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“Learning “
The Principles /Processes &
“ Psycho

Conceptual understanding of
Cognitive Processes
- Studying Cognition- Language use,Visual cognition
- Problem solving & Reasoning - Judging and decision making
- Intelligence Assessment
- Definition and Assessment
- Psychodynamic, Behaviorist, Humanistic Trait Theory
Social Psychology
- Social cognition
- Attitude and Group behaviors Social Influences and group
- Prejudice
- Interpersonal Attraction and loving
- Stress and Coping (Psychology of Health)

“Learning “and “Behavior “

What is “learning “
Learning is “a process that leads to change, which occurs
as a result of experience and increases the potential for
improved performance and future learning”
The students after these lectures will better
be able to understand how people learn better and are able to
retain and apply the” learning's” principles as and when they
are required to do so via the following processes channels
-” Cognitive Learning”
-” Observational Learning”
- “Classical Conditioning”
- “Operant Conditioning”
“ Learning”
Learning elaborated/explained :-
Learning is an experience ‘which cannot be measured ,
The emphasis thus is on ‘how’ we learn rather than ‘what
‘we learn,
Learning is aimed /concerned with ‘Bringing about
Changes in Attitude,
Changes in Behavior .
Acquisition of Skills through:-
- Direct experience by doing,
- Indirect experience through observation’.

‘Learning can only be observed through the changes in

Attitude and behavior that occur as result of the learning’
‘Learning ‘ & the Principles of learning
What is Learning process. Learning is defined
as “a process that leads to change, as a result of experience ,which
increases the potential for improved performance and future learning” (Ambrose
et al, 2010, p.3). The change
in the learner may happen/ reflect at the level of knowledge, attitude or behavior.
The ‘Learning principles “ are “guidelines “to the ways
in which people learn promptly ,and most effectively.
The principles hence are consciously applied for
acquiring of inducing the desirable, skill level ,or know how “ .
Specific ‘skill building’ program's include besides technical
skills ,“Attitude and ,Behavior” modification “Learning must be transferrable to the

The ‘ “Cognition “ process

What refers to ‘Cognition’ The’ meaning ‘

‘ Cognition’ can be defined as:-
‘The mental action or process of learning ,acquiring knowledge
through thought, experience, and the senses”. '
Cambridge interprets Cognition as the mental processes relating
to the input and storage of information and how that information
is then used to guide ones behavior.
The Learning process , advocates understanding behavior from a
cognitive basis involving the internal events (mediators) between
a stimulus and behavior.
Contrary to the biological approach, these internal events are
conceptual rather than physiological
‘ Principles of Learning ‘
What refers to Learning Principles?
‘Learning principles are The “Processes “derived from
“social learning theories “researched by behavioral scientists, and
are frequently phrased, presented in more simple specific terms
as the ‘Principles of learning’ The
principles are presented in five major categories:
Organization and Structure of Subject Matter, Motivation, Reward
and Reinforcement, Techniques of Instruction, and Transfer of
The Processes of learning’ therefore are closely aligned
with the “social learning theory “and consists of the following
The “Attentional “ “Retention “ and the “Reproduction process
“ Principles of Learning+
‘ The Processes’ stages”
The “Attentional “Processes
Humans learn from a model when they recognize and pay
attention, models that are attractive repeatedly available
after the model is no longer available
The “Retention “Processes
The models influence depends on how well the individual
remembers the models actions, even after the model is no
longer available
Motor “reproduction “processes
After observing the model the watching must be converted
to doing. Individual performs the modeled activities
“ Principles of Learning “
Learning is enhanced through the following
“Engaging more senses “that reinforce the learning process
learning's to be repeated frequently
The learning material, content to be meaningful
The training matches the demand of the job
Receiving learners information on the
training content and their progress

‘ Principles of Learning ‘
“ Learning Processes “ .Types
The three major types of learning processes ,
described by behavioral psychologists ,segmented
under the “Social learning theories” include are:-

-”Classical conditioning,
-”Operant conditioning, and

-”Observational learning.

‘ Principles of Learning ‘ “
Classical conditioning”

What refers to “Classical conditioning “

“The classical conditioning process involves
“Pairing a previously neutral stimulus
(such as the sound of a bell) with an
unconditioned stimulus (the taste of food).

