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Introduction to Company IT & Systems Webinar Series

Evolution – Essentials for Everyone

Training given by:-

Asa Johnson – Evolution Support Manager, Reading Support Office

Accessing Evolution
Evolution Training > Accessing Evolution

From the Intranet home

page select `Applications’
Evolution Training > Accessing Evolution

Enter Evolution login

details exactly as per
email sent to your/location
email address by
Evolution Support

Once details are entered correctly,

select `Continue’ and you be taking to
your home screen. If you experience
any issues at this point, email for help.
Homescreen Overview
Evolution Training > Homepage Overview

System updates Current Period, Week and Logout link

and support info Year for sub-location

User details and current Location and Sub Update location

open workflows Location User contact details
assigned to User logged into

Navigation menu
Evolution Training > Entering Location Contact Details

Location contact details for e-Invoicing

Enter location contact details

Binocular View and Weekly Reports
Evolution Training > Common Features/Tasks > Binocular View for Weekly Summary & Reports

A common function in many screens in Evolution is

the `Binocular’ view reporting tool. This icon when
selected will take the User to a Weekly Summary
popup relevant to the input screen currently loaded
and allow access to the Weekly Report
Evolution Training > Common Features/Tasks > Binocular View for Weekly Summary & Reports
You can cycle through
previous weeks entries using
these navigation arrows

A search function is also included Using drop down box, User is able
Weekly Report if specific transaction needs to be to select Period, Week and Year
found. Enter details and then you want to load Summary data
select ‘Search All Weeks’ for, followed by clicking on ‘Go’

All entries entered for the current trading week of the sub-location will be listed
in the Weekly Summary `pop-up’. In this example we are using Purchase
Invoicing which has been entered either manually or approved e-Invoices

You can drill into any entry made in a week and it will load to screen. If in current
week and not a ‘Posted’ transaction, you can edit and re-save as needed.

Note: Users will notice that different types of entry in Evolution can be either at
status `posted’ or `saved’. When an entry visible in the Weekly Summary is
`saved’, Users can amend the entry until such time as the entry is `posted’ or the
week for the sub-location has been closed.

Example of entries that can be `posted’ before Close Week is run:-

Stock Transfer
Separate Invoice via HQ
Cash Transfer
Float Adjustment
Evolution Training > Common Features/Tasks > Binocular View for Weekly Summary & Reports

The Weekly Report will detail all transactions relevant

to the specific area it has been run for and be broken
down into category sub-totals for location information.

Transactions showing on the Weekly Report will feed to

the relevant category on the Flash Report for the sub-
Evolution Training > Common Features/Tasks > Binocular View for Weekly Summary & Reports

To print a PDF version of this report,

use the drop down box and select
Acrobat (PDF) option. Once this is
done click on `Export’ to open PDF
Evolution Training > Common Features/Tasks > Binocular View for Weekly Summary & Reports

When prompted select Open to view

PDF version. To save a copy of this
PDF to your hard drive, select Save
Evolution Training > Common Features/Tasks > Binocular View for Weekly Summary & Reports

Click printer
icon to print

Acrobat PDF will open with a ready to

print version of the chosen Week Report

Manual Purchase Invoice Entry

Evolution Training > Manual Purchase Invoice Entry

Enter Invoice Header details as follows:-

1) Select Supplier from drop down box. If Supplier not available , email and request supplier is added to your location in
2) Enter invoice date using dd/mm/yyyy format or select using the calendar icon
3) Enter full Invoice number
4) Enter invoice Net and VAT amounts exactly as per invoice.
5) Ensure details are correct and click ‘Generate Lines’ to assign costs to categories
Evolution Training > Manual Purchase Invoice Entry

Select to create new category

line if costs need to be
allocated to more than one

Select to edit Evolution will auto allocate

existing category line values to VAT Codes based on
Header Values where possible

Select ‘X’ icon to VAT0 = nonVAT

delete category line VAT1 = 20% Standard Rated

Select Save when

invoice entry
completed. Costs
immediately migrate
to Purchasing Report
and Flash Report
Delete button will remove Selecting clear will
any invoice, but only for remove any data entered
current open week on screen, but only if not
previously saved
Evolution Training > Manual Purchase Invoice Entry

