Gmha 603 #5-1

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GMHA 603

Healthcare Marketing

Adult Companion Bicycle

• Central Route:
• Characteristics: Businesses involved in B2B transactions for
specially-abled products often engage in a thorough decision-
making process. They consider technical specifications, product
durability, and the impact on their clients (the end-users).
• Approach: Utilize detailed product specifications, and case studies
showcasing successful integration into healthcare facilities or
rehabilitation programs, and highlight long-term cost-
effectiveness. Emphasize how the companion bicycle can enhance
the services provided by the B2B client.
• Peripheral Route:
• Characteristics: Relationships and trust play a crucial role in B2B
contexts. Decision-makers may rely on personal connections or the
reputation of the manufacturer when considering new products.
• Approach: Focus on building strong relationships through
personalized communication, testimonials from other B2B clients,
and highlighting the positive impact the companion bicycle has
had in similar business settings.
• Central Route:
• Characteristics: Consumers in the B2C market, especially those
seeking an adult companion bicycle for a specially-abled family
member, may engage in detailed information processing. They want
to ensure the product meets their specific needs.
• Approach: Provide comprehensive product information on the
website, including detailed specifications, safety features, and user
testimonials. Use content marketing to educate consumers on the
benefits and functionalities of the companion bicycle.
• Peripheral Route:
• Characteristics: Emotional appeal and ease of understanding are
essential in the B2C market. Consumers may be driven by a desire
to improve the quality of life for a family member with special
• Approach: Leverage emotional marketing through storytelling,
highlighting real-life experiences of families using the companion
bicycle. Use visually appealing and relatable content in
advertisements and social media to create a positive emotional
Marketing Promotional
• Push Model:
• Characteristics: In B2B transactions, where businesses may not
actively seek out companion bicycles for the specially-abled, a push
model is suitable. This is particularly relevant when awareness and
education about the product are crucial.
• Approach: Implement direct marketing efforts such as email
campaigns, industry-specific trade shows, and targeted outreach to
businesses in the healthcare and rehabilitation sectors. Provide
educational materials, and product demonstrations, and highlight the
potential benefits for their clients (the end-users).
• Pull Model:
• Characteristics: In situations where there's already awareness or
demand within B2B channels, a pull model can be applied. This is
suitable for businesses actively seeking information about adaptive
• Approach: Optimize the company's online presence through a user-
friendly website, search engine optimization (SEO), and online content
marketing. Encourage word-of-mouth referrals and testimonials from
satisfied B2B clients. Participate in industry forums and collaborate
Marketing Promotional
• Push Model:
• Characteristics: For B2C markets where there may be limited awareness
about adult companion bicycles for the specially-abled, a push model is
effective. This is particularly relevant when potential customers may not
actively seek out such products.
• Approach: Launch targeted advertising campaigns on social media
platforms, parenting forums, and disability-related websites. Collaborate
with healthcare professionals, rehabilitation centers, and support groups
to raise awareness. Offer limited-time promotions or discounts to
encourage initial adoption.
• Pull Model:
• Characteristics: In B2C markets where there's already awareness or
demand, a pull model can be applied. This is suitable for markets where
potential customers actively seek information about adaptive bicycles.
• Approach: Optimize the company's online presence, focusing on a user-
friendly website with detailed product information, customer reviews,
and testimonials. Leverage social media platforms for organic reach and
engagement. Implement content marketing strategies that highlight the
emotional and functional benefits of the companion bicycle for
individuals with special needs.
Promotional Methods Suggestions

Advertising: Utilize both online and offline advertising channels. Online platforms may include targeted social
media campaigns and banner ads on relevant websites. Offline methods could involve partnerships with healthcare
facilities, where brochures and posters can be displayed.

Community Engagement: Organize events or sponsorships at disability awareness programs, adaptive sports
events, or community gatherings. This will provide firsthand experiences and interactions with the product.

Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers in the healthcare and adaptive sports community. Their
testimonials and endorsements can significantly impact the target audience.

Educational Workshops: Conduct workshops in rehabilitation centers, physical therapy facilities, and other
relevant venues to educate healthcare professionals and potential users about the benefits and features of the
specially-abled companion bicycle.
Types of Advertising

Online Advertising: Google Ads, Social Media Ads (Facebook, Instagram), and Display
Ads on relevant websites targeting users with interests in adaptive sports and assistive

Online Media: Social media platforms, Google Ads, and targeted content on
disability-related websites.

Offline Advertising: Brochures and posters in healthcare facilities, specialized bike

shops, and community centers. Additionally, I participate in relevant trade shows and

Offline Media: Brochures in healthcare facilities, posters in community centers, and

participation in local events.

1. Marketing Donut. (n.d.). Marketing Essentials. Retrieved from

2. Smart Insights. (n.d.). Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Media Types. Retrieved from
3. Simply Psychology. (n.d.). Central Route to Persuasion. Retrieved from
4. Business Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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