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Lightening Review

Torque & Static Equilibrium

Which mass is heavier?

Cut at balance point


1. The hammer portion.

2. The handle portion.
3. They have the same
Locate the Center of Mass

X=0 M X=10M

10N 40N

1. 4 Meters
2. 5 Meters
3. 8 Meters
Periodic Motion

Chapter 13
Periodic systems are all around us
• Rising of the sun
• Change of the seasons
• The tides
• Bird songs
• Rotation of a bicycle wheel

Periodic motion is any motion that repeats on a regular time basis.

Period, T

Periodic Motion
Period, T


t, time

The motion PERIOD is the time, T, to return to same point.

The FREQUENCY, f, is the inverse of the period, 1/T.
The AMPLITUDE, A, is the maximum displacement.

Since the motion returns to the same point at t=T, it must be true that

T  2 so f  1 T   2
Harmonic Motion: Key concepts

• Harmonic motion is an important and common

type of repetitive, or “oscillatory” motion
• Harmonic motion is “sinusoidal”
• Oscillatory motion results when an applied
force (1) depends on position AND (2) reverses
direction at some position.
• The two most common harmonic motions are
the pendulum and the spring-mass system.
A history of time (keeping)
Modern clocks
Mechanical, quartz, and atomic.
Clocks use Harmonic Motion
• Stonehenge, a clock based on the sun
• Sundials
• Water clocks
• Pendulum based clocks
• Geneva escapement mechanism
• Quartz crystal clocks
• Atomic clocks

Demonstrate some “clocks”

Our journey begins with uniform circular motion.
• Uniform Circular Motion is closely related to Harmonic Motion (oscillations)
• Objects in UCM have a constant centripetal acceleration (ac=V2/R).

V2  
 V  R
V1    
V  V sin   V

V V 
 V   
 V  V
t t
 
R V  V 
R  V  
t R
ac 
Theme-park Physics
• What is the angular speed and linear speed needed to
have a rider feel “zero G” at the top of the ride?
• What is the net acceleration at the bottom of the ride?

TOP: ac=g=V2/R=R2

Mg ac F=Mac=Mg


If the ride is 9.8 meters in radius,

=sqrt(g/R)=1 rad/sec
V=9.8 m/sec (about 20 MPH)
NOTE: There is more to this than meets the eye! The force of the ride on the
rider is zero at the top of the ride, and is Mg at the bottom of the ride.
Theme-park Physics:
Feeling weightless
• What is the angular speed and linear speed needed to
have a rider feel “zero G” at the top of the ride?
• What is the net acceleration at the bottom of the ride?


g=ac Vzero-G = sqrt(Rg)


We don’t feel the acceleration of

gravity acting on our bodies, only
the force of gravity of the floor
ac pushing up against gravity.
Weightlessness is “zero g”
acceleration, normal gravity is
g “one g”. Unconsciousness can
result at around 9 g without
special equipment.
Connection of rotation and
harmonic motion
• Physlet Illustration 16.1
Connection between rotational and oscillatory motion

Y motion

 t

x  R cos 
X motion y  R sin 

x  R cos t
y  R sin t

Harmonic motion, velocity

V 

V  R
Vx  V sin 
  R sin t

So, now have…

x  R cos t
Vx   R sin t
Harmonic motion, acceleration

ac ax

 ac

a x   a cos 
 cos t
  R 2 cos t
Harmonic motion-summary

x  R cos t
v x   R sin t
a x   R 2 cos t

Look at what this says….

a x   x 2

Or Fx  ma x  m x 2

So, we have a force that depends on position, and reverses direction at x=0.
Spring-time remembered….

F  kx
We know that for an ideal
spring, the force is related to
the displacement by

But we just showed

that harmonic motion F  m x 2

So, we directly find out

that the “angular
k  m 2

frequency of motion” of
a mass-spring system
Harmonic motion: all together now.
x  A cos t
v x   A sin t
a x   A 2 cos t

t, time
Mass on a spring: x, v and a.
Properties of Mass-Spring System

• Physlet Exploration 16-1.

• How does the period of oscillation change
with amplitude?

Exploration 16-1
Application: Tuning Forks and Musical Instruments

• A tuning fork is basically a type of spring. The

same is true for the bars that make up a
xylophone. They have a very large spring
• Since the oscillation frequency does not
change with amplitude, the tone of the tuning
fork and xylophone note is independent of
Simulation: Mass on Spring
• Physlet Illustration 16-4: forced & damped
motion of spring/mass system.

Physlet Illustration 16-4

The pendulum: keeping time harmonically.


Ft   Mg sin  
  Mg
Small angle approximation

sin   
 0

Theta must be calculated in

RADIANS! Generally the
approximation is used for
angles less than 30
degrees, or about ½ radian.
Compare pendulum and spring.
Spring Pendulum

Force F   Kx F   Mg
Forces depend on position, reverse direction at some position.
Periodic motion:
x  x0 cos t s  s0 sin t
or    0 sin t

Angular frequency:

K g
 

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