Week 1 What Is Academic Writing

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Topic: Difference between Academic & Other

types of writings

Teacher: Mansoor Qayyum

Academic Writing & Other types of writings

Academic writing differs from other types of writing in terms of its

purpose, style, tone, and structure. Here are some key differences:
• Purpose:
Academic Writing: Primarily aims to inform, analyze, and persuade
within an academic context. It often involves presenting research
findings, discussing theories, and contributing to academic discourse.
Other Types of Writing: Can have various purposes, such as
entertaining (creative writing, fiction), informing (journalism,
technical writing), persuading (marketing, advertising), or expressing
personal thoughts and opinions (blogs, personal essays).
Academic Writing & Other types of writings

• Audience:
Academic Writing: Targets an academic audience,
including professors, researchers, and students in a
specific field of study. It is expected to adhere to the
conventions and standards of the academic community.
Other Types of Writing: Targets a broader audience,
depending on the genre. It may cater to general
readers, customers, clients, or the public at large.
Academic Writing & Other types of writings

• Style and Tone:

Academic Writing: Formal, objective, and often uses a
third-person point of view. It emphasizes clarity,
precision, and avoiding personal opinions or emotions.
Other Types of Writing: Style and tone can vary widely
depending on the genre. Creative writing may be more
expressive and imaginative, while marketing content
may be persuasive and engaging.
Academic Writing & Other types of writings

• Language and Vocabulary:

Academic Writing: Typically employs a more specialized
and formal vocabulary specific to the field of study.
Precision and clarity are emphasized.
Other Types of Writing: Language and vocabulary
depend on the target audience and the purpose of the
writing. It may be more accessible and varied to engage
readers effectively.
Academic Writing & Other types of writings

• Structure:
Academic Writing: Follows a structured format, often
including an introduction, literature review, methodology,
results, discussion, and conclusion. Citations and references
are crucial.
Other Types of Writing: Structure varies based on the
purpose. For example, a news article may follow an inverted
pyramid structure, while a persuasive essay might have a
clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
Academic Writing & Other types of writings

• Citations and References:

Academic Writing: Requires proper citations and
references to support arguments and ideas. Follows a
specific citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
Other Types of Writing: While information should be
accurate, the emphasis on formal citation styles is often
less strict. References may be used more informally.

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