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5 The Use of ICT in

Everyday Life
1.5.1 Computers at Work Identify situations where a computer might be more
appropriate than a person

• Repetitive tasks
• Easily automated tasks
• Mathematical calculations
• Dangerous situations Know Some Of The Uses Of Large-scale Computer
Applications In Business

• Business administration
• Airline booking systems
• Insurance claims processing
• Online banking Know Some Of The Uses Of Large-scale Computer
Applications In Government

• Public records systems

– Census
– Vehicle registration
• Revenue collection
• Electronic voting Know Some Of The Uses Of Large-scale Computer
Applications In Hospitals/Healthcare

• Patients’ records
• Ambulance control systems
• Diagnostic controls and instruments
• Specialist surgical equipment Know Some Of The Uses Of Large-scale Computer
Applications In Education

• Student registration
• Timetabling systems
• Computer-based training (CBT)
• Distance learning
• Homework using the Internet Know Some Of The Uses Of Large-scale Computer
Applications In Education

CBT (Computer Based Training)

– Computer Based Training (CBT) offers a low cost solution to
training needs where you need to train a large amount of
people on a single subject
– These programs are normally supplied on CD-ROM and
combine text, graphics and sound
– Packages range from general encyclopaedias right through to
learning a foreign language Know Some Of The Uses Of Large-scale Computer
Applications In Education

CBT (Computer Based Training)

• Advantages • Disadvantages

– Can work at own pace – Need to provide own

– Can be used wherever
– May lack regular contact
there is a computer
with other students
– Up-to-date versions
– Interactive help may not
obtainable on CD-ROM or
via the Internet be available Understand the Term Teleworking

• The use of telecommunication to work outside

the traditional office or workplace, usually at
home or in a mobile situation
• New forms of telecommunication such as voice
and picture communication and groupware are
likely to make telecommuting more social in the
future Understand the Term Teleworking

• Groupware refers to programs that help people work

together collectively while located remotely from each
• Groupware services can include
– sharing of calendars
– collective writing
– e-mail handling
– shared database access
– electronic meetings with each person able to see and display
information to others, and other activities.
• Examples of groupware include Lotus Notes
and Microsoft Exchange
• Electronic "face-to-face" meetings are facilitated by
CU-SeeMe and Microsoft NetMeeting Understand the Term Teleworking

Advantages Disadvantages
• Reduced or no commuting • Lack of human contact
time • Less emphasis on
• Greater ability to focus on teamwork
one task • Distractions at home
• Flexible schedules
• Reduced company space
1.5.2 Electronic World Understand the term Electronic Mail (E-mail)

• E-mail (electronic mail) is the exchange of

computer-stored messages by
• E-mail messages are usually encoded in ASCII
text but can also be in HTML
• You can also send non-text files, such as graphic
images and sound files, as attachments
• A large percentage of the total traffic over the
Internet is e-mail
• E-mail can be distributed to lists of people as well
as to individuals Understand the term Electronic Mail (E-mail)

• If you are sending a traditional letter to many

people, then you have to pay a fixed price for
each person that you are sending the letter to
– The great thing about email is that when you have the correct
software you can send to one person or many people for
almost the same price and that price will be a fraction of the
cost of using traditional posted letters.
• The other great thing about email is that
transmission of the email is almost instantaneous
– Whether the recipient is in the next room or on the other side
of the world Understand the term Electronic Mail (E-mail)

• When you send an email its transmission is often

almost instantaneous
– This is especially useful when sending a message to someone
in a different country
• This can be very useful in a business
environment, however this facility can be abused
and it is now possible for people to send email
via the Internet to millions of people
– This rather stupid habit is known as Spamming by the Internet
community and is very strongly disapproved of! Understand the term Electronic Mail (E-mail)

• To send and receive email • Computer

you require a computer, • Modem or router
plus the necessary • Telephone line or cable
hardware and software
– Internal company emails are
• E-mail client software e.g.
sent and received via your Outlook Express or web
company’s LAN (Local Area browser
• An account with an
Internet Service Provider
(ISP) e.g. FreeServe Understand the term e-Commerce

The phrase e-commerce is a buzz word that relates

to buying or selling via the Internet Understand the term e-Commerce

• E-commerce can be divided into:

– E-tailing or "virtual storefronts" on websites with online

catalogues, sometimes gathered into a "virtual mall"
– The gathering and use of demographic data through Web
– Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the business-to-business
exchange of data
– e-mail and fax and their use as media for reaching prospective
and established customers (for example, with newsletters)
– Business-to-business buying and selling
– The security of business transactions Understand the term e-Commerce

• Advantages • Disadvantages

– Consumer’s basic right to – Choosing from a virtual, so

return unsatisfactory goods cannot physically examine
is maintained the goods
– Service is available 24 hours – There is no human contact
a day – Risk of insecure payment
– Opportunity to view a wide methods
range of products and make – Personal details may be
comparisons passed on to third parties
– Very competitive prices as a
result of low overheads

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