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e t o
l c o m
W our
o n!
t a t i
s e n
pr e
Across and Over are used to talk about a
position on the other side of, or moving to
the other side of a road, bridge, border,

Antonio lives
in the house
across/over the
road from ours.
The first flight was across/over the

Once he was across/over the border,

he knew he would be dangerous.
1. Above or higher than
something, without touching.
A lamp hung over the table. We watched a helicopter flying low
over the harbour.
2. On something or covering it.
Mind you don’t spill
coffee over my best
She wore a large jacket over her sweater. tablecloth.
3. From one side of something
to the other side of it.
The deer is jumping
over the fence.
My house has a magnificient view
over the bay.
4. More than a particular
number, amount or level.

The Japanese
were producing
over 100 million
tons of steel.
5. If you are over an illness
or a bad experience or
situation, you are no longer
affected by it.
Diana has never got over the shock of her
mother’s death.
Kotia had a fever last night,but she seems to
be over it now.
6. During a period of time

 Will you be home over the summer

Jun worked for that company over a
period of 10 years,didn’t he?
7. Concerning about a particular
subject, person, or thing.

Tim is having
problems over
his income tax.
8. Using something such as a
telephone or radio.
I heard the news over the radio.
My boss hates talking about this
matter over the telephone.
9. In many parts of a particular
place,organization, or thing.
Scientists from all over
Though they said they had
the world gather here.
cleaned up, there were
bottles and glasses all over
the floor.
10. Making a sound louder
than another sound.

“What??” Jane
yelled over the
noise of the engine
and the wind.
1. Towards someone or something on
the other side of an area.

 My boyfriend walked across to There’s Jack.Why don’t you go

where I was sitting. across and say hello?
2. Something exists or reaches from
one side of an area to the other.
The only bridge across this river.
Someone’s parked right across the
entrance to the driveway.
3. In every part of a
country,organization, etc.
Teacher are expected to teach a range of A TV series that became popular
subjects right across the curriculum. across five continents.
 We prefer "all over" to mean "to or in
many different parts of an area".
 We commonly use across, or right
across for emphasis.
The disease has now spread all over the
world (or .... (right) across the world).
4.From one side of something to
the other.(=over)
The first flight across the
Atlantic. We gazed across the valley.
5. Show how wide something is
(Ten feet/nine metres,... + across)

Lake Hillier is about 5 kilometres across.

Complete the sentences with across or over. If
both are possible, write across/over.
1. After I'd finished work I walked ............
the car park to where Mona was waiting.
2. The gate was locked so we had to
over the wall.
• Julie Wafaei was the first woman to row
alone ...............the Atlantic.
4. The traffic was busy on the main road so
across the pedestrian crossing.
we walked .............

across/over the
5. They own a house ......................
river in the old town.

across the
6. You're not allowed to walk .............
railway line. You have to use the bridge.
1. Movement from one side or
end of the space to the other.
She walked through the
Water will be pumped forest to get to her
through a pipe. grandmother's house.
2. Movement in a three dimensional
space, with things all around

He pushed his way through the crowd of people to

get to her.
3. Cutting or breaking
something, or making a hole
from one side of it to the other.

The bullet passed straight through his skull.

4. Past a place where you
are supposed to stop.

Jim drove straight through a red light.

5. During and to the end
of a period of time.

The cold weather

continued (all) through
the spring.
6. From the beginning to the
end of a process or experience.

The book guides

you through the
whole procedure of
buying a house.
7. Because of something.

How many
working days
were lost through
sickness last year?
8. By means of a particular
method, service, person, etc.
 I heard about that rumor through a
My mother got her first job through an
employment agency.
9. Connected to someone
by telephone.
Please hold the line
and I’ll put you
I tried phoning
you,but I couldn’t
get through.
1. From one place on something such
as a line, road, or edge towards the
other end of it.

He walked along the

footpath until he came
to a small bridge.
2. Forming a line beside
something long.

There were cheering

crowds all along
Main Street.
3. A particular distance away, on
or beside something long.
The bathroom is just along (= a short
Grandma’s house was about two hundred distance) the corridor.
yards away along the main street.
4. During a process or experience,
or during someone’s life.