“ This unconditioned stimulus naturally & automatically

triggers salivating as a response to the food, which is
known as the unconditioned response.”
‘ Principles of Learning ‘
“ Operant Conditioning”

What refers to “Operant learning”

Operant conditioning can be described as a learning
process whereby deliberate behaviors are reinforced
through consequences. .
“If the dog then gets better at sitting and staying that
way so to /in order to receive the food/treat,”

The process/act is a classical example of “operant

“Principles of Learning”
“Reinforcement “and ‘learning ’
“Practice “ & Learning
“Reinforcement increases the likely hood that the learned behavior
will be repeated . learning
should be facilitated by providing feedback enabling positive
Individuals will be motivated to exhibit the modeled behavior if
incentives or rewards are provided,
“Practice “ & Learning
Practice increases / enhances a learners performance Active
involvement through practice should be a part of the learning

“ Theories of Learning”
“ Theories of Learning”
The five major “perspectives” I or approaches n psychology are biological,
behavioral ,psychodynamic, cognitive and humanistic.
The three major” elements “of a theory are ’description’, ‘explanation’ and
The following prominent Learning theories that have influenced our ..learning
experience :

- The Cognitivism Theory

- The ‘Social ‘Learning theory Behaviorism,

- Constructivism,
- Humanistic and
- Experiential
Theories of Learning
The ‘Cognitive Theory’
The Cognitive Learning Theory uses metacognition—
“thinking about thinking”—to understand how thought processes influence
It's often contrasted against complemented by Behavioral Learning
Theory, which focuses on the outside/ environment's influences on learning.
Cognitive learning helps one to learn more explicitly by giving you
exceptional insight into the subject and how it relates to your work now and
‘A learner is driven by his or her purpose or intentions ‘
‘According to this theory its contended that an individuals
purposes or intentions, directs his or her actions', towards
“ Theories of Learning”
The ‘Social ‘Learning theory

The current universal approach in practice contends that

Social learning theory is :a blend of both the
“Cognitive” and
“Environmental” views /theories;
The Social learning theory further acknowledges that:
‘ We learn by observing what happens to other people
just by being told about ‘
‘We also learn as well as with the assistance / help through
Direct (First hand) experience-or through

“Theories of Learning”
The ‘Environmental perspective’

‘ The proponents According to this school of thought

contend and propose that

“The individual is acted upon and his or her behavior

Is a function/ as a result of the :

The ‘External environmental and

The Consequences’

Principles of Learning
‘The Learning curve’
What is a learning curve ?
A learning curve is a phenomenal reality
Learning begins rapidly accelerates then stabilizes or
The learning rate can be expressed as a Curve that
usually begins with a sharp rise
Then increases at a decreasing rate until a plateau is
reached. Or simply that
Learning is very fast in the beginning but then static
as opportunities for improvement are reduced or
seemingly dry up

-The Learning Curve

What the 'Learning Curve‘ reflects ?
The learning curve was first described by psychologist
Hermann Ebbinghaus in 1885 and is used as a way to
measure production efficiency and to forecast costs.
A learning curve is a concept that graphically depicts the
relationship between the cost and output over a defined
period of time, normally to represent the repetitive task of
an employee or worker.
When the learning activity is plotted against the
Training programs conducted, the Learning results can be
observed through the Learning curve
Learning begins rapidly then plateaus/flats

Learning Theories ,
The applications
“Training programs” in organizations are a learning experience
which seek/,aim to inculcate a relatively “permanent change” in
an individual so as to improve ,enhance output or the ability to
perform .

The Human resource management , devise /designed such

programs to evaluate & conduct these ‘training and or
‘workforce development ‘options at the ,individual & collective level .
The exercise addresses the Present needs with a focus on
the incumbent individuals assigned jobs as per the organizational
mission & vision
“ Learning: Motivation”

‘learning and motivation’

When the ‘desire exists’ ,the learner will exert high level of
efforts ,thus learning is enhanced when the learner is motivated.
An individual
desires the security and fulfillment that comes from being a
skilled individual is more likely to be highly motivated to learn and
Feedback & Learning
Feedback or knowledge of results is necessary for the
learner ,enabling simultaneous correction or repetition
What is ‘Knowing-Doing Gap’

Pfeffer and Sutton published their work in 2000 namely

The Knowing-Doing Gap”:which can be simply explained as the” disconnect between
knowledge and action”.
Companies are confronted with a critical t challenge of turning knowledge into
performance. people in organizations know and what they actually implement in their practice.
. The knowing-doing gap can often be traced to a basic human propensity: the willingness to
let talk substitute for action.

When confronted with a problem, people act as though discussing it, The authors further
defined the Knowing-Doing gap as: “The challenge of turning knowledge about how to
enhance organizational performance into actions consistent with that knowledge.” Learning
must be transferrable to the job

Revisit Learning objectives

Q/A Discussion

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