To review Purchasing
entries click the
Binocular View icon

Once saved a message will confirm

that invoice saved successfully

Manual Credit Note Entry

Evolution Training > Manual Credit Note Entry

Enter Credit Note header details as follows:-

1) Select Supplier from drop down box. If Supplier not available , email and request supplier is added to your location in
2) Enter Credit Note date using dd/mm/yyyy format or select using the calendar icon.
3) Enter full Credit Note number
4) Enter Invoice Number this Credit Note is crediting
5) Enter Credit Note Net and VAT footer amounts exactly as per Credit Note
6) Ensure details are correct and click ‘Generate Lines’ to assign costs to categories
Evolution Training > Manual Credit Note Entry

Select to create new category

line if credit needs to be
allocated to more than one

Evolution will auto allocate

Select to edit existing
values to VAT Codes based on
category line
Header Values where possible

Select ‘X’ icon to delete VAT0 = nonVAT

category line VAT1 = 20% Standard Rated

Select Save when Credit

Note entry completed. Costs
immediately migrate to
Purchasing Report and Flash

Petty Cash Entry

Evolution Training > Petty Cash Purchase Entry

Enter Petty Cash details as follows:-

1) Manually enter Supplier name

2) Enter petty cash receipt date using dd/mm/yyyy format or select using the calendar icon
3) Enter reason for the purchase and why petty cash used rather than nominated supplier
4) Enter petty cash receipt Net and VAT totals as per the receipt.
5) Ensure details are correct and click ‘Generate Lines’ to assign costs to categories
Evolution Training > Petty Cash Purchase Entry

Clicking the blank page icon

will insert extra category lines
if cost needs to be coded to
multiple cost categories

To edit a category line,

When generated, Evolution will
click the Edit icon
automatically create lines based on the
Header Net and VAT totals entered
To delete a line that is not
needed, click red X icon

When happy with details entered,

Petty Cash entry can be saved.
Costs will feed immediately to
Purchase Report and Flash Report

Purchasing Report for Individual Suppliers

Evolution Training > Purchasing Report for Individual Supplier
A Purchasing report for
individual or all suppliers
can be run Select drop down box to select
supplier or leave at `all’ to run report
for all suppliers that have historic
invoices processed against them

Report can be exported to Excel

or PDF versions for further
analysis or printer friendly format

Sales Return Entry

Evolution Training > Sales Returns

Previous weeks entries can be

cycled through using arrows

Sales tab exists for each day,

along with a weekly summary.
Locations can be 5, 6 or 7 day
trading locations and tabs will be Current week start and end dates
enabled/disabled as required

Date for currently selected sales tab

Click to enter new

Money Received

Click to enter Sales

from Till Report
Evolution Training > Sales returns

Select Money Received category using drop down

box and then enter value. Values entered as cash
and cheque will increase banking expectation on
banking screen and add to weekly summary tab

When happy with

Money Received
entry, click green
Evolution Training > Sales Returns
VARIANCES: When a variance is reported, the default sales category
(usually Food/Restaurant Sales) will either increase or decrease
revenue depending on Money Received being up or down against
the sales entered.

This is demonstrated in the example below, where Cash does not

match the Sale, therefore the Sale is reduced by the variance value.
The Flash Report therefore will report the Sales for this day at Net as
£170.83 (Net sale) minus £4.17 (Net variance) = £166.66.

Enter Gross Sales from Till Report. Add new lines if your
sales are split over different sales categories. Each sub
location may have different Sales category setup

Click green tick to

accept Sales Entry

NET Sales Total will

feed to Flash Report
When happy with the data that
has been entered, Save the
information and a message will
be displayed showing
successful Save
Evolution Training > Sales Returns

Weekly Summary Tab: Once sales have been entered for

the week, the Weekly Summary tab will run a cumulative
total based on the inputted figures. The Net total (minus
or plus) with Variance will feed to Flash Report.

A Sales Report can be run for

each day or for the whole week
using the Print option
Evolution Training > Sales Returns

Once loaded in
PDF, User can
print report

Free Issues
Evolution Training > Free Issues Summary

Free Issue Reference will be

system generated when saved

Enter date of Free Issue

Enter description of Free

Issue/Service provided

Enter NET value

of Free Issue.

When happy with Free Issue

entry, click Save. This value
will then feed to Flash Report
under Sales -> Free Issues
Evolution Training > Free Issues Summary

When Free Issue entry has

successfully saved, a
message will be displayed

To review Free Issue

entries for current and
previous weeks, select
the binocular icon
Cashless Systems

Training and Manual for Cashless Systems is available

upon request to
Credit Sales

Training and Manual for Credit Sales is available upon

request to

Stock Transfers
Evolution Training > Stock Transfer

Stock transfers can be made to/from any location and sub-location in the WSH Group. Hospitality is a prime
example of costs that need to be transferred on a weekly/monthly basis in Evolution between the 01 - Main
and 02 - Hospitality sub-locations.

