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Programming Languages – C
Lecture 4
Matthew P. Johnson
Columbia University
Fall 2003
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 1
Important Reminder
• Do not let me fail to repeat Qs
• Remind me if I forget
– And before I complete the answer
 Win valuable prizes

10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 2

• Hw2 due last night
• Hw3 assigned tonight
• Last time: complex programs
• This time: arrays & ptrs
– Ptr arithmetic
– 2-D arrays
– qsort CS3101-1, Lecture 4 3
Data types
• Used several data types:
– ints ~ whole numbers
– floating pts ~ “decimal” (non-whole) numbers
– chars ~ letters
• Will (next time) use generic complex data types:
– structs ~ multiple-field records
• In general:
– a data type ~ class of poss vals,
– corresponding to real-life concept (letter, number, customer
– Indy var means/refers to/denotes today’s date., # pages, etc.
– But not always
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 4
• Do not correspond to real-life concept
• Indy var means … another var
– Somewhat like quotes in natural language
– “Snow is white,” v. “’Snow’ has four letters.”
• Corresponds to computer hardware concept, memory address
– Some (e.g., Prof. Stolfo) argue: this is bad language design!
– But: It’s C’s design
• Theoretically, very interesting
 self-reference
 Halting Problem: interp nums as TMs
 Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem: interp nums as sentences
– ~ “I am Lying,” “This sentence is unprovable.”
– Here: interp nums as var addresses
– See 3261/4236, Godel, Escher, Bach, Douglass Hofstadter
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 5
• Q: What is a pointer?
• A: “a var that contains the address of a var.”
• For regular (“first-order”) vars, we have var
name, and value:
– char c = 10;
• Remember: var declar/def/init does:
– obtains mem for data
– attaches the name c to that mem location
– writes 10 there
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 6
Var creation
• After declar/def/init, can use that data with the
identifier c.
• When we say c, it remembers where to look
• The data lives somewhere in memory.
• Don’t have to know where the data actually is—
just remember c.
• Could we find out the location? (Why?)
• Turns out: yes
• Ptrs are vars that take on these locations as vals
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 7
• p = &c
• & op applied to a var (lvalue) evals to its
• p is now set to the address of c
• We interp val of p as a memory location
  p now “points to” c
• & applies only to lvalues
– Not consts, literals, const exprs
• Draw picture of p & c in mem
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 8
& and *
• Exists: inverse operator to &: *
– the dereferencing or indirection op.
– Applied to a pointer
– evals to the pointer’s referent
• what it points to:

int x = 1, y = 2, z[10]; /* init */

int *ip; /* declar */
ip = &x; /* ip points to x */
y = *ip; /* y set to val of ip’s referent, 0*/
*ip = 0; /* ip’s referent, y, set to 0 */
ip = &z[0]; /* ip now points to z[0]

• After execution, x == 0, y == 1
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& and *
• & and * (as ptr ops) are inverses
– Cancel each other out
• Examples
• *&x  “the value at the address of x”
– Who is buried in Grant’s tomb?
• &*xp  “the address of the value at the
address xp”  xp
– Where is the contents of Grant’s tomb?
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 10
Pointer declars
• To declar ptr-to-type var, similar to type
declar, plus *:
– int *ip;
• Interp 1: ip is an int-pointer: (int*) ip
• Interp 2: dereferenced ip is an int: int
• Notice: primitives, arrays, ptrs, ftns, can
all be declared together:
– int x, *ip, y, z[10], myftn();
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 11
Dereferenced ptrs
• Dereferenced ptr gives the actual
lvalue, not simply a passive value
• Can be used just as the corresponding
var could be
– Both accessed and modified
– *ip = *ip + 1;
– *, &, other unaries have high precedence
– *ip += 1;

