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The praying mantis’ eyes sit on its triangular

head. They can see for up to 66 feet (20
meters). First of all, the praying mantis only
has one ear. And it’s not on its head, but on
its belly. As it only has one ear, it can’t tell
which direction a noise is coming from. But
some praying mantises can hear ultrasound -
like bats. That’s how they’re so good at
catching them.
Ant colonies come in literally all shapes and sizes. A few
species live in colonies of only a few dozen ants; however,
the average ant colony contains thousands of individual
ants. Smaller colonies live in natural crevices or openings
while larger colonies create vast nests and forage for
supplies and food. There are also super colonies around the
world that can contain more than 300 million individuals.
These super colonies have been identified in Japan,
Australia, the United States, and southern Europe.

A honey bee can fly up to 15 miles
per hour. A honey bee worker only
makes an average of 1/12 of a
teaspoon in her lifetime. One ounce
of honey would fuel a bees flight
around the world. A pound honey is
made by 2 million flower visits.

Monarchs eat milkweed, which
contains toxins that can be
harmful to
animals. These toxins
don’t harm monarchs because
they’ve built up an immunity to
eat most species of milkweed. In
fact, the toxins work to protect
monarchs by giving them a bad
taste to animals that try to eat
These little leapers earned their names. But they don’t just
hop around because it’s fun. Jumping spiders use their
legs to pounce on their prey, which is typically other

Dragonflies are some of the
world's most accurate hunters.
If you think of a lion, they
might catch their prey 2 out of
10 times.

Mosquitoes are best known for their itchy bites and
ability to spread disease. But there is a lot more to these
pests. Get the facts about mosquitoes — from when
they’re most active to how they find you.

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