I’ve been lucky,

but I’ve had my
share of heartbreak
along the way.
• One thing is at a higher level than another.
Ex: Above/Over the door was a sign saying,
“Mind your head”.
1/ One thing is not directly 1/One thing is directly over
over the other. the other.
Mary lived in a beautiful The bird hovered just a few
village in the mountains above metres over the lake
the lake.
2/ Something covers
something else and touches it.
She put a quilt over the bed.

3/ Horizontal movement at a
higher level than something.
I saw the helicopter fly out
over the water
• Below is the opposite of above.
• Under is the opposite of over.
 At a lower level.
1. Not directly under 1. Something is covered
Her head was below the by something else
level of the table so She hid the presents
nobody noticed her. under the blanket.

2. Horizontal movement
at a lower level than
Zara ran under the
 We can use underneath as an alternative
to under as a preposition of place.

 Beneath is sometimes used as a more

formal alternative to under or below.
Lisa enjoyed feeling the warm sand
beneath her feet.
Her blonde hair was hidden underneath a
basketball cap.

“three or
“two” more”

 I can’t decide between wine  I have to choose among four

and beer. schools.
 Please keep the secret just  He stood among all his
between you and me. friends at the party and felt
very happy.
The Nobel War
prize will be shared
these warlike men.

We can use either

“AMONG” to talk
about something
devided or shared
between people.
***RULE 3: Calm down! Don’t be insane !!!

_Talk about comparisons _Mean “existing or
and relationships. happening in a
Ex: There's a strong link between particular group”.
drinking water and reduce infant Ex: Their music is still very
mortality. popular among teenagers.

_Talk about choices. _Mean “included in a

Ex: I have to choose between my particular group”.
love, my life and my family. Ex: Among the capital cities of
South America, Quito is the second
Notes: NEED TO

Also: association, comparison,

connection, contrast, correlation,
difference, distinction, relationship.
_Talk about decisions or
the results of discussions
when we specify the two
or more people or groups
Ex: The treaty was signed between
Great Britain and France.
_People or things share an
amount of something.
Ex: Last year the three companies
built 30,000 houses between them.
***RULE 4:
In the phrases among others and among
other things, among means ‘as well as’ :
Her parents, among others, were worried
about her travelling alone. (= other parents,
I later found out that he had been a carpenter
and a plumber, among other things. (= he had
had other jobs, too)
1. She was standing …………Mary and Peter.
between among
2. The monastery is hidden………… the trees.
between among
3. Our house is ………the woods, the river and the village.
between among
4. He couldn’t find a microphone……..all the recording
equipment he had with him.
between among
5. There is something ………….the wheels of the car.
between among
6. He divided the money ………… his wife, his daughter
and his son.
between among
between amateur
7. The distinction………………….....and professional athletes
is becoming less clear. (amateur)

between cooking
8. Given a choice…………………..and washing up, I know
which I’d prefer to do. (cooking)

between the striking dockers

9. Late last night the talks………………………………..and
their employers broke down. (the striking dockers)

among my closest friends so I’ll invite

10. Luka and Ivan are………………………….....,
them to the wedding, of course. (my closest friends)

11. When Malik died, his daughter inherited the house and the
rest of his money was split……………………………………...
between/among his remaining relatives
(his remaining relatives)

 during  until
 in  up to
 over  by
 throughout




A period of time within which
an event or activity occurs

During and In
A period of time within which
an event or activity occurs


1. An activity/event is repeated many
She suffered a lot of pressure during/in
the course.

I hurt myself many times during/in

my training.
2. An activity may continue
for the whole of the period:
(From the beginning to the end)
We stayed at my grandma’s house during/in
the weekend.

 She slept during/in the History lesson.

3. An activity/event may happen at
some time of the period:
(Not from the beginning to the end, just
happens at some point of the period)
I went to Nha Trang during/in the summer.

My friend, Alan, broke his leg during/in the football

match on Thursday.
* Note: Before nouns such as:
Illnesss, holiday,
meal, stay, treatment, and the phrase
“the whole (of)”
visit, etc...
 We use “during” , not “in”
In this situation, “during” means “at some time of the period”
I went to Hawaii during
my holiday. (not in)
Noone was allowed to use the mobiles
during the whole of the flight.
THROUGHOUT (similar to “during”)

Something happens over the


whole of a period of time.

She stayed by his side throughout his long illness.
Fred's mood remained somber throughout the meal.
OVER Something goes on
or for a length of time
within the period
Some time of the period
The whole of the period
I was in Seattle over the summer

Shall we discuss it over lunch?

