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Using Appropriate Graphic A

Organizers to show Understanding Y
of Texts 1

Read the paragraph below. Identify the main idea and
supporting details. Yesterday, I got a new coat. My new coat
has a blue hood and red sleeves. My coat is very fuzzy so I
stay very warm. The zipper of my coat is green. On the back
there is a picture of a snowman. I will wear my coat to school.
Use semantic web below. In the middle circle, write the main
idea and write the supporting details in the surrounding circles.
Word Searching: Trace and loop the following words in the
grid table.
Read the paragraph then answer the questions.

When did the story happen?

What do you call this part of the story?
Do all stories need setting? Why?
How did the character solve the problem? How did the story end?
Look at the illustration presented below. Notice that the events
for the story are written inside the boxes. We call these boxes a
graphic organizer. Graphic organizer can be used to show
sequence of events in the story.
Activity 1
Read the following short paragraph and fill out the details
needed in the appropriate graphic organizer.
The King of the Jungle
The lion is the king of the jungle. They are big and strong.
Lions weigh 400 pounds and stand 4 feet tall. If you feel the
hair on its face, it is soft. You can find a lion in Africa. They
can live for 15 years in the wild. They like to sleep in the
grassat night. Lions eat meat, such as zebras, giraffe, and
Activity 1
Activity 2
Read the following short paragraph and fill out the details
needed in the appropriate graphic organizer.
Headaches can have several causes. Many people think
that the major cause of headaches is nervous tension, but
there is strong evidence that suggests diet and
environment as possible factors.
Activity 2
Some people got headaches because they are dependent on
caffeine. Other people may be allergic to salt, or allergic to
household chemicals including polishes, waxes, bug killers, and
paint. If they can manage to avoid these substances, their
headaches tend to go away. When a person has recurring,
headaches tend to go away. When a person has recurring
headaches, it is worthwhile to look for the underlying cause,
especially if the result of that search is
Activity 2
Say something about your parents. Complete the semantic
web below and write some descriptive words that describe
your parents.
Graphic Organizer – is a visual display that depicts the
relationships between facts, terms, and or ideas within a
learning task. It is a visual thinking tools that make
pictures of thoughts.
Kinds of graphic organizer: Venn Diagram - an
overlapping circle to illustrate the relationships between
two or more sets of items. It presents how things are being
organized, their similarity, and differences.
Fishbone - a cause and effect diagram, also called as
“Ishikawa Diagram.” It is a visualization tool for
categorizing the potential causes of a problem to identify
its root cause.
Semantic Web - builds side-by-side graphical
representation about the key themes. Its purpose is to
visually display the connections between words, phrases or
Identify the following and write your answer on the
space provided.
_____1. It is a cause-and-effect organizer.
_____2. It is used to compare two or more items.
_____3. It is a visual thinking tools that make pictures
of thoughts.
_____4. It is an overlapping circle that illustrate
similarity and differences.
_____5. It is a side-by-side graphical representation
about the key themes.
Using Appropriate Graphic Organizers to A
show Understanding of Texts Y

Identify the following graphic organizers.
Identify the following graphic organizers.
Identify the following graphic organizers.
Identify the following graphic organizers.
What do you see in the graphic organizer? Do you know
how to use these graphic organizers?
Read the selection. Take note of the vents by filling in the
organizer below.
The Dog and His Bone
One day, a hound dog found a bone. He set off to the woods to
bury it. As he walked, he thought about how tasty if would be.
He couldn’t walt to chew his new bone.
He passed a stream and looked at the weater as he walked by. He
saw a dog in the water with a big bone. “Oh”, he thought, “I
would love to have two
bones! After all, why should anyone else eat these yummy
He growled at the dog in the water. The dog growled back! Then
he opened his strong jaws to steal the second bone.
With a splash, his bone fell into the water and disappeared. And
the dog in the water had vanished also. Now the hound dog
didn’t have any bones at all.
Place the details below in the graphic organizer.
There lived a proud huge dog under a bridge near the brook.
He once stole a piece of meat and ran away.
He thought he saw another dog with a piece of meat in his
mouth. This meat looks larger to him than his own.
He went and crossed the brook through a plank. He stopped
and looked into the water.
He growled and sprang into the water. But he lost first the
piece of meat, and did not get the other for what he saw his
own reflection.
Activity 1
Read the paragraph then sequence the events using graphic
organizer that follows.

