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• Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, everyone has a core

set of personal values
• Values range from beliefs in the importance of hard work and health to
the more difficult to measure such as belief in the importance of self-
reliance or concern for others
How do they influence us?
• When we examine the lives of famous
people, we often see how values
guided them to the top of their fields.
• Example: a CEO was motivated by the
value that technology should be easy to
use, which helped his company spawn
a technology revolution.
• Whatever one's values, when we take
them to heart and implement them in
the smallest details of our lives –
success is sure to follow.
Core values
• Core values may be difficult to navigate and discuss because we may
define the values differently

• Courage
• Family
• Integrity
Values influence
and embody
Just as how people hold their own
core values, often companies, and
institutions have values that is one
of the driving motivation to their
The 8 IKEA Key Values
• Togetherness is at the heart of the IKEA culture. We are strongest when we trust each other, pull in the same direction
and have fun together.

Caring for people and planet

• We want to be a force for positive change. We have the possibility to make a significant and lasting impact — today
and for the generations to come.

• As many people as possible should be able to afford a beautiful and functional home. We constantly challenge
ourselves and others to make more from less without compromising on quality.

• A simple, straightforward and down-to-earth way of being is part of our Smålandic heritage. It is about being ourselves
and staying close to reality. We are informal, pragmatic and see bureaucracy as our biggest enemy.
Renew and improve
• We are constantly looking for new and better ways forward. Whatever we are doing today, we can do
better tomorrow. Finding solutions to almost impossible challenges is part of our success and a source of
inspiration to move on to the next challenge.

Different with a meaning

• We are not like other companies and we don’t want to be. We like to question existing solutions, think
in unconventional ways, experiment and dare to make mistakes - always for a good reason.

Give and take responsibility

• We believe in empowering people. Giving and taking responsibility are ways to grow and develop as
individuals. Trusting each other, being positive and forward-looking inspires everyone to contribute
to development.

Lead by example
• We see leadership as an action, not a position. We look for people’s values before competence and experience.
People who ‘walk the talk’ and lead by example. It is about being our best self and bringing out the best in each
Apple Shared values
Why should we act
according to our values?
Implementing values in our lives energizes us. People
who commit to and apply values in their lives feel
confident in themselves, and this leads to well-

• Self Care/Nurture
• Self Awareness
• Mental Health
• Confidence
• Growth
• Live life to understand and learn more about
yourself as you go
You live life carrying your values, and learn
to understand others.
Through interaction, communication and
experience you learn more about yourself.
Because life is about YOU.
You are the main character.
When you can fulfill your inner self, you
pass that energy to those around you and
your environment.
Identify our values, then act upon them
• We first have to identify our own values to be able to find strategies
and ways to bring them out.
• How can we embody the values we believe in and live a fulfilling life?
• Making eye contact when speaking with someone
• Create a schedule ex. Exercise 10 minutes and being consistent with
the amount of effort you put in
Reflection Assignments
Part 1 Task: Reflect on the following questions,
answering with full sentences with as much

Submission: Print 2 copies on paper, one with

your name, one without.

DUE: February 20th Hand in Class

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