A short event happens within a period of time


Ex: She sneezed during the performance.

During a pause in the conversation, she left the room.

90.1> In which of the sentences can the word in brackets
replace during? Write Y (Yes) if it can replace it and N (No) if
it can’t
1. I’m going to get a cup of coffee during the break. (in) Y
2. She lost more than 15 kilos during her illness and she
was off work for two months. (in) N
3. He twisted his ankle during the match and had to retire
injured. (over) N
4. The weather was terrible here during December.(in) Y
5.The meeting will be sometime during January.(over) N
6. People no longer expect to be employed in the same place
during the whole of their working lives.(in) N


Up to

Some thing continued

for some
time stops

Both until and by indicate “any
time before, but not later than.”

We have to be at home until 5 o’clock.
(We must not leave home before 5 o’clock)

We have to be at home by 5 o’clock.

( We must get home before 5 o’clock)
Something continued or
UNTIL (or informally till)
will continue to a
particular time.
They lived in a small house until
September 2003.

I will be away until Wednesday.

 Until tells us how long a situation continues.

We also use until in negative sentences

Details will not be available until January.
Something happened or will
BY happen either before a
particular time or at that time
the latest.
Fred will be back by Monday.
I’ll have finished my work by 11.30.

NOTE By is often used to indicate a deadline.

You have to hand in the essay by August 31.
**UNTIL & BY**
Until By
If something happens If something happens
until a particular by a particular time,
time, you stop doing it happens at or
it at that time. before that time.
Ex: Ex:
Alan came yesterday. I'll have gotten my
He will stay with us until degree in English by next
the weekend. year.
Until now can be used to talk about a
situation that will not continue beyond
Until now, no all-woman team has won the
Up to (or up till):
 Can be used in informal contexts, instead
of until.
 Commonly used with “now” and “then”.
 “Up to now, I think we still can manage this
problem.”- he said.
 Up to then I had never seen such a fat man.
*However, until now now can’t be
used for a situation that will or may
continue into the future
Ex: It was certainly the best match of the footbal season
so far
until now
to date
(In the future, it may still be the best match)
 We use so far, or to date (more formal).

This novel is his best work to date.
90.2/Complete the pairs of sentences
with by and until. Use by in one
sentence and until in the other.
1. a.I was feeling really hungry…………….the time
dinner was served.
b.We sat around the fire talkling…………….the
time dinner was served.
2.a.Sorry I’m late. I’ve been in meeting
b.I thought Lars would be here ………now.

3.a.I’ve got to pay the money back………….the

end of the month.
b.I’ve got ……………….. the end of the month
to pay the money back.
4.a.I put on an extrta pair of socks ……………. then my feet
were freezing cold.
b. I stood outside the cinema for an hour.
…………………….then my feet were freezing cold.
5.a.She was already a leading economist……………….her
early twenties.
b.She studied economics………………her early twentiesx
and then moved to law.
6.a.I hope to finish the decorating…………..the weekend.
b.It will take me……………..the weekend to finish the
90.2/ Complete the pairs of sentences with by and until.
Use by in one sentence and until in the other.

1. a.I was feeling really hungry……by….the time

dinner was served.
b.We sat around the fire talking…until....the
time dinner was served.
2.a.Sorry I’m late. I’ve been in meeting
b.I thought Lars would be her …by…now.
3.a.I’ve got to pay the money back…by….the end
of the month.
b.I’ve got ……until………. the end of the month
to pay the money back.

4.a.I put on an extrta pair of socks …until… then

my feet were freezing cold.
b. I stood outside the cinema for an hour. ………
by……….then my feet were freezing cold.
5.a.She was already a leading economist……
by…….her early twenties.
b.She studied economics……until…………her
early twenties and then moved to law.

6.a.I hope to finish the decorating……by…….the

b.It will take me…until…..the weekend to finish the
**Complete thes sentences using until now, so far, to date:

Until now
1. ……………..I thought Rome was the most beautiful city, but
I think Amsterdam is even more wonderful .
So far
2. ................. we've earned a lot from selling fruits in the market.

to date
3. Literacy critics suggest this novel is his best work…………....

4. My boyfriend has just gave me a necklace.He has never bought

until now
me anything………….

So far
5. …………..she is the best swimmer in this competition.

so far
6. I love this restaurant………………and would highly recommend it.

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