Pepito saw an old woman who was having a hard time

crossing the street. He approached the old woman and
offered help, and the latter gladly accepted the offer. When
the two reached the other side of the street, the old woman
gave Pepito a big seed.
Activity 1
It was her way of thanking him. When Pepito got home, he
planted the big seed. The next morning, he found a money
tree in the place where he had put the seed!
Activity 2
Read the following short paragraph and fill out the details needed
in the appropriate graphic organizer.
Chinese and American Families
by Carrie Lee
Families in China and the United States are alike in some ways
and different in others. Many American households include just
parents and their children. But Chinese households often include
many other family members. Most Chinese families have only
one child.
Activity 2
However, American families often have two or three children.
Both cultures teach respect for older people, but Chinese culture
is strict about it. Families in China and the United States are
similar because family members help each other.
Read the following short paragraph and fill out the details
needed in the Venn diagram.
Did you know that your tongue is a muscle? Well, it is the
only muscle you have that is covered in saliva and taste
buds. Having taste buds stops you from eating rotten food.
Having saliva protects you from germs and bacteria.
Gross, but helpful.
Graphic organizers are charts or visuals which are used to
represent what we think of. They can help us understand what we
read. In sequencing events, we use organizers like story board,
flowchart, story train, chain of events, and sequence charts.
Read the selection and fill out the details needed in the
appropriate graphic organizer.

One evening, Rhea went to sleep without fixing her

school things. While she was sleeping, she was
interrupted by some noises. Those were her school
things – the bag, books, notebooks, pens, and papers.
They all came alive! Her school things were mad at her for not
fixing them. Rhea asked forgiveness from her school things and
promised to take care of them. Suddenly, she opened her eyes
realizing everything was just a dream.
Additional Activity
Choose any topic and use appropriate graphic
organizer on your chosen topic.
Inferring Speaker’s Tone, Mood, and A
Purpose Y

Retell the story by using the story organizer.
Sing a song.

How do you feel today? Can you explain your feelings/

Butterflies and Bees
Butterflies and bees have many things in common. They are
both insects that live all over the world. Another similarity is
that they both have 4 wings. Their wings are different though
butterflies have brightly colored wings, and a bee’s wings are
Bees live in large groups called colonies. Butterflies do not.
They often travel by themselves. Butterflies and bees are also
similar because they both feed off nectar and pollen from
flowers. When it comes to collecting nectar, butterflies are
calmly in getting it, while the bees are exhilarated.
The words above are examples of tone and mood.
Tone refers to the poet’s attitude towards the
subject of the poem. Moods is the overall emotion
or feeling expressed in the poem or story.
Activity 1
Infer the general mood of the situations that will read to
you. Choose your answer from the words written on the
1.”It breaks my heart to see very ill,” said Auring to her sick
2. Mang Pedro raised a wooden stick and shouted at the two
boys to get out of his garden.
anger sadness disappointment
worry fear
Activity 1
3. Yoly’s brother was playing with other children in the
park. After a while she could not see him anymore. She
tried to look for him everywhere but she could not find him.

anger sadness disappointment

worry fear
Activity 1
4. Lightning flashed followed by a terrible thunder, Sara closed
her eyes and covered her ears as she sat on the chair.
5. Ramon has been on top of his class since Grade One. Now,
mother was expecting another gold medal. Awarding came but
Ramon was not called.

