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Dynamic Verbs

• Activities
• They are actions we can see or hear
• These verbs can be used in all English
Example: Play, jump, talk, smile.
I´m playing…I play…
I ´m jumping…I jump…
Stative Verbs
• States or feelings
• They are not actions we can see or hear
• Not used in continuous tenses.
Common verbs with stative meaning:
Feelings: hate, like, love, prefer, want.
Thoughts: believe, feel, know, think, understand.
Possession: belong, have, own.
Senses: feel, hear, see, smell, sound, taste.
Appearance: appear, look(like), seem.
Some verbs can be both dynamic and stative
• Taste can also be active or stative.

• I am tasting the soup.

• This describes the action you are doing.

• However, it is better to say “I am trying the soup.”

• I taste salt in this soup.

• This describes what you taste.
Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. I __________ three brothers.
a) have
b) am having
2. She __________ how to speak four languages.
a) knows
b) is knowing
3. I __________ television right now.
a) watch
b) am watching
4. They __________ hockey.
a) love
b) are loving
5. He ___________a party tomorrow night.
a) has
b) is having
6. Brenda _________ scary movies are stupid.
a) thinks
b) is thinking
7. Bill _________ about what he wants to do this weekend.
a) thinks
b) is thinking
8. She __________ right now, so she can`t cook dinner.
a) talks
b) is talking
9. I __________ studying for exams.
a) hate
b) am hating
10. We __________ to go to the movies than the mall.
a) prefer
b) are preferring

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