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Dereferenced ptrs
• What about ++?
• Unaries associate R-to-L
– ++*ip  ++(*ip)
• But:
– *ip++  *(ip++)
– Need parenths
– ip++ is valid!
– “pointer arithmetic”
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 13
Modifying ptrs vals
• Pointers can be modified, like other vars:
– iq = ip;
• Example:
• int *ip, *iq, x;
x = 5;
ip = &x;
iq = ip;
*ip = 10;
 x == *ip == *iq == 10
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 14
Uses of ptrs
• Limitation mentioned before: ftns have single return
• Sometimes nice to have multiple return values
– e.g., some value, plus error/success.
• getchar() returns next char read, EOF (-1) if error
– chars are non-neg, so chars, EOF are distinct values
• consider a getint(): return next int read, or EOF (-1)
if error
– problem: EOF == -1 is an int!
– Soln: let return value be error/success; write next int at
location of a ptr param:
– int getint(int *);
• Or consider: e computation from hw
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 15
Passing by ref
• Remember: all args passed-by-value
– Local var created, inited to val of arg
– Actual arg never changes
• Alternative method is pass-by-
reference (C++, Java)
– Don’t pass the value, pass the location of
the value
– Don’t send the webpage, send the URL
• Ptrs can simulate pass-by-ref
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 16
Passing by ref: swap
• Swap two ints • Effect: nothing!
• Naïve swap ftn: • x inited to val of a == 5,
• void swap(int x, int y) { y inited to val of b == 10
int temp = x; • x and y swapped
x = y;
y = temp;
• a and b never change
} • NB: couldn’t be
… otherwise
• int a = 5, b = 10; • Consider: swap(5,10);
• swap(a,b); – Can’t change literals

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Passing by ref: swap’
• Soln 1: write a macro, obviating real params (hw)
• Soln 2: Don’t pass a and b’s vals, but references to a and b
• void swap(int *px, int *py) {
int temp = *px;
*px = *py;
*py = temp;

int a = 5, b = 10;
• NB: px, py are passed by value!
– These vals happen to be (interped as) refeences
• Draw picture!
• Soln 3: Arrays…
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 18
Pointers & Arrays
• What do they have to do w/each other?
• In Java, not much
– arrays are special sorts of objs, with many
– arrays, like all objs, are passed by
– two distinct ideas
• In C: Ptrs and arrays turn out to be
almost identical
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 19
Pointers & Arrays
• Consider int a[10];
– What happens?
• The id a is attached to a block of mem with room
for 10 ints
• These ints accessed with a and a subscript: a[0],
• Important: the 10 ints are continguous, in a row:
• a:

• 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
• a[0] gives an int
• &a[0] gives the address of that int
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 20
Pointers & Arrays
• “Ordinary” ptrs can point to arrays:
• pa = &a[0];
  pa: a[0]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
• Now can get other array elms”
– pa+1 points to next
– pa+2
– pa++
– pa-1 points to prev
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 21
Pointers & Arrays
• Q: How does it know they’re ints?
• A: pa is an int*
– why ptrs need to know referent type
• Turns out: array name evals to ptr to
0th elm
– a == &a[0]
– & not applied array name
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 22
Pointers & Arrays
• Also turns out:
• a[i] (array index notation)
evals to same as
*(a+i) (ptr + offset notation)
• array[index] is really short-cut notation
• array[index] converted to *(array+index) in compilation
• Also, array[index] notation applicable to regular pointers:
– ip[20]  *(ip+20)  who knows?
– As usual, be careful!
• array[index] converted to *(array+index) in compilation
• Q: What if 2[a]?
• A: 2[a]  *(2+a)  *(2+a) (by symmetry)  a[2]
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 23
Array/ptr example
• Consider a string-length ftn:
• int strlen(char *s) {
int n;
for (n = 0; *s != ‘\0’; s++)
return n;
• Now change to:
• int strlen(char s[]) { … Effects?
10/17/08 • None! CS3101-1, Lecture 4 24
Arrs/ptrs as ftn args
• Can call:
– strlen(“hi”), strlen(a), strlen(pa)
– Local var s set to pt to arg passed
• Same behavior:
– strlen(a+2), strlen(&a[2])

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Passing by ref: swap’’
• Soln 3: Pass an array containing a and b
• void swap(int AandB[]) {
int temp = AandB[0];
AandB[0] = AandB[1];
AandB[1] = temp;

int AandB = {5, 10};
• NB: We pass one ptr (by value!), with the
understanding that a and b are contiguous
• Draw picture!
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 26
Arrays v. pointers
• One important difference:
• Defined-array values are immutable
– immutable = cannot be changed
– ~ “cannot mutate”
– Defined-array value = id used to define/create array
• Illegal:
– int a[10];
– a++, a = …
• Restriction does not apply to:
– Array members
– Array params in a ftn (“formal params”)
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 27
Pointer arithmetic
• Addition/subtraction with integers:
– Ptr +/- n  ptr to val distance n away
• Subtraction of two pointers:
– p – q  distance bet. p and q
– p, q should point to mems of same
array/data block or NULL
• No other legal ops (apart from )
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Pointer arithmetic e.g.
• int strlen(char *s) {
char *p = s;
while (*p != ‘\0’)
p++; • Loops until ‘\0’
return p-s;
• Consider “Hi” ~ {‘H’,’i’,’\0’}

