ARTS - Q3 PPT-MAPEH10 - Lesson 4 (Philippine Media-Based Art - FILM)

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Grade 10 Arts Q3 Week 1 Lesson 4

Learning Objective
Identify art elements in
the various media-based
arts in the Philippines;
Identify the
following term(s)
based from the
lesson previously.
It is the portion of the frame
that is closest to the camera.
When some parts of an image are blurry
or vague this can be enhanced with the
use of neutral density filters
Not under or over exposed is too
obvious. A photographer knows how to
really work with light which can help
create some truly stunning images.
It is the quality of being made up of
exactly similar parts facing each other or
around an axis.
It gives depth to two-dimensional images
or just interesting composition builders.
It is the visual ratio of different tones
in an image.
Candid shots stand out. It is better to
see photos with the subject who isn’t
reacting to the camera but instead,
living their life.
it is the ability to draw the viewer’s
attention away from anything
distracting in the image and lead
them right to the main subject.
A shot taken from a few inches from
the ground or under the subject,
something which is not usually seen
can produce great images.
DIRECTION: Write on the board
the title of your favorite film. Be
ready of your justification why it
is your favorite.
Choose a partner for this activity. With your partner, think of
word (s) associated to FILM. Write as many as you can.
Focus of the Discussion:
• What is Film?
• What are the Elements of Basic
To start discussing a film's construction, you'll need to
understand the following terms...

What is Film?
• As its early name “motion pictures” declared,
film brought yet another dimension into play –
that moving images. The possibilities of this
medium created a new art form that was to
become a powerful social and economic force and
a legacy of the 20th century to the world.
• Filmmaking or film production is the process by
which a motion picture is produced. Filmmaking
involves a number of complex and discrete stages,
beginning with an initial story, idea, or
• it is similar to the • is practically the things that
plot of the movie. appear in the film’s frame. It
It is about what the is a catch-all for everything
that contributes to the visual
movie is, the
presentation and overall
character and the
“look” of a production.
world. When translated from
French, it means “placing on
CINEMATOGRAPHY is basically ‘writing in movement’. It
is the way the film was framed, toned, and colored in its own
way of photography.
Camera shot types are also referred
to as viewing distance.

They describe the distance between

the camera and the subject.

There are four main types of camera

Close-up Shot Mid Shot Long Shot

An object or an actor’s head An actor is seen from the An actor’s entire body is
takes up most of the screen. waist up (this is the most seen as well as some of the
It is used to reveal emotion common type of shot). It setting. It shows a character's
through facial expression. shows emotion through emotion through posture and
facial expression as well as gesture.
body language.
Extreme Close-Up Shot Extreme Long Shot

This is a very close shot and may be only This shows the landscape of the film with
a small part of an object or person. It is a barely visible character in the distance.
used to raw our focus to show a specific It is used to show setting or make a
detail. person look small or vulnerable in their
Camera angles are also referred to
as viewing perspective.

They describe the angle ofthe

camera in relation to the subject.

There are six main types of camera

High Angle Low Angle Eye Level Shot

The camera is positioned The camera is positioned The audience sees the
above the subject, looking below the subject, looking subject straight on (this is
down. This makes the up. It makes the subject the most common type of
subject looks small, weak, looks large, imposing and shot). The subject is
powerless or insignificant. powerful. observed with no bias.
Birdseye Undershot Dutch Tilt

The camera is placed The camera is positioned The camera is tilted on it’s
overhead or directly above directly beneath the subject. axis so it produces an image
the subject. Characters and It is often coupled with that is similar to tilting
objects are made to look point-of-view shots when one’s head on the side. It’s
small compared to their the character is looking up often used to convey
surroundings. at something. tension or chaos.
There are four main types of camera movement.

Panning Shot Tilt Shot

The camera is stationary and the head The camera is stationary and the head
moves from left to right or right to left moves up or down on a vertical axis. It
on a horizontal axis. It is usually used to is used to show the height of something
show a setting or landscape. or to mirror someone raising or
lowering their head.
There are four main types of camera movement.

Zoom Tracking Shot

The camera is stationary and the focus The camera moves on tracks or
changes to zoom in or out on an object, wheels, from a helicopter or crane or
character or setting. It is used to draw from the body of a person. They often
focus to a particular detail. follow a traveling or moving subject.
There are two main types of lighting.

High Key Low Key

Lighting Lighting
Description – Description – Sharp
Brightness, contrasts between
openness, light light and dark

Effect - Allows a Effect - Creates a

range of moods to mood of mystery
be conveyed and suspense
This is the process of assembling and splicing
together the various shots which comprise a film.

The editing speed (or tempo) of a particular

sequence is also an important consideration.

Fast editing generates excitement and anticipation

and slow editing has a calming and relaxing effect
on the viewer.
Some Cut – two shots are joined in a way
that looks like an instantaneous
common change between shots.
techniques Fade – The image appears or
are as disappears gradually by slowly fading
to black, white or another colour. The
follows: fade is often used as a division
between scenes.

Dissolve – an image on screen slowly

fades away while the next image
slowly fades in (either a voiceover or
a piece of music).
Some Parallel Editing/Cross-cutting – cuts
between scenes that are happening
common simultaneously but in different
editing locations.

Point-of-view Edit – a series of shots
are as reveal what a character is seeing and
follows: their reaction to it via facial

Montage – a series of shots from

different settings or times shown in
sequence to create a continuous
reality. There is usually voiceover or
music played over the top.
Music in film is a powerful
emotional trigger that achieves
a number of things:
• It creates mood or atmosphere
• It establishes setting
• It reinforces or foreshadows certain
• It gives meaning to a character's
actions or translates their thoughts
Sound Effects
Sound effects are any sound, other than
music or speech, artificially reproduced
to create an effect.
• Sound effects are most often added into the
movie post production.
• Many times when filming a scene with multiple
actions going on at the same time, such as
dialogue, sword fighting and other background
action, sound effects are added to make the effect
Dialogue &
Dialogue is defined as a conversation
between two or more people in a
• In addition, a movie could have a monologue
where a character is speaking out loud when he
or she is alone or a voiceover where they speak
over a sequence of events.
• A character can convey a range of emotions or
ideas through the voice they adopt when
delivering dialogue.
1.What are the elements that help
determine the totality of the film?
2.Why filmmaking considered a
true modern art form?
 Answer the following
1. It is similar to the plot of the movie.
2. It is the most important skill in film making
3. These are the verbal conversation of the
characters a movie.
4. It is basically ‘writing in movement’
5. It is practically the things that appear in the
film’s frame.
Describe the characteristics of Film. (5 points)

Thank You!
For your assignment, list down on
your notes the famous Philippine
Film makers.

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