Kelompok 2 f1 Biography Text

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Non Fiction Narrative Text
• Ika Rizki Amalia (13)
• Muhammad Hisyam N.A (19)
• Navida Salsabila (22)
• Yoga Dwi Pamungkas (33)

The type of narrative text that tells

about the incident faced by someone
who is more complex
• to tell information based on facts about the
• to motivates individuals towards the
achievements of the characters
Time Conjunctions:

- Then: ("He continued his education to STOVIA").

- Later: Used to signal a shift to a subsequent point in time
( "Later, Ki Hadjar Dewantara joined the organization").
- But: Used to introduce a contrasting event or development
within the timeline ("But, he can't graduate because he was
- When: Used to pinpoint a specific moment in time ( "On
July 13, 1913, he wrote several critical columns").
- In: Used to denote a period or timeframe ( "In 1908, he was
active in Boedi Oetomo Organization").
Action Verbs:

- Born: Denotes the beginning of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's life.

- Graduated: Indicates the completion of his basic education.
- Worked: Refers to his employment as a journalist.
- Wrote: Highlights his activity as a critical writer.
- Established: Marks the founding of Taman Siswa school.
- Died: Signals the end of his life
Adverbs of Time:

- Now: Used to refer to the present time ("These days, the part of the
- Once: Used to indicate a single occurrence in the past (, "He wrote several
critical columns once...").
- Finally: Used to mark the culmination of a process or sequence of events
("Finally, the three of them were sent away to Netherlands").
- Back: Used to indicate a return to a previous location or state ("In
September 1919, Ki Hadjar Dewantara back to his hometown").
- Still: Used to convey that something continues to be true in the present
( "This proverb is still used as the principle")
Introducing Ki hadjar Dewantara

Ki Hajar's life journey

The end of the life of the character Ki Hajar Dewantara
Soewardi Soerjaningrat or better known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara was born in Yogyakarta, May
2, 1889. He was born in a Javanese aristocracy, so he has nobility background. He was able to access
the colonial public education, a great school that the most common population in the Indies can not
access it. Ki Hadjar Dewantara graduated from basic education in ELS (Dutch Primary School). He
continued his education to STOVIA, a medical school for native students. But, he can’t graduated
because he was ill. Then, he worked as journalist for some newspaper such as: De Expres, Midden
Java, Kaoem Moeda, Oetoesan Indies, Poesara, Sediotomo, and Tjahaja Timur.
Not only active as a journalist, Ki Hadjar Dewantara also active in social and political
organizations. In 1908, he was active in Boedi Oetomo Organization. He also organized Boedi Oetomo
first congress in Yogyakarta. Later, Ki Hadjar Dewantara join the organization that established by his
colleague Ernest Douwes Dekker named Indische Partij. However, this organization was declined
when they wanted to register it because the Netherlands government thought it will raise the
nationalism in Indonesia.
In 1913, the Ducth East Indies government collected money to fund the centennial anniversary
of Dutch Independence from France back in 1813. This fund got negative reaction from pro-
independence nationalist including Ki Hadjar Dewantara. He wrote several critical columns in De
Expres newspaper on July 13, 1913. Because of his critical writing, he was sent away by Dutch
government to Bangka Island. His colleagues, Douwes Dekker and Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo
protested on his behalf and finally the three of them were sent away to Netherlands instead in 1913.
Then, these three pro-independence figure known as Tiga Serangkai.
In September 1919, Ki Hadjar Dewantara back to his hometown in Java. In July 1922, he
established a school named Taman Siswa in Yogyakarta, a Javanese educational movement that provide
education for indigenous people. Ki Hadjar Dewantara has a very famous proverb that described his
ideals for education. The proverb was in Javanese “Ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo mangun karso,
tut wuri handayani”, which translated “in front should give example, in the middle should raise the
spirit, behind should give encouragement’. This proverb is used as the principle of Taman Siswa. These
days, the part of the proverb, Tut Wuri Handayani is used as the motto of Indonesian Ministry of
After Indonesia reach its Independence, Ki Hadjar Dewantara was appointed as
Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture. In 1957, he received a honorary
doctorate from Gadjah Mada University. He died on April 26, 1959 in Yogyakarta. He
was buried in Taman Wijaya Brata cemetery. In recognition for his dedications on
pioneering public education in Indonesia, he was declared as the Father of Indonesian
National Education. His birth date is appointed as The National Education Day.
When and Where was Ki Hajar Dewantara born?

A.He was born in Yogyakarta, on May 3rd 1889

B. He was born in Yogyakarta, on May 2nd 1889
C.He was born in Yogyakarta, on May 1st 1889
D. He was born in Yogyakarta, on May 4th 1889
Why did Ki Hadjar Dewantara fail to graduate in STOVIA?

A.He failed to graduate because he left the STOVIA

B.He failed to graduate because of his illness.
C.He failed to graduate because of his laziness
D.He failed to graduate because he was very busy with his organization
What position was given by the Indonesian government to Ki Hajar
Dewantara after independence?

A.He was given the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs

B.He was given the office of Minister of Education and Culture
C.He was given the office of Minister of Religious Affairs
D.He was given the office of Minister of Home Affairs
1. B

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