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Recognize the three To cite real-life Create a graphic

OBE`s synergistic situations that show organizer to illustrate
Pillars of Power: appreciation of the
Paradigm, Premises, and OBE`s Pillars of
importance of OBE
Purposes in classroom Power
1. Show respect to your teachers and
2. Raise your hand if you want to speak or
3. Listen to others and participate in class
4. Let’s all do our best.
Question #1
Who among the class can
tell me what we have
discussed last meeting?
Question #2
Who can give us a short
summary of our last
discussion about (topic of
previous demonstrator)?
Quote Brainstorming

“If Everything is Your Priority, Then

- William Spady
1.Do you agree or disagree with the message in the quote?

2.How does this quote make you feel?

3.Reflecting on your high school education, which do you

think is the priority?

a.All the lessons in the book should be delivered.

b.All the students should understand the content.

― Irene M. Pepperberg
The strength, credibility, and impact of OBE’s
‘Success for All Learners’ Philosophy rest on
the integrity of four tightly integrated,
synergistic Pillars of Power. They’re known as:
OBE’s Paradigm Priority
OBE’s Two Empowering Purposes
OBE’s Three Underlying Premises
Here, succinctly, is how they work
together to creatively strengthen and
expand all four Conditions of Success.
A. OBE’s Paradigm
Priority makes
• What and Whether students learn
successfully more important than
When and How schools schedule and
provide instruction and assessments.
In order for this to make sense, you may
have to let go of everything you understand about
education’s conventional selection-oriented,
numbers-driven system of assessment, grading, and
awarding credit.
OBE’s approach is NOT about numbers, scores,
points, percents, grades averaging and ranks
OBE’s Paradigm Shift from Time-Based Education
In ‘educentric’ education, people claim that that
‘something’ is the curriculum, but the combination of
clock, schedule, and calendar overrides it. Education
Bases its operations on time blocks of various lengths,
and everything else follows that schedule making
education Time-Based.
Although it may be difficult to comprehend at
first, becoming Outcome Based is a stunning
shift to a new ZERO in which your institution’s
programs are Defined by, Focused on, Designed
around, and Organized around how well students
are learning and ultimately demonstrating what
you’ve defined as your instructional mission –
your Outcomes
Although it may be difficult to comprehend at
first, becoming Outcome Based is a stunning
shift to a new ZERO in which your institution’s
programs are Defined by, Focused on, Designed
around, and Organized around how well students
are learning and ultimately demonstrating what
you’ve defined as your instructional mission –
your Outcomes
CSU`s Quality Policy
B. OBE’s Two Empowering,
Future-Focused Purposes
commit educators to:
1.Maximize the ‘Conditions of Success’ for all

Condition 1: Outcomes of Significance – not just

knowing and understanding but to be able to
Condition 2: OBE’s ‘Success for All Learners’
Philosophy - OBE practitioners want ALL learners
to learn well and to be treated as successful human
beings. Therefore, they decisively act accordingly.
Condition 3: OBE’s Foundation of Criterion-Defined
Standards - performance credentials are defined by
specified sets of things you must do accurately, reliably,
fully, and with quality in order to attain that level of
designated accomplishment.

Condition 4: OBE’s Paradigm Shift from Time-Based

Education - Organizational functions are Defined by,
Focused on, Designed around, and Organized around
2. To send fully equipped and
empowered graduates into the world.
CSU`s Vision, Mission, and Quality
Policies are the examples
C. OBE’s Three Underlying
Premises express educators’
beliefs that
1.All students can learn and succeed (but not
on the same day in the same way) - this
premise asserts the belief that every student has
the potential to learn and be successful,
recognizing individual differences in learning
styles and paces.
2. Success breeds success (just like failure breeds
failure) - this premise underscores the idea that when
students experience success, it can motivate and
empower them to continue learning and achieving. On
the other hand, repeated failure can lead to
disengagement and a lack of motivation. Therefore,
educators should strive to create an environment
where students can experience success, fostering a
positive cycle of learning and achievement
“An OBE curriculum means starting
with a clear picture of what is
important for students to be able to do,
then organizing the curriculum,
instruction, and assessment to make
sure this learning ultimately happens”.
– William Spady (1994).
1.The class will be grouped into three.
2.Form a circle with your group.
3.The PSTs will provide each group a marker and
cartolina paper.

4.Each group will be given 5 minutes to accomplish

the task
1. With your group, create a graphic organizer
Group 1: OBE’s Paradigm Priority
Group 2: OBE’s Two Empowering Purposes
Group 3: OBE’s Three Underlying Premises
2. Select a maximum of three representative to
discuss your group`s output
OBE`s Pillars of Power
- Paradigm shift.
- What and Whether students learn
successfully more important than When and
How schools schedule and provide
instruction and assessments.
- Maximize the ‘Conditions of
Success’ for all learners.
- To send fully equipped and
empowered graduates into the world
- All students can learn and succeed (but not
on the same day in the same way).
- Success breeds success (just like failure
breeds failure).
- Schools control the ‘Conditions of Success’
(and can expand them if they choose).

1. Get ¼ sheet of paper.

2. Read and answer the flashed
questions on the screen.
1. OBE’s Approach give a dipper appreciation on the
essence on time management.

2. In Department of Education Teachers Focuses on

OBE’s Approach learning.

3. The “Condition of Success” is the only Future-

Purpose that OBE’s Approach to Learners.
4. The paradigm of OBE’s Approach
give more emphasis on the how and
Whether in learnings.

5. OBE’s Approach only focus on the

1. What is/ are the OBE’s Paradigm Priority?
A) Student-centered learning and application
B.Outcome-driven approach
C) Collaborative and experiential learning
D) Holistic development and lifelong learning

2. What characteristic should Educators have in the OBE’s

A) Flexibility and adaptability
B. Facilitation and guidance skills
C) Clear communication and feedback
D) Assessment and evaluation expertise
3. As a Future Educator, how would you successfully equip yourself to be an OBE’s
Approach Educator?
A) Continuous professional development and learning
B. Collaborating with other educators and experts
C) Incorporating technology and innovative teaching methods
D) Reflecting on teaching practices and making improvements

4. Would students be able to learn the whole preferred topic within a specific time
period in OBE’s Approach?
A) Yes, as long as the learning outcomes are clearly defined and achievable.
B. No, it depends on the complexity of the topic and individual student’s pace of
C) No answer
D) Both C and D
5. How does OBE’s Approach differ from the Time-Based
Approach to learning?

A) OBE focuses on specific learning outcomes, while the Time-

Based Approach follows a fixed curriculum.
B.OBE emphasizes application and real-world relevance, while
the Time-Based Approach focuses on content delivery.
C) OBE promotes student-centered learning, while the Time-
Based Approach relies on teacher-centered instruction.
D) OBE allows for flexibility and personalized learning, while
the Time-Based Approach follows a rigid schedule.
Read in advance about our next topic: OBE
Framework and Legal Bases on OBE

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