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Presented by
Biological Science
Social Justice
• Social justice refers to the equitable distribution of wealth,
opportunities to progress, rights and privileges to all
sections of society without discrimination.
• Social justice is a concept of fair and just relations
between the individual and society.
• This means distribution of wealth, opportunities and social
• Social justice is a combination of fairness, equity and a
strong dedication to social action.
Form of Discrimination is Schools are
• Rich and poor
• Casteism and caste discrimination
• Religion
• Gender
• Racism
• Language deprivation
Nurturing Social Justice through School Lessons
• The language subjects in the school curriculum provide
many opportunities to in still ideas of social justice in the
minds of students.
• Noble ideas such as all sections of people are equal and
all have contributed equally for the development of social
progress could be easily included in the language and
social science subjects
• Language teachers have the opportunity to promote
respect, equality among students
• Introduce social justice issues in the language classroom
in the following ways
• All great poet and saints have repeatedly stressed the
need for humane attitudes and brotherhood
Course content
• Social justice issues in the classroom introduce through

• Literature
• Poetry
• Prose
• Story telling
• Drama
• Still images
• Film and video
• Social justice topics into the language classroom can

increase student’s interest in real-world issues.

• Once student have an understanding of global and local

issues through language study, they can actively engage

in learning
Social Science

• In history and social studies class, social justice teaching

is a natural fit.
• If the teacher and his student don’t spend time examining
their own backgrounds, biases and beliefs, they will be
missing an essential component of any social justice
• Teacher should familiarize with the social justice material
• Reading bio graphics of Ram Mohan Roy , Swami

Vivekananda, Dayananda Saraswathi, Gandhiji, Dr.B.R.

Ambedkar had devoted their entire life to fights Casteism,
religious tolerance, right of women, helping downtrodden
• Araham Lincoln fought for the abolition of slavery.
• Modern democratic ideas were born in England and is fast

spreading all over the world

• Bonded labour is banned in many countries in the world.

• Study of social science prepares students to grow up as

active, responsible and reflective member of society.

• Teaching Mathematics for social justice consists of using

mathematical thinking to help students become aware of

the social injustices that occur within society at large and
in their own lives
• Arithmetic exercises in mathematics should highlight the

concept of ‘same work and same pay’.

• The economic status of men and women workers,

disparity in wages among women labourers in urban –

rural areas etc. could be highlighted in the mathematics
subject by using appropriate data.
Environmental Science
• Up to the upper primary education

• Environment pollution could be made to find place in the

subject environmental science

• Awareness should be developed that everyone has the

responsibility for keeping India a clean and healthy

• People think that science is concerned with objective
reality and not concerned with values or socio economic
• Presenting large number of scientific theories do not
constitute science education
• Students should learn modern sciences and uses them in
today’s life.
• Science education eradicate superstitions, injustices in
the name of tradition and prejudices and bias.
• Science teaching imparts knowledge in science should

develop scientific attitude in students and provide training

in scientific methods
• Redesigning the contents of the subjects in the school

curriculum, aims of teaching methods, social justice could

be made available to all sections of society.

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