Kimmy Course - 2

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English Class

With KimmY
Meeting 2
daily routine

Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2
What time : pukul berapa? Breakfast : sarapan
Usually : biasanya Brunch : sarapan diantara waktu jam makan siang
Wake up : bangun Lunch : makan siang
Normally : biasanya/ normalnya Bring : bawa
Not able : tidak bisa Work : kerja
Before : sebelum Around : sekitar
Kidding : bercanda Prepared : menyiapkan
Cook : memasak Everything : segalanya/ semuanya
Emely: what time do you usually wake up?

Jack: normally, it’s eight am.

Emely: eight a.m.? are you kidding me? it’s too late.

Jack: late? What time do you usually wake up?

Emely: 5 a.m.

Jack: what do you often do in the morning?

Emely: I woke up at five. Then I will practice meditation and yoga for 30(thirty) minutes.

Jack: wow, you know yoga? Great.

Emely: yep. Then I cook breakfast and lunch to bring to work.

Jack: How long does it take?

Emely: around 30 (thirty) or 45 (forty-five) minutes. I prepared almost everything the previous evening. It helps me to save
time in the morning.
Meeting 2
daily routine

Vocabulary 3 Vocabulary 4

Time : waktu Driving : menyetir/ berkendara

Go : Pergi Ironing : menyeterika
Work : Kerja Trash : sampah
Company : perusahaan/ kantor Convenient : nyaman
House : rumah Clean : bersih
Jack: what time do you go to work?

Emely: at 8. Our company is a bit far away from my house. Around 30 minutes of driving.

Jack: then what do you do in the morning?

Emely: taking of the trash, ironing clothes which I wear to go to work, checking email, and reading the

Jack: why shouldn’t you take out the trash in the evening? I think it’s more convenient.

Emely: no, after cooking I want my house to be clean 100%.

Jack: I got it. I think I should try to wake up earlier like you.

Emely: sure, you should. And you will never be late anymore.

Jack: can you call me tomorrow morning? Please…please

Emely: okay. Remember to turn on the ringtone.

Does anyone have any questions?
Email :
WA : 085758957670/081274265528
Ig : kec_kimmyenglishcourse
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik

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