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“An Analysis of the causes and effects of lateness

among GRADE 9 students in Limbaan National

High Shool”

A Research Proposal presented to
The Senior High School Faculty of
Limbaan National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for
Applied Practical Research 1
Submitted to:
Subject Teacher
Submitted by:
Bali - ong , Cristian Dave
Gapate , Jorienda
Lawan , Wowie
Revillo , Nice Khylle
Seroy , Threna Jean
Tina-e , Jakin Rey

MARCH 2024
Moving from middle school to high school is a big step, and
being on time becomes even more important for Grade 9
students. This research is all about figuring out why some
Table of Grade 9 students are late and what happens when they are.
We want to understand how being late can impact their
contents school life and grades. At the same time, we're exploring
what being late does to Grade 9 students. Does it make them
miss important lessons? Does it affect how they get along
with teachers and classmates? We want to know how being
late goes beyond just the clock and influences their learning
and relationships.
In Grade 9, students start building habits that will stick
with them throughout high school. Being late can either help
or hurt them during this critical time. This study will look into
why some students are late, considering things like personal
habits, family stuff, school factors, and outside influences. By
figuring out why, we can find better ways to help.

The problem with Grade 9 students being late is that it

can make it tough for them to do well in school. When
they're late a lot, they miss important parts of lessons, and
it's harder for them to keep up with what's being taught.
This not only affects their own learning but also makes it
tricky for the whole class to focus.
Teachers might find it hard to keep everything organized when
students are frequently arriving late. Plus, being late a lot can create
habits that make it tough to manage time well, which can affect how
students do in high school. So, the issue of Grade 9 students being
late isn't just about showing up on time; it's about making sure
everyone can learn and succeed in their studies.

Lateness among students is a prevalent issue worldwide, impacting

educational systems on an international scale. This research seeks to provide
a comprehensive understanding of the causes and outcomes of student
lateness across different countries, exploring the cultural, societal, and
institutional factors that contribute to this phenomenon. By adopting a global
perspective, this study aims to identify common trends and unique
challenges, offering insights that can inform effective strategies for fostering
punctuality and enhancing educational experiences on an international level.
The impact of this great menace cannot be over emphasized, as it has
contributed immensely in a negative way to the academic achievement of
learners and the functioning of the school (Okpupara and Chuwuone, 2020).
Various factors contribute to students coming late to school, as highlighted in different
studies. Chiu Mochi (2021) identified age, family commitments, parental job changes, and
health issues as reasons for high school students arriving late. Okwelle (2022) added that
negative attitudes toward school, non-employment of school leavers, class repetition, and
insecurity can lead to tardiness. Alio (2023) emphasized the influence of parents' social status
and educational levels, along with factors like the school's location, students' attitudes
towards the first class, insufficient supervision by teachers and parents, and ineffective
teaching methods as contributors to lateness. Okpukpara and Chukkwuone (2023) found that
gender plays a role, with female-headed households showing higher attendance.

Emore (2024) noted that lateness is more common among female

students, often due to their involvement in domestic activities. School
location was also identified as a significant factor affecting punctuality
among high school students.
In South Africa, the resumption time for all
students is 07: 30 am, but in most cases, pupils
are seen or observed roaming the streets up until
9:00 am. Recently in Western Cape, the
Department of Education sought the assistance
of uniformed police men to patrol and possibly
arrest students who were late and seen roaming
about the streets (E-news, 2020). Also, a report
by one of the students from Kwa – Zulu Natal
province in South Africa, suggested that students
should be allowed to start school very late in the
The lateness issue at Limbaan National High
School poses significant challenges for both
students and teachers. The disruption caused by
late arrivals makes it tough for teachers to keep
lessons organized and on track. This extra time
spent catching up with late students not only
slows down learning but also makes it hard for all
students to concentrate and engage in the lesson.

Building good relationships with students
becomes tricky, as teachers find it challenging to
provide individual help and feedback. Striking a
balance between helping late students catch up
and keeping the rest of the class on track is a
constant struggle for teachers working hard to
create a positive learning environment.
Upon interviewing Grade 9 students at Limbaan National High School,
various reasons behind lateness emerged. Learner.1 said “I live with my
grandmother, she is very old and cannot do anything again, she relied on me
to do everything in the house and even prepare her lunch before going to
school”. Learner.2 said “I am the eldest in the family and I have to do
everything in the house because my mom usually come back late from work
and my father is not staying with us” Learner.3 said “I am a slow eater and
my mother always insisted I finish my food before going to school”
Learner.4 said “7:30 is too early, we have many things to do in the morning
before going to school, it would be better if the time could be changed to
8:00 and the first lesson to 8:30am”. Learner.5 said “I work at night to
support myself financially causing me to arrive late at school”, the rest of
the students have the same reasons. Understanding these diverse reasons
is crucial in addressing the problem and finding solutions that cater to the
specific needs and challenges faced by the students at Limbaan National
High School.
● Despite substantial research on the factors contributing to
student tardiness, such as family circumstances and time
management, a noticeable gap exists in understanding
how these elements intertwine and differ across various
cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. To bridge this
gap, a comprehensive multi-dimensional study is
proposed. This study aims to delve into not only the
common causes of lateness but also the intersectionality
of these factors. The ultimate goal is to acquire a more
profound comprehension of the intricate elements
influencing student tardiness and establish a foundation
for devising more successful strategies to address this
widespread issue. The objectives of the study are three-
fold: first, to pinpoint and scrutinize the principal causes of
student tardiness across diverse socio-economic
backgrounds; second, to investigate the intersectionality of
these elements and their collective impact on student
lateness; and third, to put forward effective strategies
founded on the study's findings to counter the issue of
student lateness. This approach promises a more nuanced
understanding of the problem and paves the way for more
personalized interventions to enhance punctuality among

The study of lateness in students serves to unravel its multifaceted

impact within educational settings. Investigating the correlation between tardiness
and academic performance provides valuable insights into students' time
management skills and study habits. By understanding behavioral patterns related
to punctuality, educators and administrators can address underlying issues that may
hinder students' success.Being late can have a range of adverse effects on
individuals and their surrounding environments. In personal and professional
contexts, consistent tardiness can strain relationships and erode trust, as it may be
perceived as a lack of respect for others' time. Academically, chronic lateness may
lead to missed instructional time, affecting comprehension and academic
performance. Additionally, to know how can we solve this several issue in the
students not only in grade 9 students but all of the students.

1.Does being late affect how well students do in school?

2.Do students who are often late struggle with managing their time?

3.Does it matter if parents are involved in helping students be on time?

4.Will your grade be affected if you are always late?

5.Are there certain times of the day or week when students are more

likely to be late?

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