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The Sun, Moon, and Stars

Key words:

Star: a natural luminous body visible in

the sky especially at night
Constellations: a group of stars that appears
to form a pattern in the night sky.
Earth’s orbit: The Earth follows around the Sun
through space. This path is called Earth’s orbit.
Is the Sun a star?
• The Sun is the closest star to Earth.

• It makes its own heat and light.

• The earth orbits around the sun.

• It gives the earth heat and light.

The Earth rotates once every 24 hours.
Each time the Earth rotates we have one
day and one night. When we are on the
sun side of the earth, we have daylight.
When we rotate away from the sun, we
have night.
The moon rotates around the
Earth. On many nights, we
can see it, but it does not make
its own light. The Sun lights the
Earth’s Orbit :
The Earth revolves around the Sun.
The path it takes is called the Earth’s
Orbit. It takes one YEAR to go around
the Sun.
constellations :
Groups of stars seem to make shapes in
the sky. These are constellations.
Why do the stars change with the seasons ?
The earth travels around the sun, our source
of light and heat. The earth also rotates,
or spins during it’s journey. The countries
that are turned toward the sun get daylight.
This is it, our shining star!
Answers of questions from coursebook,pg-164
1. The Star actually doesn’t move, it appears to move across
the sky during the night from east to west because the Earth
is turning from West to East.

2. The more distant an object is, the dimmer it

appears. Therefore, if two stars have the same level
of brightness, but one is farther away, the closer star
will appear brighter than the more distant star - even
though they are equally bright!

H.W- Q3 from coursebook,pg-165

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