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Cherry baked 24 pieces of chocolate cookies and 18 butter

cookies. If she will put them separately in boxes, what is the greatest
number of cookies that boxes will contain if these are of the same number?
(n+3)(n-3) = n – 9

Factors Product
Common Monomial Factor

Factoring Out the Polynomials

Factoring Difference of Two Squares

1. Find the GCF of the coefficient of all terms in the polynomial.
2. Find the GCF of the common variable of all terms in the polynomial.

Example 1: Example 2:
20x + 15 6x2 + 21x3
GCF(20,15) = 5 GCF(6,21) = 3
CMF= 5 GCF(x2, x3) =x2
CMF= 3x2
1. Find the GCF of the coefficient of all terms in the polynomial.
2. Find the GCF of the common variable of all terms in the polynomial.

Example 3: Example 4:
10cd2 + 25c3d2 10x2y3 z+ 15xy2

CMF = 5cd2 CMF = 5xy2

Let’s try!
1. x + x
5 7 3. 9x2y4z8 - 27xy3z4
GCM = x5 GCM = 9xy3z4

2. 12x3y - 16x6
GCM = 4x3
Factoring Out
1. The CMF of a polynomial is one of its factors.
2. To find the other factor, divide each term into the CMF.

Example 1:
2xy + 6yz

CMF = 2y

1. The CMF of a polynomial is one of its factors.
2. To find the other factor, divide each term into the CMF.

Example 2:
4x3y3 + 2x3y3 - 6x2y2

CMF = 2x2y2

(2x2y2) (2xy+xy-3)
1. The CMF of a polynomial is one of its factors.
2. To find the other factor, divide each term into the CMF.

Example 3:
5a4b3 + 15a5b6 - 20a4b3
CMF = 5a4b3

Let’s try!
1. 4x2y2 + 24xy6 3. 15x2y3 + 25x3y2
GCF = 4xy2
2. 4xy+20y2
GCF = 4y
Difference a –
2 b2

Two Squares
The factors of difference of two
squares are the sum and Example 1:
difference of two terms.

m2 – 9
The square root of the first term
will be the first term of each ( __ + __ ) ( __ - __ )

The square root of the second

term will be the second term of
each factor.
The factors of difference of two
squares are the sum and Example 2:
difference of two terms.

4y2 – 36y6
The square root of the first term
will be the first term of each ( __ + __ ) ( __ - __ )

The square root of the second

term will be the second term of
each factor.
The factors of difference of two
squares are the sum and Example 3:
difference of two terms.

4a2b6 – 16a6 b2
The square root of the first term
will be the first term of each
( ___ + ___ ) ( ___ - ___ )

The square root of the second

term will be the second term of
each factor.
Let’s Try!

1. x2 – 81 3. (x + y)2 – (x - y)2

2. 9a4b4 – 25p4q4
Factor out the following Polynomials.
1. 15n + 25 =
2. 2n2 + 8n8 =
3. t2 - 64 =
4. p2 - 36 =
5. 4x2y4 - 36x4y2 =
Factor out the following Polynomials.
1. 15n + 25 = (5)(3n+5)
2. 2n2 + 8n8 = (2n2)(4+n6)
3. t2 - 64 = (t+8)(t-8)
4. p2 - 36 = (p+6)(p-6)
5. 4x2y4 - 36x4y2 = (2xy2+6x2y) (2xy2-6x2y)

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