• Initly, p == s  ‘H’
• ‘H’ != ‘\0’  p++ /* p-s == 1 */
• ‘i’ != ‘\0’  p++ /* p-s == 2 */
• ‘\0’ == ‘\0’  return 2
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Pointer arithmetic
• Here:
– p-as-number – s-as-number == p-s == 2
• For other elm types:
– p-as-number – s-as-number == (p-
• Sizeof gives # in var/type:
– sizeof(int), sizeof(x)
• No effect here since sizeof(char) == 1
• Show sizeof.c
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 30
String literals
• “Hi”  {‘H’, ‘i’, ‘\0’}
• len-n str literal is a len-n+1 char[]
– Signal ‘\0’ indicates the end
• Same effect:
– char am[] = “hi”; /* am is immutable */
– char am[] = {‘H’, ‘i’, ‘\0’};
• Slightly different effect:
– char *pm = “hi”; /* pm is mutable */
• pm: am[0]

• am:
0 1 2 CS3101-1,
3 4Lecture
54 6 7 8 9 31
Copying strings
• How to copy strings?
• s = t;?
• No: simply makes s and t pt to same chars
• Want: copy actual chars, so indy, from source t to dest s
• For now: assume s pts to enough free space
• Copy strings as arrays:
• void strcpy(char s[], char t[]) {
int i = 0;
while ((s[i] = t[i]) != ‘\0’)
• Each time around, 1) Assign s char to t char; 2) check for \0
• NB: Assign expr evals to char assigned
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Copying strings’
• Copy strings as pointers:
• void strcpy(char *s, char *t) {
while ((*s = *t) != ‘\0’) {
• Essentially the same as prev
• No index needed, but now inc both ptrs
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 33
Copying strings’’
• Mix & match:
• void strcpy(char s[], char *t) {
/* s arr, t ptr */
int i = 0;
while ((*s = t[i]) != ‘\0’) {
s++; /* s ptr */
i++; /* t arr */
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 34
Copying strings’’’
• Shorter version:
• void strcpy(char *s, char *t) {
while ((*s++ = *t++) != ‘\0’)
• Each time around: *s set to *t, check for ‘\0’
• But: unaries assoc R-to-L
• So, Q: why do we get *t instead of *(t+1)
• A: in *t++, ++ is eval-ed before *
– But postfix ++ *lval++ evals to simply lval
– After eval, lval is inc-ed
– So *s set to *t; both inc-ed
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 35
Copying strings’’’’
• Q: What is the value of the null char ‘\0’?
• A: 0; any other char is != 0
• Can take advantage of this in if
• Shortest (?) version:
• void strcpy(char *s, char *t) {
while ((*s++ = *t++))
• Real strcpy lives in string.h
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 36
Comparing strings
• Return <0 if s < t, 0 if s==t, >0 o.w.
• int strcmp(char *s, char *t) {
int i;
for (i = 0; s[i] == t[i]; i++)
if (s[i] == ‘\0’)
return 0;
return s[i] – t[i];
• NB: two poss outcomes:
– Get through all of s w/o discrepancy  0
– Find discrepancy  amt greater s[i] than t[i]
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 37
Comparing strings’
• With arrays:
• int strcmp(char *s, char *t) {
for(; *s == *t; s++, t++)
if (*s == ‘\0’)
return 0;
return *s - *t;
• Omits i but needs , to combine inc stmts
– Very rarely CS3101-1,
used Lecture 4 38
*/++/-- and stacks
• Lend themselves to elegant stack pushing
and popping:
– p points to 1 place above top of stack
– pal is value pushed/popped
• Push: *p++ = val;
– *(p++) evals to *p, so val is written to open slot
– then p is inc-ed
• Pop: val = *--p;
– *(--p) evals to p-1, the last written slot
– Val in last written slot is stored in val
– Last written slot now considered open, for pushing
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 39
Arrays of ptrs/ptrs to ptrs
• Consider problem of sorting, say, ints
• int a[] = {5,23,8,22,99,53,3,77,4,7};
•  a: 5 23 8 22 99 53 3 77 4 7
• If sort, get:
•  a: 3 4 5 7 8 22 23 53 77 99
• Q: How much work?
• A: W/good alg, O(n*logn) int swaps/compars
– Read/write 4*O(n*logn) bytes
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 40
Arrays of ptrs/ptrs to ptrs
• a: 5 23 8 22 99 53 3 77 4 7
• What if the nums are the values being
sorted, but just they’re keys
• Q: What if we’re sorting records, or
mp3s? How much work then?
• Q: O(n*logn) mp3 swaps/compars!
– Read/write sizeof(mp3)*O(n*logn) bytes
– A lot more work!
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 41
Arrays of ptrs/ptrs to ptrs
• What to do?
• Soln: in general, don’t sort vals;
– Sort pointers (to vals)
– Values stay put
– Only arrows move
• Q: How much work is this?
• A: O(n*logn) ptr swaps/compars!
– Read/write sizeof(ptr)*O(n*logn) bytes
– Q: How large is a ptr?
– A: It’s just a memory addres
• i.e., the integer that refers to some mem location
• 4 bytes, say
– Same as sorting ins
– A lot less work!
• See qsort, which takes an array of ptrs to be sorted
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 42
Array review
• Arrays are complex (=non-
primitive) data structures
• Ordered, fixed-length seq of vars
• All elms same type
• Access by index: ar[4]
• Indices begin at 0
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• Header (simplified, from stdlib.h):
• void qsort(void *base, int n, int size, int
(*cmp)(const void *, void *));
• Params:
– base ~ ptr to beginning of array
– n ~ array length (= # elements)
– size ~ arr elm size, i.e., “sizeof(base[0])”
– cmp ~ comparison ftn to be used for sort
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 44
qsort’s cmp
• Comparison ftn ops on 2 elm of array:
– cmp(a,b) <0  “a < b”
– cmp(a,b)==0  “a == b”
– cmp(a,b) >0  “a > b”
• Remember (from 3203/intution): alg for
deciding less/=/greater for any 2 elms of set ~
ordering of set
• cmp is used as </==/> would be if sorting ints
• Only complication: cmp takes ptrs, so must *
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 45
Example cmp
• Simple case: int *’s More succinct?
• int cmp(int *a, int int cmp(int *a, int *b) {
*b) { return *a - *b;
if (*a == *b) }
return 0; For other types, modify compars
if (*a < *b)
return -1;
return +1;