anger sadness disappointment

worry fear
Activity 2
“This is Just to Say”
by William Carlos Williams
I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox
And which you were probably saving for breakfast
Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold.
- What is the author’s tone towards the subject of forgiveness?
- Tone word: Insincere
Read the poem and answer the following questions.
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
1. The word that best describes the tone of this poem
a. inspired b. frustrated
c. sympathetic d. anxious
2. The word that best describes the mood of this poem
a. realistic b. sorrowful
c. cautious d. surprising
What is tone and mood? Tone – refers to the poet’s
attitude towards the subject or topic of the poem or
story. Mood – is the overall emotion or feeling
expressed in the poem or story.
A poet’s purpose in writing may be to instruct or
inform, to entertain, or to persuade.
Complete the sentences/directions by choosing the correct
signal words.
1. And ___ place the collected papers on the teacher’s table.
A. then B. next C. finally
2. ___ is to pass your paper forward.
A. first B. next C. lastly
Read the paragraph and answer the question that
1. What is the tone of the following text? “I will not!”
she shouted. “I will not be left at the mercy of our
enemies while you slink away!”
a. pleased b. angry
c. happy d. suspicious
2. She hesitated, listening for sounds of the creature.
The forest seemed empty, but she could sense
something else out there. Something watching and
waiting. What is the mood for the passage?
a. romantic b. depressing
c. joyful d. suspenseful
3. Which word accurately describes the son’s tone in the
following dialogue?
Father: We are going to Disney World!
Son: Yehey!
a. irritated b. annoyed
c. uninterested d. excited
4. She delicately placed the cooing baby on a soft,
freshly cleaned blanket.
a. calm b. annoyed
c. scary d. excited
5. A hurricane threatened, the wind’s blast caused angry
fifteen-foot waves to crash over the small houses near
the shore.
a. calm b. annoyed
c. scary d. excited
Inferring Speaker’s Tone, Mood, and A
Purpose Y

Use the graphic organizer to write the sequence of the
story events.

Sheila felt hungry.

She went to the kitchen.
She ate pancake with milk.
She changed her wet cloth.
She made ham and eggs.
Sing a song.

How do you feel today? Can you explain your feelings/

Let’s read the poem.

“Be The Best of Whatever You Are”

by: Douglas Malloch

If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,

Be a scrub in the valley – but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.
If you can’t be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make;
If you can’t be a muskie then just be a bass.
But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can’t all be captains, we’ve got to be crew,

There’s something for all of us here,
There’s big work to do, and there’s lesser to do,
And the task you must do is the near.
If you can’t be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can’t be the sun, be a star; It isn’t by size that you
win or you fail –
Be the best of whatever you are!
1.What is the tone and mood of the poem?
2. What do you think is the poet’s purpose in writing the
Activity 1
Infer the mood of the person who said each sentence.
1.”Today is the day I’ve been waiting for”.
2. “I hate you so much!”
3. “We won! We won the game!”
4. “Your dress is so pretty.”
5. “I can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve given me.”
Activity 2
“The Fall of the House of Usher”
By: Edgar Allan Poe
During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the
autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in
the heavens, I had been passing along, on horseback, through a
singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as
the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the
melancholy House of Usher…
Activity 2
I reined my horse to the precipitous brink of a black and lurid tarn that
lay in unruffled luster by the dwelling…[with] vacant and eye-like
What is the mood of the paragraph? –
Mood word: Depressing
Infer the speaker’s tone, mood, or purpose. Choose from the
box below.

1. Seeing you crying is very painful to me.

2. You always remember to strive to achieve dreams.
Infer the speaker’s tone, mood, or purpose. Choose from the
box below.

3. Dark place on my way.

4. I don’t know if I will go to school or not.
5. It’s noon but I haven’t cooked yet.
What is tone and mood?
Tone – refers to the poet’s attitude towards the subject or
topic of the poem or story.
Mood – is the overall emotion or feeling expressed in the
poem or story.
Read the paragraph and answer the question that follows.
1. It was the first football game for the Gators. The coach
asked if everyone was ready. The players jumped and
replied, “Yes!” In what tone did the Gators’s reply?
a. calm b. serious
c. happy d. enthusiastic
2. The blue jay is jumping on the tree singing and dancing
happily. What is the blue jay’s tone while singing?
a. joyful b. dreamy
c. confused d. hurt
3. The alarm buzzed. Jordan smashed her first down on it-
hard. It flew off the nightstand and bounced off her cat,
Armstrong. The cat yowled indignantly and rocketed out the
a. eerie b. sarcastic
c. passionate d. humorous
4. Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty miles per
hour, that car can almost fly! Which tone is represented in
the following passage?
a. calm b. annoyed
c. scary d. excited
5. If the author has no emotion regarding the story he is
telling; his tone can be described as.
a. playful b. objective
c. ironic d. mysterious
Additional Activity
Write a short essay about what you learned in this

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