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Capstone Project

Name : Dorran Selwyn Rajkumar

Task 1: Target Audience and Your Consumer
Task 1
a) Define the target audience for Uber
● Demographics:

1) Age: It would be advantageous to target a demographic that includes young adults

and working professionals.Since they are more likely to use ride-hailing services like
Uber and Uber Eats for food delivery, This may include people in the age range of 18
to 45.
2) Location: It would be wise to concentrate on urban and semi-urban areas where Uber
services are accessible and cricket is a popular sport. The main targets would be the
major cities and areas having higher crase for the World Cup matches.
3) Income Level: Although Uber's services are reasonably priced, focusing on middle-
class to upper-class individuals would increase the possibility that they will use Uber
Drive and Uber Eats.
4) Gender: Uber may want to consider customising marketing messages to appeal to
both male and female audiences.
b) Consumer Persona
Place: Chennai Pain Points:
Profession: IT Professional
Time Constraints: Harish demanding
job often leaves him with little time for
<Photo> himself. He values services that save
Interest & Hobbies: his time and simplify his daily
Cricket Enthusiast: Harish is a passionate routines.
cricket fan who loves to watch matches,
particularly during big competitions like Traffic Hassles: Dealing with
the ICC World Cup. He keeps up with the Chennai’s notorious traffic congestion
most recent cricket news and frequently adds stress to Harish’s daily
Name: Harish goes to matches and Live Screening with commute. He appreciates services
friends or family. which gives a affordable and comfort
Age: 26
Foodie: Harish enjoys trying out different
restaurants and cuisines, but his hectic Balancing Work and Personal Life:
schedule occasionally prevents him from Finding a balance between his career
Preferred Mode of going out to eat. He enjoys having and personal life is a challenge for
Transport: Cabs and restaurant-caliber meals at home or at Harish. As he lives alone he spends a
Common Transport work, But he doesn’t choose it often lot of time in cooking in the after hours
because they charge more for delivery. which kills quality time with his loved
● Psychographics:

1) Lifestyle: It would be great to target people who lead active lives and love going to
events, watching cricket, and interacting with others. This could include casual fans who
are likely to watch or families who binge watch World Cup matches as well as cricket
2) Tech-Savviness: The main emphasis would be on people who are at ease utilizing cell
phones and mobile apps for a variety of tasks, such as ordering takeout,traveling and
watch live cricket in streaming services.
3) Convenience Seekers: Ordering food through Uber Eats for a flawless dining experience
while watching matches would appeal to people who value convenience and time-saving
solutions and special discounts can be availed on Uber Rides in light of World Cup
season will pull more engagement from the targeted audience.
4) Social Influence: Since word-of-mouth recommendations and social media buzz about
the partnership could increase awareness and engagement, individuals who are
influenced by social trends and peer recommendations could be targeted.

Task 2: Competition
Task 2
a) Identify top competitors of Uber in the assigned market

● Ola Cabs
○ Ola has a larger market share than Uber in India. Ola now has a 59% market share, while Uber had a 41%
market share. Ola is often called the "Uber of India".
● Lyft (international competitor in certain markets)
○ Lyft is a major competitor of Uber, started its business operations in 2012; and it has spread its market in
different cities of the US, Canada, Puerto Rico and roundabout 644 cities across the world.
b) Identify the target market for each competitor brand

● Ola Cabs: Similar to Uber, targets urban and semi-urban commuters in India.
● Lyft: Targets commuters in international markets such as the United States and Canada.
c) SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
Global presence
, brand recognition Competition from local players,
diverse service offerings (e.g.,
UberX, UberPool), user-friendly app S W occasional controversies related
to safety and regulatory issues.

Opportunities Threats
Expansion into new markets, O T Regulatory challenges,
integration of innovative technologies emergence of new competitors,
(e.g., autonomous vehicles), economic downturn impacting
diversification into related services. consumer spending.
Task 3: Choosing Digital Marketing Channels
Task 33a.Choose the digital marketing channels you want to use. Define the social
Choose the digital marketing channels that you want to use (at least 6), identify the objective
for channels
each one separately
of them and then specify the reason you have chosen this channel mix.