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void *
• void * is the generic ptr type
• Points to nothing?
• No, points to anything
• In some cases, code doesn’t know what referent will be
interped as
– E.g.: malloc acquires mem, sends back void *
– Caller then casts to appropriate type (int *, etc.)
• NB: we can cast ptrs, like all vars
– void * ptr = …;
– Int * ip = (int*)ptr;
• Q: Does ip’s referent change?
• A: No, *ip is not cast, just ip
– Draw picture
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 47
Multi-D arrays
• Given any type t, t[] is a legal type:
– int  int[]
– double  double[]
– int[]  int[][]
• 2-dim array = array of 1-dim
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 48
Multi-D arrays e.g.
• static char days[][12] = {
{31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31},
{31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
• Also:
• static char days[2][12] = {
31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31,
31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
}; /* with sizes, inner brackets optional */
• access:
– days[row][col]
– not days[row,col]!
• Notice: 0th row ~ non-leap year
• 1st row ~ leap year
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 49
Leap year redux
• int leapyear(int year) {
return year %4 == 0 && (year%100 != 0 ||
year%400 == 0);
• int leapyear(int year) {
return year %4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 ||
year %4 == 0 && year%400 == 0;
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 50
Leap year redux
• int leapyear(int year) {
return year %4 == 0 && year%100 !
= 0 || year%400 == 0;
• int leapyear(int year) {
return !(year %4) && year%100 || !
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 51
Compute day of year
• /* month in {0..11}
int dayofyear(int year, int month, int day) {
int i, leap = leapyear(year);
for (i = 0; i < month; i++)
day += days[leap][i];
return day;
• }
• example:
– dayofyear(2002, 0, 15)  15 (16th day)
– (2002, 1, 15)  15 + 31 == 46 (47th day)
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 52
Multi-D arrays as ftn args
• Any dims after the first (0th) must be specified:
– int ftn(int days[2][12]) { … } 
– int ftn(int days[][12]) { … } 
– int ftn(int (*days)[12]) { … }
• Q: Why do others need to be specified?
• Q: Why needn’t the first?
• A: 2 in days[2] ignored, so days[] is equiv to *days
– passing array same as passing ptr
• So: passing a ptr—to what?
– Passing a ptr to int[12]’s
• Remember: referent type tells ptr how much mem to interp
as its referent
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Array-ptrs v. 2-dim arrays
• Almost the same but not quite
• int a[10][20];
– 10x20 d-dim array  10*20 == 200 ints
– each row same length
– a[5][6]  *a[5]+6*sizeof(int)  a+5*sizeof(int[20]) +
 a + 5*20*sizeof(int) + 6*sizeof(int)  a +
– why we need the length of the rows!
• int *b[10];
– No ints created, but 10 int *s
– Each can be set to point to an int[20]
– Could be set to diff length arrays
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Array-ptrs v. 2-dim arrays
• Also, we wrote:
– int (*days)[12] as the same as int days[2][12]
– int *b[10]; the ptr analog of int a[10][20]
• Q: Why not *b[20]?
• A: These look analogous, but are not
• int (*days)[12] is one ptr, a ptr that points to a
length-12 int array
• int *b[20] is 20 ptrs, each of which points to int(s)
– Interped as a table, this gives a 20x? table
• we had a 10x20 table ~ 10 rows
 10 ptrs to ints
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Array-ptrs v. 2-dim arrays
• Diff between int (*d)[10] and int
• [] have higher precedence than *
• In second, [10] attaches to d, then *
to result  ptr to array
• In first, * attaches to d, then [10] to
result  array of ptrs
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 56
Str arrs v. 2-D char arrs
• char *names[] = {“Abc”, “d”, “efgh”};
– names array of char*, each pts to just-
large-enough string ({‘A’,’b’,’c’,’\0’})
• char names[][5] = {“Abc”, “d”, “efgh”};
– len-15 array, with empty space between
– Abc\0 d\0 efgh\0