Both location transferring costs and the receiving location must be in the same week in Evolution. If not, the
location/sub-location will not appear for selection when selecting location.

Transfers can be at `saved’ or `posted’ status in Evolution. In order to complete transfer it must be posted.
This will generate, in the case of transfer to another location, a workflow which the receiving location must
approve. Until the transfer is approved, the status of the transfer will stay as `saved’, but once approved will
become `posted’.
Evolution Training > Stock Transfer

Select the category

Evolution Training > Stock Transfer

Use drop down box to select location

and sub-location for the transfer.
Select whether transfer is to or from the current
location you are logged into.

Tick box to
confirm transfer

Date for transfer defaults to last day of current

week, which is 16/02/2011 in this example

Enter reason for transfer

Use drop down box to select category and enter value of transfer

When category entry complete,

select green tick to accept line
Evolution Training > Stock Transfer

Once green tick has been selected, transfer is ready to be saved or posted. Clicking
save will not attempt to post the transfer and amendment can be made to the transfer. It
is important to note that locations cannot close with transfer at `saved’ status or where
any workflow generated has not been approved. Once post is selected, the transfer will
behave in two ways, depending on whether to a different location or a sub-location within
the current location user is logged into.
Evolution Training > Stock Transfer

If transfer is posted to a sub-location of the current location, it

will post straight away with no workflow approval needed. A
message will be displayed to inform user of successful posting.
Evolution Training > Stock Transfer

A list and status of any input transfers

can be viewed using the binocular

If transfer is posted to another location, a workflow will be generated

which will require the receiving location to action. If transfer is
accepted, the status of the transfer will be updated to `posted’. If the
transfer is rejected, the transfer will remain at status `saved’ and will
either need to be deleted or re-submitted for acceptance.

Separate Invoice via HQ

Evolution Training > Separate Invoice via HQ

On occasion it maybe necessary to raise a Separate Invoice via HQ to the Client. These costs can need to be separately
invoiced for various reasons, most notably due to Client request, or because the budget for the purchase (equipment for
example) is held by the client away from the trading account. Hospitality can be another example, in that hospitality is not
traded through the account, but is invoiced separately.

Separate Invoices when raised will lower cost on the relevant Category and be reflected on the Flash Report.

It is imperative that we meet the HMRC regulations on all separate invoices raised and that they all contain
the correct detail. Outlined below are the requirements needed to be included on all Separate Invoices
raised through Evolution :

 Date of when service or goods were delivered.

 Sufficient enough detail to identify goods / services, Equipment is not sufficient, it needs to be more

 Where we are declaring sales of meals we must stipulate the number of meals and at what cost.
Evolution Training > Separate Invoice via HQ

Select category
Evolution Training > Separate Invoice via HQ

If a Purchase Order exists from the client for this Separate

Invoice, it is essential that this PO number is entered.
Many clients will not pay invoices if no PO number is

Enter Net value. Value for header must equal sum

Enter contact info to be
total value for any category line entered.
included on Separate

Enter description which service supplied

or goods which are being invoiced.

When happy for details

Use drop down box to select
entered, select green
category which will receive credit
Evolution Training > Separate Invoice via HQ

Extra category lines can

be entered by selecting
blank page icon

Category line details can

be amended or deleted by
selecting the edit icon or
the red X

The Separate Invoice can now be either saved or posted. Saving will allow further edit of
Separate Invoice. Once Invoice is posted, further amendment will not be possible.
Evolution Training > Separate Invoice via HQ

Once posted system will display message. The workflow

generated is for HQ to approve.

Weekly Report can be accessed

using Binocular View icon

Category Cost Transfer

Evolution Training > Category Cost Transfer

Category Cost Transfers can be used to moved costs between categories

on the current sub location user is currently logged on to.

This function is useful for correcting costs on categories when the invoice
has been input incorrectly, especially before closing the last week of a

This function cannot be used to move costs between sub locations.

Evolution Training > Category Cost Transfer

Date for transfer will default to last day in current week.

Enter reason for Category Cost Transfer

Use drop down box to select category to transfer from.

The categories available will be listed. This will result in
a credit (reduction in cost) to this category
Evolution Training > Category Cost Transfer

Select category to transfer two.

