Garments Finishing and QC

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Garments Finishing:

Finishing is very important section in the garment industry. In this

sector garments are taken from sewing section and keep records, then
it send to iron section. Then the ironing is done as per buyer
instructions. Thread sucking machine, fusing machine, metal Detector,
vacuum table, Steam Iron, Stan drill machine etc. are used in the
finishing process. Let’s see the steps of garments finishing with brief

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Flow Chart of Garments Finishing:

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Steps of Garments Finishing:

The steps of garments finishing are as follows-

1. Goods Received from Sewing Section:

At first, finished garments are received from sewing section as per order
quantity. Good received from sewing section is the first step to finishing
2. Thread Sucking by Machine:
In this step extra lose sewing thread are sucked by sucking machine in
garments. Threads are suckered by two systems. One by done by hand
which is manual system and the other is done by sucking machine.
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Steps of Garments Finishing:

3. Ironing:
Ironing is a finishing process done by a cloth to heat and pressure with
or without steam to remove creases and to impart a flat appearance to
garments. Ironing process is also called as pressing process. After
completing ironing, garments have to be folded.
4. Measurement Check by QC:
When ironing process running that time also check measurement of
garments. During the ironing process measurement is also check out
by the QC.

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Steps of Garments Finishing:

5. Attach Price Tags and Accessories:

After above process, different types of tags and accessories are attached with
the garments as per buyer comment. For an export order, must attach price
tags with the garments.

6. Metal Detection:
Garments are passed through into the metal detection machine for metal
check. Now most of the buyer recommended to use metal detector for
garments more safety. To use metal detector for kid’s item is must.

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Steps of Garments Finishing:

7. Folding:
Garments are folded according to buyer directions in a standard area.
Different types of folding is used for different types of garments.

8. Packing:
After folding garments are ready for packing. The size of polythene is
vary according to the size, garments ratio. Before packing it is needed
to ensure the placement of sticker in proper place.

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Steps of Garments Finishing:

9. Assortment:
After completing the packing, it must be placed the garments in a
predetermined packed by sorting according to the size and color is
called assortment.

10. Cartooning:
At last cartooning is done according to buyer comment into the inner
boxes and is properly warped by the scotch tape. Some information
like carton box no, size, shipping mark, destination etc. are printed on
the cartoon.
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Steps of Garments Finishing:

11. Final Inspection:

Final inspection is an important part and last step of garments finishing.
Normally final inspection is made by buyer or representatives of buyer.
Buyer checks the garments according some rules like Accepted Quality
Level (AQL).
Spot Removing:
Spot removing is one of the special part of inspection which are done
after initial quality check.

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Quality Control
The quality of a goods is very important to consumers, specially for the last few years its
importance is increasing day by day.
Generally quality means a reasonable standard, which is accepted by customers. In
garments industry, quality means “there will have no stains in garments, fabric faults,
sewing defects, any defects of buttons or button holes, will have no faults of sizes or of
measurements, and after washing colors will not fade or no shrinkage will happen and
during use it will not be easily torn or damaged.” Actually we cannot express the word
quality as easily as we understand it.

Mainly two systems are followed for quality control of goods, such as:
a. Testing and
b. Inspection
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The inspection that is done for controlling the quality of garments is mainly meant to
examine in bare eyes. Checking of the fabrics of garments, sewing, button, thread,
zipper, measurements of garments, etc. with the standard process is called the
inspection. In each section of a garments industry, there are arrangements for


Testing means checking, examine and verification of some items. On the other way
we can define testing as; it is the process or procedure to determines the quality of a
Testing is governed by 5M, which are: Man, Machine, Material, Method and
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Inspection Cycle:

5. 2.
Rectify Defects Identify Defects

Inform the
Identify the Causes
of Defects

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In garments Industry, inspection is generally conducted in three stages:

1. Raw Material Inspection

2. In Process Inspection
3. Final Inspection

4. Raw Material Inspection:

In garments industry, raw material means mainly the fabrics but sewing thread,
zipper or chain, interlining etc. also may be considered under the items of raw

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Raw Material Quality Control:
Woven Fabric:
108X56/20X16/57” is a woven fabric construction.
-Color Fastness
-Light Fastness
-Wash/ Perspiration Fastness
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Raw Material Quality Control:
For Knit fabrics:
- Construction
-Color Fastness
-Light Fastness
-Wash/ Perspiration Fastness

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Raw Material Quality Control:
• Thread: To check the TKT No. & count (20/2, 20/4, 40/2, 20/9) of the
sewing thread.
• Type: Polyester/ Cotton/ Other
• Labels: To ensure that proper instruction & information is shown on
the label.
• Button: Should check size (16L, 18L), color, types etc.
• Zipper: Should check according to buyer instructions.

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2. In Process Inspection

The process of inspection of the various parts of a garment before joining is called
the in process inspection. In garments industry, inspection is done in each section
starting from spreading to finishing. The main objective of in-process inspection is
to identity the detects in the primary stages of Various sections and to adopt the
necessary steps to rectify the defects. Because, the defects detected as earlier, its
rectification cost will be so lesser. It has been found from survey that 15% to 20%
operators are responsible for 65% to 80% defects of garments. So, if the in process
inspections are controlled properly, then the complaints for defects of garments
will decrease considerably.

