostess before the occasion. Gift giving is not an important part of doing business. Give scotch (Black Label or Chivas Regal) and gifts made in the United States, especially from your region. Political views: Uruguayans like to talk about politics. People are very proud of their country.


Dress and Appearance: Business people dress conservatively in Uruguay. Men should wear dark suits and ties.
Women should wear blouses with dark suits, skirts and dresses.

During hot summer months, your hosts may remove their jackets and ties. Follow their lead and do the same if this is the case.
Especially for Women A foreign woman will have no problem doing business in Uruguay. It may even be an advantage. Men like to be with and enjoy doing business with women. Do not misinterpret an invitation to join a man for a business lunch. He is not attempting to seduce you.

Appointments are necessary and punctuality is expected. In keeping with tradition of South American business meetings, Uruguayans are typically tardy for business meetings. You should be punctual, but be prepared to wait for your hosts. Make small talk before getting down to business.

Kinship and friendship play a major role in business transactions. Expertise and experience are less important than who you are. Uruguayans prefer to form relationships with clients and will want to get to know you. Family is very important in Uruguay; be prepared for your hosts to ask you personal questions about your family life. Though many Uruguayan business people speak English, you will most likely need a translator.
Have plenty of business cards on hand. Print one side in English and the other in Spanish. Present all materials in Spanish Avoid visits during Carnival week.


Business Environment

Stable country strong middle class Positive Investment Environment Investments are allowed without prior authorization, foreign and national investors are treated alike fully free remittance of capital and profits.

Figures in Cr(Rs.)

Potential Imports from India

most of Indian exports land in Brazil markets of Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Chile and Uruguay are not being targeted enough. biofuels, agro-processed products among others can be exported to the region. Information & communication Technology Infrastructure Tourism Agribusiness Renewable Energy Health & Life sciences Free trade zones Free Ports Technology Park/Tax free Zones

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