Enter the value to be transferred

Evolution Training > Category Cost Transfer

Once happy with Category Cost transfer, click green tick. Transfer can now be saved.

Once saved, costs will be updated on the Flash Report.

Category Cost transfers will not update to status `posted’ until week is closed
for the sub location. Amendment or deletion of the transfer is possible as any
point until week is closed.
Evolution Training > Category Cost Transfer

Once saved message will be displayed

A list of any input transfers can be

viewed using the binocular icon

Closing Stock
Evolution Training > Closing Stock

Closing stock figures for the previous

week will be shown.

These figures will be make the Opening

Stock figures for the current week on the
Flash Report.

Categories available for entering Closing Stock will appear in drop

down box list.
Evolution Training > Closing Stock

Any notes relevant to Closing Stock can be

entered here.

Once happy with category

entry, Green tick.

Choose category from drop down list and enter value for closing stock.
Evolution Training > Closing Stock

Current and previous week Closing Stock entries can be

viewed using the binocular view icon

To enter additional
Closing Stock for
another category, select
blank page icon

Entries can be deleted at any point by click Delete.

Once happy with Closing Stock entries, click Save

and message will display that save successful.

Accrual/Negative Accrual Entry

Evolution Training > Accruals overview

Accruals can be used to accrue for costs on the account in the absence of an invoice. Typically, a location will have a
delivery note, but the invoice will not arrive until after the location has closed week. Therefore an accrual can be
used to correctly record costs in the correct trading week in Evolution.

Note: When accruing for credit notes it is important to note that the value entered must be a negative value, I.E -

Accruals entered in one trading week will automatically reverse once the week is closed. For example, an accrual
entered in P2 W3 for the value of £50 will become a credit (minus -£50) in the following week, P2 W4, once the week
has been closed. This reversing value can be seen on the Flash Report as soon as the week is closed. It is then
expected that the invoice will be entered into Evolution in P2 W4 and this entry will contra the credit value that has
been entered, leaving the cost showing in P2 W3.

Using accruals in this way ensures good housekeeping and will help to give a more accurate GP for the location.
Evolution Training > Accrual Entry

Select Supplier that accrual is to made against

from the available list for the location. If you
have an invoice for a supplier that is not on the
location supplier list, select a supplier who will
have the necessary category available.
Evolution Training > Accrual Entry

1) Default date will be last day of the current week

2) Delivery note and other details can be entered

4) Once category and value

3) Category and value for
entered, select green tick.
accrual to be entered

5) The accrual can now be saved

Evolution Training > Accrual Entry

Use binocular view to see summary of

accruals made in current week

When Saved, message will be displayed.

Once saved, costs on Flash Report will be updated


Cash Transfer
Evolution Training > Cash Transfer

Select whether transfer is to or from the current

location you are logged into. Use drop down box to select location
and sub-location for the transfer. Do
note that locations/sub-locations not in
same week will not appear for transfer.

Tick box to
to/from Date for transfer defaults to last day of current week, which is
16/02/2011 in this example

Enter the value to be transferred. Enter reason for transfer

Clicking `save’ will allow further amendment of the transfer, but will not generate workflow to receiving location till

Cash transfers can be made to/from any location and sub-location in the WSH Group. Cash
transfers usually occur when a float is needed at a new location and needs to be taken from one of
our existing locations, or a location is closing and needs to transfer last banking to an existing

Both location transferring and receiving must be in the same week in Evolution. If not, the
location/sub-location will not appear for selection when selecting location.

Transfers can be at `saved’ or `posted’ status in Evolution. In order to complete transfer it must be
posted. This will generate a workflow which the receiving location must approve. Until the transfer
is approved, the status of the transfer will stay as `saved’, but once approved will become `posted’.
Evolution Training > Cash Transfer

Once posted, the above message will be displayed indicating that workflow has been
generated. Until the workflow is approved by the receiving location, the status of the transfer
will remain as `saved’.

Float Adjustment
Evolution Training > Float Adjustments

Float adjustments must be processed whenever location float needs to be changed. It could be that the float balance needs to be
changed due to a decrease in the number of vending machines on site, or a change to the number of tills.

Any Float Adjustment will affect both the Confirm Float Balance and Expected Banking value.

