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By Gaiyun
Sound and space
Amplitude- maximum distance moved by a
particle in a wave as measured from the position
of the particle when there is no wave; the height
of a wave, or graph of a wave, from the mid-point
to the top.

● Peak- zero to the top

● Trough- zero to the bottom
● Wavelength- lambda (λ)
- unit:meter(m)
Loudness ↑, Amplitude ↑

Frequency - number of complete

waves in 1 second
- Hertz(Hz)

Vibrations =frequency
Frequency ↑ , pitch ↑

Speed = frequency x lambda
m/s= Hz x m
Sound and space
Interference- when the waves meet each other
- same frequency same amplitude
- only happen in the same type of wave
- effect: reinforce or cancel

Reinforce- louder
- crest + crest or through + through
⋆ - amplitude ↑ , frequency

Cancel- softer(It is not likely that the sound wave will

ever completely cancel so people hear nothing. This is
because the sound wave will be reflected off objects,
including people in the audience.)
- crest(positive amplitude) + through(negative
- adding together to make zero
- amplitude zero, frequency zere
Sound and space 6.2

Longitudinal Wave
● Sound wave
● The vibration of the source is
parallel to the wave
● cannot travel in a vacuum

Transverse Wave
● Light, water wave
● The vibration of the source is
perpendicular to the wave
● Can travel in a vacuum
Sound and space 6.2
● sound wave (longitudinal wave)
● cannot travel in a vacuum
● a region where the pressure is high and the
particles are closer together

● particles far apart, pressure

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