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Video Editor

What is the job role of a video editor?

• The job role of a video editor is to take footage recorded for any particular project and adjust it for the liking of a consumer. Editors manage
a variety of material such as speech, sound, effects, background music and more. This is a key role in the post production phase of a project
as it is up to a video editor to deliver on the final product.

• Why do they need these skills?

• Video editors need these skills as it can define the success of a particular project. If not for video editors the footage that the camera crew
attain is close to useless as it is not ready for consumers so therefore the role of a video editor is arguably the most important and requires
the most amount of technical ability.
What qualifications does a video editor need?
• There are several ways of becoming a video editor and there is not one set route. There are
many courses you could do at collage level such as a level three diploma in creative media
production, T levels in media broadcast and production and level four national diploma or
certificate or diploma in creative media production.

• If you choose to take further education you can get undergraduate and master's degrees in
film studies, video production or another similar course. This can be good for students who
are more academic and enjoy the film industry and would want to get into editing.
Media analyst
What is the job of a media analyst?
the job of a media analyst is to spot media trends to ensure their respective companies have a competitive advantage of Being on top of trends.
What skills do they need?

Why do they need these skills

What qualifications do they need?

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