Note: Locations should always strive to keep the float as static as possible.
Evolution Training > Float Adjustments

Enter value of float adjustment and

select whether increase or decrease

Enter reason for float adjustment

User to enter their name

Once User is happy with entry, select either save or post. Workflow will not be generated for HO
approval until post is selected. Close Week will not be possible until HO approve the workflow.
Evolution Training > Float Adjustments

Click binocular icon to view summary for week and

previous weeks

Once post is selected, message will appear to confirm

generation of workflow

Evolution Training > Banking

Note: In order to close week successfully

there must be no Difference in Banking
or Float Difference.
Evolution Training > Banking

Cash and cheques entered as Money

Received in Sales Returns will feed to the
banking screen. The total value for the
week will increase expected banking
Credit Sales Payments
Cash and Cheque Payments at location for Credit Sales will increase
Evolution Training > Banking Expected Banking.

Credit Sales Deposit Payments

Any deposits taken at location by cash or cheque will increase
Expected Banking.

Cashless Systems Money Received

Cash and Cheque entries entered as Money Received in Cashless
Systems will increase Expected Banking.

Cash Transfers
Cash Transfer In will increase Expected Banking. Cash Transfer Out
will decrease Expected Banking.

Float Adjustments
Float Adjustment Increase will decrease Expected Banking. Float
Adjustment Decrease will increase Expected Banking.

Petty Cash Purchases

Petty Cash entries will decrease Expected Banking.
Evolution Training > Banking

To enter new banking, click on above icon. To successfully enter banking on Evolution it is
essential to have the following:-

Pay Reference slip number from the paying in book for each banking.

Bag number for the actual bag the money is being banked in.

Value of cash/cheque contained within the bag.

NOTE: Banking should be entered into Banking screen before bags are sealed and
collected by G4S.

Pay Ref & Bag No’s are unique, so cannot be replicated in the system. Replication will
cause either Error 2601 or 2627 upon attempting to Save Banking Screen. If this occurs,
please contact for advice.
Evolution Training > Banking

Once each banking has

been entered, select green
tick and select Save.
Using this method will
highlight any problems with
a Pay Ref or Banking Bag
number entered.
Evolution Training > Banking

A message indicating successful

save means the pay reference for
the entered banking is ok and has
met no issue in the system.
Evolution Training > Banking
Additional Inputs

Change Delivery
Locations that receive a change delivery need to ensure it is entered as an Additional Input. This will result in increased Expected Banking.

Charity Money
Locations may take donations for a charity or because of a special event held. This money must be recorded and will increase the banking

Banking Difference
There may be occasions when it is necessary to enter a Banking Difference, due to lost or stolen money or some other situation which is preventing
the Difference in Banking from zeroing down. Use of this option will unlock the Reason for Difference field, which must be completed.

NOTE: This option should always be viewed as a last resort and support requested by email to who may be
able to identify the cause and assist with resolution.
Evolution Training > Banking

Enter Additional Inputs as needed till Difference in Banking

figure is zero.

As an example, Banking Difference has been entered to

zero Difference in Banking. It is most likely that a mistake
has been made during bookwork entry, so a check of
Money Received, Actual Banking and Change Delivery
entries should be undertaken before using this category.

NOTE: If you cannot zero

Difference in Banking, please
request support by email to

Each week the location float must be checked and


This value should equal the value of any cash left on site
following entry of Actual Banking.
Close Week
Evolution Training > Closing Week

Current week for each sub-location is displayed below.

Note: It is good housekeeping to keep all sub locations

for a location in the same week.

Once all bookwork has been

entered for the week, the
location/sub-location can be
closed by ticking the
relevant box next to the sub-
location and then clicking on
the Close Week button.

Note: Reasons why Close Week routine will fail:-

1) No Closing Stock entered.

2) Unposted Stock Transfers, Float Adjustments or Cash transfers remain for the week. These will appear at status
`Saved’ in the Binocular View.
3) A Difference in Banking or Float Adjustment exists on the Banking Screen.
4) e-Invoices have not been approved.
5) Cashless sub locations must be closed before the Main 01 account.

If you are still unable to close despite checking the above, please contact for assistance.
Flash Report
Evolution Training > Flash Report

Flash Reports can be run for current trading week and any past trading week that the
sub-location has traded. Simply enter the date parameters and select view report to
load relevant Flash Report.

Select drop down box and select format which you wish to
export the Flash Report to. After this, click Export and
Evolution will open the report in the chosen format.

NOTE: Flash Report best viewed in PDF format for printer

friendly version.
Evolution Training > Flash Report

Click on print icon to

print report


1) Year, Period and

Week No Flash report is
run for.

2) Trading Period type

for Sub-Location - 4/4/5
or Monthly.

3) Location and Sub-

Location Flash Report is

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