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Alexander The Great

By Mustafa Shammout
Important Concepts:
• Know about the birth of Alexander
• Understand the map of his empire
 Asia Minor
 Levant
 Egypt
 Assyria and Babylonia
 Persia
• The fall of Alexander's empire
• Know about the death of Alexander
Timeline of Alexander's Life
356 BC 333 - 334 BC 324 BC
Conquering of
332 BC 331 BC
Alexander Troops
Asia Minor Conquering Conquering
the Great is mutiny at
of Egypt of
born. Opis

323 B.C

356 B.C

334 BC 332 - 333 BC 331 BC 327 BC 323 BC

Conquering Conquering of Foundation of The Beginning The Death of
of Persia Levant Alexandria of the Indian Alexander
and Quest the Great
conquering of
The birth of Alexander:
• Alexander III was born on July 20,
356 BC in the kingdom of Macedonia.
• He was born in Pella, which was the
capital city, to the king of Macedon
Phillip II, and his fourth wife,
• As a young child, he was raised and
tutored by the best of the best. He
learned how to read, write, ride, fight,
and hunt. His father knew right
away that he would be his successor.
• In winter 334–333 Alexander
conquered western Asia Minor,
subduing the hill tribes
of Lycia and Pisidia, and in spring 333
he advanced along the coastal road
to Perga, passing the cliffs of Mount
Climax, thanks to a fortunate change of
• Next, Alexander found Darius drawn up
along the Pinarus River. In
the battle that followed, Alexander
won a decisive victory.
• In spring 333 BC, Alexander crossed
the Taurus into Cilicia. After a long pause
due to an illness, he marched on towards
• Alexander proceeded to take possession
of Syria, and most of the coast of
the Levant. In the following year, 332 BC,
he was forced to attack Tyre, which he
captured after a long and difficult siege.
• The men of military age were massacred,
and the women and children sold
into slavery.
• Egypt was only one of a large
number of territories taken by
Alexander from the Persians. After
his trip to Siwa, Alexander was
crowned in the temple of Ptah at
• During his stay in Egypt, he
founded Alexandria, which would
become the prosperous capital of
the Ptolemaic Kingdom after his
• Leaving Egypt in 331 BC, Alexander
marched eastward into
Achaemenid Assyria in
Upper Mesopotamia (now northern
Iraq) and defeated Darius again at
the Battle of Gaugamela.
• During that time, these empires
were the origins of civilization and
were very important and great
• The fact that Alexander the great of
Macedonia took over them shows
• From Babylon, Alexander went to Susa
and captured its treasury. He sent the
bulk of his army to the Persian
ceremonial capital of Persepolis.
• Alexander himself took selected troops
on the direct route to the city. He then
stormed the pass of the Persian Gates
which had been blocked by a Persian
army and then hurried to Persepolis
before its garrison could loot the
• That marked Alexander's conquering of

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