10 The Virtue of Humility (Jan 11)

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Peter says, “be clothed with humility, for God resists the
proud, but gives grace to the humble. Therefore
humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that
He may exalt you in due time.”
(1 Peter 5:5-6).
I. The meaning of HUMILITY in the Bible.

• Many people have the wrong idea about God, the Bible and
humility, or being humble. They think being humble means
groveling in front of others or thinking they are no good and
others are better.
• That’s not what the Bible says. God says when you are
humble, you are free from pride and arrogance. You know
that in your flesh you are inadequate, yet you also know who
you are in Christ.
II. The blessings of HUMILITY.

1. You’ll be more likable.

• The Bible says in Proverbs 15:12, “Conceited people do not
like to be corrected; they never ask for advice from those who
are wiser” (GNT).
• Pride, at its root, is insecurity. You may be afraid that you’ll
show that you really don’t know much, but you’ll be more
likable if you’re open to teaching.
II. The blessings of HUMILITY.

2. You’ll be wiser.
“God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).”
• Humble people are always learning because they’re open to
correction. Everybody’s ignorant, just on different subjects.
That’s why two heads are better than one. You don’t have time in
life to learn everything from personal experience. It’s wiser to
learn from the experience of others. The way to do that is by
learning to ask questions.
II. The blessings of HUMILITY.

3. You’ll have less conflict.

Proverbs 13:10a says, “Pride only leads to arguments” (NCV).
• Anytime you get in an argument, you can know that pride is
rearing its ugly head.
• But when you approach a situation with humility, you’ll have
less conflict in your relationships.
• In many ways, when it comes to humility, God wants us
to be like little children. Matthew 18:2-4
• Why? Because children are teachable.
• They’re open to learning. They’re eager to learn. They’re
not defensive. They don’t say, “I don’t need to learn to
walk. I don’t need to learn to talk. You can’t teach me
anything about reading.”
• You have a choice:
• Will you humble yourself, or will you live in
arrogant, prideful denial? Will you be
teachable or unreachable?
• God is for you, and he’ll support you as you
learn humility.

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