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Q1) Mid esophageal diverticulum is known as

A) Zenkers diverticulum

B) Epiphrenic diverticulum

C) Rokitansky diverticulum

D) Meckels diverticulum
Q2) Marked Hypertrophy of circular muscles of oesophagus is pathognomic feature

A) Functional esophageal disorder

B) Achalasia cardia

C) Hypercontractile motility disorder

D) Stricture of oesophagus
Q3) 100% Failed peristalsis with pop in >20% swallows is a feature of

A) Type 1 Achalasia

B)Type 2 Achalasia

C)Type 3 Achalasia

D)Type 4 Achalasia
Q4) Which of the following sign is not present in localised peritonitis

A) tenderness

B) guarding

C) rigidity

D) tachycardia
Q5) The goal of treatment in Achalasia cardia is

A) complete cure

B) partial cure

C) reversal of neuronal degeneration

D) palliation of symptoms
Q6) When part of the circumference of bowel enters the hernial sac it is called as

A) sliding hernia

B) amyland hernia

C) richter hernia

D) pantaloon hernia
Q7) which of the following is not a property of polypropylene mesh

A) Inert

B) Monofilament

C) Hydrophilic

D) does not generate immune response

Q8) Intra abdominal abscess of <5cm , most appropriate treatment is

A) Percutaneous drainage

B) conservative with antibiotics

C) lap assisted drainage

D) surgical drainage
Q9) Which of the following is false about mesenteric cyst ?

A) commonly seen in adults with mean age of 55 yrs

B) twice as common in women as in men

C) most common presentation is painless fluctuant swelling near umbilicus

D) can present in emergency due to torsion of the portion of the mesentery

containing cyst
Q10) Which of the following is not encountered cell type in retroperitoneal sarcoma

A) fibrosarcoma

B) leiomyosarcoma

C) liposarcoma

D) malignant fibrous histiocytoma

Q11) distal oesophagus derives its blood supply from

A) Left gastric artery, left inferior phrenic , splenic artery

B) Left gastric artery, left superior phrenic , splenic artery

C) Left oesophageal artery, left inferior phrenic , splenic artery

D) Left oesophageal artery, left superior phrenic , splenic artery

Q12) Physiological relaxation of LES after a meal to allow venting of swallowed air
is termed as TLOSRs. Full form of this is

A) Transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation

B) Transitory lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation

C)Transient lower oesophageal sphincter reflux

D)Transitory lower oesophageal sphincter reflux

Q13) most common differential diagnosis of achalasia is


B) Pseudo achalasia

C) barrets oesophagus

D) hiatal hernia
Q14) Hasselbachs triangle if formed by

A) Inferior epigastric vessels, conjoint tendon, lateral border of rectus abdominis

B) Inferior circumflex iliac vessels, inguinal ligament, lateral border of rectus


C) Inferior epigastric vessels, inguinal ligament, lateral border of rectus abdominis

D)Inferior epigastric vessels, inguinal ligament, lateral border of pyramidalis

Q15) most common form of mesenteric cyst is

A) traumatic

B) hydatid

C) enterogenous

D) chylo-lymphatic
Q16) which of the following histological layer is absent in esophagus

A) mucosa

B) serosa

C) submucosa

D) muscularis propria
Q17) which of the following is not retroperitoneal

A) D1 part of duodenum

B) kidneys

C) D3 part of duodenum

D) Aorta
Q18) Anterior fundoplication is also known as

A) Nissen

B) Dor

C) Toupet

D) Andersons
Q19) which of the following is a type of hiatus hernia predisposes to GERD?

A) Type 1

B) Type 2

C) Type 3

D) Type 4
Q20) which of the following is not a cause of acute limb ischemia?

A) compartment syndrome

B) Arterial trauma

C) intramural haemorrhage

D) intra abdominal swelling

Q21) which of the following statement is not true for raynauds phenomenon?

A) primary raynauds most commonly seen in young girls

B) raynauds phenomenon may be associated with vibrating tools

C) SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosis) is a common cause of secondary raynauds

D) Sympathectomy is an effective treatment treatment of raynauds.

Q22) which of the following statement is not true for claudication

A) Intermittent claudication distance is usually consistent for a given patient

B) Intermittent claudication is most commonly felt in calf

C) Intermittent claudication may be present at rest

D) Intermittent claudication is suggestive of underlying arterial disorder

Q23 ) which of the following statement is a true for critical limb ischemia (CLI) ?

A) Rest pain is often relieved by getting out of bed and walking few steps

B) Rest pain commonly found in calf region

C) Hypoaesthesia is a feature of pre gangrene

D) Absence of pulses implies CLI

Q24) which of the following is not a cause of gangrene?

A) Buergers disease

B) Frost bite

C) Intra arterial injection

D) varicose veins
Q25) Type of epithelium in oesophagus?

A) keratinising simple squamous epithelium

B) Non keratinising stratified squamous epithelium

C) Non stratified columnar epithelium

D) simple columnar epithelium

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