Digital Marketing Channels Objectives

1.YOUTUBE VIDEO -PAID-TOFU Promotion of campaign video. To build awareness. ● Youtube & Meta to be used for top of the funnel
KPI Video Views awareness using brand film.

● Meta has been introduced to ensure the reach

2.META VIDEO- TOFU To use brand film to achieve Reach ( R& F Campaign) targets are met.
KPI -Reach

● Instagram post to be promoted for engagement.

3.Instagram- Engagement Campaign-PAID (MOFU)- Use static assets to promote the campaign- Reach & Helps in more posting actively engaging with
Influencer videos to be also used. Engagement posts.( Static & video Posts to be used- reels to
KPI : Engagement ( likes comment share) be more effective- influencer video)

● Programmatic campaign done to drive traffic to

uber landing page with more details on the
4.Programmatic AD Placement(Inmobi etc)-Static Asset to Traffic campaign Landing to Campaign landing page. campaign. ( High impression to be delivered.)
be used as banners etc. ( to promote App download CTA) (mobile) Buy type to CPV.
Traffic campaign to Landing page( MOFU ) - Targeted to
mobiles users KPI: Website Visits. ( Traffic)
● Instagram & Meta posts to be used to engage
existing followers of the Uber page on instagram.

5..Instagram-Owned (posts)-MOFU ( unpaid) Use static assets to promote the campaign- Reach & This will help is achieving share and liking.Thus
Engagement increasing reach of the posts. (earned media)
KPI : Engagement ( likes comment share)
● PR to be maximised by trying to getting
published in more relevant news posts and
6 PR- Earned Media (unpaid)
Campaign articles to be published and covered by top
media online & offline news houses.
Task 4: Content Ideas & Calendar
Task 4
Define the content themes/idea you would like to use for each channel ( at least
one per channel), the content formats for each channel ( at least one per channel)
and then define the KPIs of each channel.
Overview : Harish a college student spends all his saving s on an ICC CWC match ticket but is late on the day of
match. Running late his friend tells him about Uber and their fast service and exclusive coupons. Excited by the
Idea Nikhil immediately clicks and fills the details to be with Uber ands experience their best in class service.

Channel Content Content KPIs

Theme/Idea Formats

1.Youtube Harish’s journey Video (Ads and Impressions/

from start to end Shorts) Views,
in different engagement rate
launch, launch
and post-launch)

2.Instagram Same story but Video Views,Engagem

Reels curated in time ent rate
Channel Content Content KPIs
Theme/Idea Formats

3.Facebook Harish and CWC Post Views,engageme

(Progresses with nt rate
the story
according to the
timeline of

4. X (Twitter) Polls and posts Polls, Image Engagement

on cricket Rate, views

5.Countdown on Countdown to Text CTR, click rate,

Google Search world cup impressions

6.Countdown on Countdown to Image CTR, click rate,

Google Display world cup with impressions
Ads Campaign ad

7.Email Promotional Text and Image Open rate, CTR,

Offers/Coupan bounce rate,
Codes delivery rate,
forward rate
d).Create a content calendar for the campaign - pre launch, launch and post

Please Click Here to access the content calendar

Pre Launch Launch Post Launch
e).Mention which brands/influencers Uber can collaborate with for increasing
awareness and consideration for their brand (mention at least 2)

1. Brand :
● Zomato/Swiggy : Partner with these brands to provide exclusive discounts on their
dine in facility if the ride is booked through Uber
● MakemyTrip : Provide exclusive discounts to people travelling inter cities if the
ride is booked through Uber
2. Influencers :
● Tanmay Bhatt : He is quite involved in cricket avenue and has a wide reach to
younger and middle aged audiences alike.
● Flying Beast : One of the most famous influencers who has transitioned to quite a
lot of fields, has an immense following of intellectual working class people who are
in the target audience.

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