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3. Final Inspection:
In the final inspection, mainly the whole inspection of garments is
done, because, before this stage, there is no opportunity to do
inspection of a complete garment. This final inspection is very much
important from the buyers end. Now our consideration is about how
many samples will be inspected or should be inspected, that means
sampling plan. The main objective of inspection is to take decision by
examining a lot whether it could be accepted or rejected. The main
objective of a sampling plan is to collect and how to collect a number of
samples from a lot, which will be used for inspection. It is relevantly
mentionable here that the expense and time for the inspection will be
as high as the size of the samples.
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Various types of Sampling Systems are used
for Final Inspection:
A. No inspection:
That means, buying and selling can be done without any inspection, but in this case no
estimation on the amount of defects can be made. This system is not so used in garments

B. Hundred percent inspection:

That means, each unit will be inspected. In this system, the decision of accepting or
rejecting is done for each unit instead of a lot. If inspection is done in this system,
comparatively better idea will be obtained on the quality of garments. But there is no
guarantee that all the defects of garments will be detected in 100% inspection, because
the attention of inspection may fall due to the increase of the volume of inspection
jobs. Moreover, for 100% inspection, much higher expense will be required than the
other systems of inspections and also more time will be required.
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C. Spot checking:
This is a system between 100% inspection and no inspection systems. Some goods are
inspected in random among the goods ready for shipment. Partial results are obtained
in this system, because, many defective garments are accepted without inspection.

D. Arbitrary sampling:
The sampling plan of this system is very popular and widely used. In this system,
whatever the lot size, 10% of it is collected as sample and inspected, and the result of
the inspection is taken as a measure for accepting or rejecting of that lot. The arbitrary
sampling plan has many advantages than previously described systems, despite it has
some disadvantages or weaknesses. For example, the labor and time for doing
inspection of 10% of a lot size of 200 pieces will be comparatively much lower than that
of 10% of a lot size of 2000 pieces. It is mentionable here that in any sampling Systems,
there are more or less possibility of taking wrong decision.
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E. Acceptance sampling:
In acceptance sampling or sampling inspection system, the collection
and inspection is done in statistical process from the lot size of the
goods and the result of the inspection is used as the basis of decision
making for accepting or rejecting of the lot. The acceptance sampling
system can be used for inspection during production, before production
for raw materials, and after production for finished goods. This system
is very popular and internationally widely used and recognized system.
There are much merits in this system, for example, there are no
possibilities of under inspection in case of small lot or over inspection
in case of big lots. Moreover, the most important advantage is that the
possibility of taking wrong decision is comparatively low and
controllable. For making decision for acceptance about a lot through
inspection, this system is practical and economical.
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There are three plans in acceptance sampling system for
selection of sample quantity, inspection, and decision making:
a) Single Sampling Plan
b) Double Sampling Plan
c) Multiple Sampling Plan

In garments industry, single and double sampling plans are used mostly
and multiple sampling plan is not used.

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a. Single Sampling Plan :
For inspection as per this plan, the lot size and the average % defective which will be
accepted by buyers, these two points are required to know for determining the
number of sample quantities to be collected.
Lot size means the units of goods and The number of defective units
Defective % = x 100

The average defective is also called the acceptable quality level (AQL). Average%
defective or (AQL)= 2.5 is meant that defects up to 2.5% is acceptable. The average
defective may be in various percentage (%), but in garments industry generally 2.5%,
4.0%, 6.5%, and 10% these four levels are used based on the price and types of the
garments. For determining the number of samples for any lot size and for taking
decision against acceptance quality level, need to take help of Table No-S/l and
Table No-S/2. An example is given below for taking decision in single sampling plan.
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Example 1: Let, a lot size = 2000 pieces garments. Acceptable quality
level = 4%
Need to determine the number of samples to be inspected for this lot
and to determine that up to what number of defects will be accepted.
Need to select 1201-3200 group for lot size = 2000 in Table No-S/ 1. The
code = K is marked against this group from the general inspection level
II. It is mentionable here that generally for finding out code mark
general inspection level-II is used.
The number of samples = 125 is got against the code K from the Table
No-S/2, and 10 & 11 these two numbers are got against the AQL = 4.
The first number that is up to 10 defects will be accepted and if 11 or
more than that defects are found, then that lot will be rejected.
Example 2: Let, a lot size of 10,000 pieces of trousers, determine the
sampling plan for AQL=2.5, 4, 6.5.

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Double Sampling Plan :
In this system, if required, two times samples are collected and inspected.
Example 3: Lot size = 2000 pieces, Acceptable quality level = 4%
For this example, sample code K is got from the Table No S/ 1. From the Table No-
S/3, first 80 pieces of samples have to be taken against the sample code K and
after inspection of these 80 pieces, if the defective samples are 5 or below 5 then
the lot will be accepted. But if the defective samples are 9 or above, then the lot
will be rejected. If the number of defective samples are 6, 7 or 8, then again 80
pieces of samples have to be taken for second time and re-inspection will be
done. After second inspection if the number of the total defective samples (that
means the first and second times together) is 12 or less than that then the lot of
2000 pieces has to be accepted. But if the number of defective samples is 13 or
more than that then the lot will be rejected.
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The End
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