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Command-line args
 main ftn params
• Canonical main ftn:
– int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { … }
• argv: array of strings
• arg[0] = … exec name!
• Other elms: cmd-line args, in order type
• Args sep-ed by spaces
• To include space in string, surround by
10/17/08 quotes CS3101-1, Lecture 4 58
Command-line args
• Q: What is **++argv?
• A:  **(++argv)  **(argv+1)  *argv[1] 
argv[1][0]  char 0 of arg 1
• Q: What is *++argv[0]?
• A:  something of arg 0  something of char 1
of arg 0  val of char 1 of arg 0
• Q: What is (*++argv)[0]?
• A:  0th of *(argv+1)  0th of arg 1  char 0 of
arg 1  **++argv
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 59
Ftn pointers
• Ftns aren’t values; vars can’t be set to them
• But: ptrs can point to them!
  Can pass one ftn to another, so second can
call first!
• Ftn name simpliciter (no parens) evals to ptr to
the ftn
• To call, dereference ftn, in parens, followed by
– res = (*cmp)(pa, pb);
• Dereferencing ftn ptr is actually not required, but
reminds us that cmp is a ptr
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Ftn pointers
• Example: qsort
– Sorts according to some ordering of items
– Ordering specified by implementation of cmp
– How does qsort find out which cmp to call?
• Cmp (or a ptr to it) is passed to qsort as a
• NB: type depends on param-list types and
return type
• Show ftnptrs.c
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 61
* v. ()
• You should know diff bet int *f() and int
(*pf)() (without helpful names)
• Be careful with *’s and []’s
• Q: What does the following mean?
– char (*(*x())[])()
• A: left as an exercise for the listener

10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 62

Proper main ftns
• int main(int argc, char argv[][]) {

return 0;
• NB: Ftn signature is similar to Java equiv, minus OO:
• public static void main(String[] args) {…}
• Since arrays don’t “know” their length, this info is sent
– argc ~ argument count
– argv ~ argument vector
• Also, argv[0] is always the exec name (e.g., “a.out”)
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 63
• Given any type, exists ptr to type:
• int  int*
• char  char*
• int*  int**
• “ptr to a ptr to an int”
• Ever used?
• Yes! -qsort
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 64
Pointer op review
• Q: suppose say:
• int x = 10;
int *ip = &x;
int **ipp = &ip;
  **ipp = ?
• A: 10
• Q: suppose say:
• int *ip;
int **ipp = &ip;
int x = 10;
ip = &x;
• Any problem, since ip is not initiated?
• A: No, ip not set, but it has mem reserved for it - picture
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 65
Pointer op review
• Q: suppose say:
• int *ip;
• *ip = 10;
• Any problem?
• A: Yes! ip not set  *ip == who knows?
• Q: suppose say:
• int *ftn() {
int x = 10l
return &x;
• Any problem?
• A: Yes! X is popped off stack on return
– “dangling pointer”
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 66
Next time
• Next time: pointers & arrays
• Hw2 assigned tonight
• Reading on web
• Come to OHs if nec!
• Sign in!
10/17/08 CS3101-1, Lecture 4 67

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