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Jose Rizal’s political

discourses in the 21th

For Presentation 2024 March 8
GE-MAN 201 Life & Works of Rizal

Jose Rizal, a prominent Filipino nationalist

and polymath, lived in the 19th century
and played a crucial role in the Philippine
independence movement against Spanish
colonial rule. While it is impossible to
directly know his specific political
discourses in the 21st century, we can
speculate on how his ideas and principles
might resonate in contemporary times.
Rizal’s political discourses were rooted in
his advocacy for reform, equality, and
justice. He emphasized the importance of
education, national identity, and the
pursuit of social progress. In the 21st
century, his ideas could still hold
relevance and inspire discussions on
various political issues, social inequality,
and national development.
Some possible areas where Rizal’s
political discourses may find
resonance in the 21 century include:

Nationalism and Identity:

Rizal’s belief in the importance of Here are some ways his ideas can
national identity and pride in be relevant:
one’s culture and heritage can 1.) Preserving Cultural Heritage
resonate in discussions on 2.) Promoting National Unity
preserving cultural heritage, 3.) Addressing Identify Issues
promoting national unity, and 4.) Cultural Exchange and
addressing issues of identity in a Understanding
globalized world.

Social Justice and Equality:

Rizal’s calls for social Rizal’s ideas on social creating a more inclusive
justice, equality, and the justice and equality society. By embracing
upliftment of the continue to resonate in Rizal’s vision, societies can
marginalized can inspire the present day. His work towards a future
conversations on principles can inspire where social justice and
poverty alleviation, discussions and actions equality are fundamental
income inequality, aimed at addressing values that guide their
human rights, and social systemic injustices, actions and policies.
reform. promoting equal rights,
and 6
Education and

Rizal’s advocacy for education as a means Rizal’s ideas on education and empowerment continue
of empowerment and social progress to resonate today. His belief in accessible education, the
remains highly relevant today. His emphasis power of knowledge, and the importance of moral
on critical thinking, knowledge acquisition, values and national identity can inspire discussions and
and the cultivation of moral values can actions to improve educational systems, promote
contribute to debates on educational reform empowerment, and foster the development of
and access to quality education. individuals who are equipped to contribute positively to

Good Governance and

Rizal’s vision of responsible governance and rule of law can inspire discussions and actions to
accountability can resonate in discussions strengthen democratic institutions, promote
on political transparency, corruption, and the responsible governance, and ensure that the
need for ethical leadership. Rizal’s ideas on voices and needs of the people are heard and
good governance and accountability addressed.
continue to hold relevance today. His call
for ethical leadership, participatory
governance, accountability, transparency,
and the
Here are some additional topics related to
Jose Rizal’s political discourses in the 21 st


Colonial Legacies and Postcolonial

Analyzing how Rizal’s critiques of

colonialism and imperialism resonate with
contemporary discussions on
postcolonialism, neocolonialism, and
decolonization efforts.

Globalization and Cultural Identity:

Exploring how Rizal’s ideas on nationalism

and cultural pride intersect with
contemporary debates on globalization,
cultural diversity, and the preservation of
indigenous knowledge and traditions.

Human Rights and Social Justice

Examining Rizal’s advocacy for human

rights and social justice in the context of
modern social movements, such as Black
Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights, and
environmental activism.

Technology and Social Change:

Assessing how Rizal’s emphasis on

education and enlightenment applies to the
digital age, and exploring the role of
technology in promoting social change,
political awareness, and civic engagement.

Global Citizenship and Transnational

Investigating how Rizal’s vision of

solidarity and cooperation among nations
relates to contemporary efforts to address
global challenges, such as climate change,
refugee crises, and international conflict

Economic Development and Inclusive

Discussing how Rizal’s ideas on economic

justice and equitable development inform
contemporary debates on poverty
alleviation, sustainable development, and
inclusive economic policies.

Gender Equality and Women’s Rights:

Exploring Rizal’s views on gender equality

and women’s empowerment, and analyzing
their relevance to contemporary feminist
movements, gender mainstreaming, and
efforts to combat gender-based violence and

• Jose Rizal was a staunch advocate for social justice and
equality during his time. His writings, speeches, and
actions reflected his deep concern for the well-being of
the Filipino people and his desire for a more just and
equitable society.
• Jose Rizal’s ideas on education and empowerment were
foundational to his vision for the Philippines and his belief
in the potential of individuals to effect positive change.
• He believed that responsible leadership and
transparency were crucial for the progress and well-being
of the Filipino people.
Our Team

John Anthony Guinit Gerald Art Gamboa Maricar Renegado

Student Student Student

Thank you
for listening

1-3.) Rizal’s political discourse that are rooted in his

4.) It is the contemporary feminist movements,
gender mainstream, and efforts to combat-gender
based violence and discrimination.
5.) It is Rizal’s advocacy as a means of
empowerment and social progress remains highly
relevant today.


6-10.) How did Jose Rizal advocate for social justice

and equality?

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