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Week 5: Quarter 3

Analyze literature as a mirror to a

shared heritage of people with
diverse backgrounds.
Have you ever experienced
being betrayed?
Who are those persons
whom you have leaned on
after such bitter experience?
• The story was written by MAHARSHI
VALMIKI, a Hindu sage who lived around
the beginning of the first millennium B.C.
He is referred to as the 'adikavi', the original
creator of the Hindu 'sloka' - a verse form in
which most of the great epics such as
Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, and
other works are composed.

The RAMAYANA is an ancient Sanskrit

comprising of 24,000 verses in seven
cantos. The epic contains the teachings of
the very ancient Hindu sages. It is one of
the most important literary works of ancient
India which greatly influenced art and
culture in the Indian subcontinent and
South-East Asia.
The Artists-
GROUP Sketch the image
The Music Directors-
Think of a song which
you think is
ACTIVI appropriate for the
is fitted to be the
soundtrack of the
story. Sing it before the
TY characters of Rama
and Ravana. class.

The Interpretative
The Poets- The Theater Actors- Dancers- Express your
Perform a poem Have a role play of your feelings and emotions
Sita might be most favorite part of the toward the theme or
dedicating to Rama. story. message of the story
through a dance

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