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Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science
& Engineering)
Mobile Application Development(21CSH-
Important Factors in Developing Mobile Applications,

Prepared by:
Parveen Kumar Saini(E13339)

Computer Science and Engineering Department
Important Factors in Developing
Mobile Applications, Computer
University Institute ofScience and (UIE)
Engineering Engineering Department
Points to consider during Mobile App Development

• Decide whether the app is for Apple, Android, or both?

• The Idea
• Research
• App Registration Process
• App developer or online app building service?
• User Experience
• Privacy Policy and Security
• Scalability
• Marketing Strategy Computer
University Institute ofScience and (UIE)
Engineering Engineering Department
Decide whether the app is for Apple, Android, or both?

• You should first begin with figuring out your target audience. This will decide
whether you should go for an Android-based or an Apple-based application. This
aspect also determines the cost to build an app.
• If you are targeting a huge, spacious, large market comprising of mostly middle-
class folks, then Android is your calling. Maximum people use Android. Therefore
this is the choice of companies who want to sell to a mass market that can easily
download the app on Android.
• The some other section of people uses Apple; therefore, if you sell something
extravagant that only the rich can afford like a car insurance app, that is
undoubtedly an Apple-based app opt for an Apple-based app. Customers who
possess an Apple phone do not mind paying a bomb for any product, which is
reason enough for elite companies to develop their apps on Apple. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
The Idea

• Ask yourself what problem you need to solve for which segment of the audience.
• An entrepreneur can identify even minor problems that people are facing daily and
come up with solutions accordingly. Problems are everywhere!
• Make an exhaustive list of the issues you think you want to resolve, and then
choose the one that suits you best. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department

• Market research is the base of any business decision. Before you calculate the cost
to build an app and check out the investment needed and invest in an app, then
start your quest with thorough research. Understand the target market, latest
market trends, and customer demand to name a few.
• Do a market analysis and understand the strategy and popularity of similar apps.
Know your customer reviews, choices, and preferences.
• Proper research will help you plan and develop a user-friendly app to help your
company grow. Computer
University Institute ofScience and (UIE)
Engineering Engineering Department
App Registration Process

• The registration process for Google Play and App Store is slightly longer.
• You should be aware of the registration policies and changes.
• Apple is stricter in this regard, and the slightest breach can lead to dire
• So you need to plan time for the app registration process so you do not do it in a
hurry. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
App developer or online app building service?

• You can even think of building the app in-house, and if you have the resources as
per the cost to build an app, along with an efficient app development team, making
the app in-house will give you complete control of the process, from concept to
design to building and testing.
• On the contrary, if you want the app-building process to be quicker and cheaper,
then you can always hire a white-label company to do it for you.
• Another option is to hire freelance app developers on online platforms like Fiverr,
Upwork, Freelancer, etc. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
User Experience

• Focus on enhancing the user experience as this factor forms the backbone of a
mobile application.
• If your customers have to fidget with your app with problems like extra loading
time and poor responsiveness, they will surely quit the app.
• Your app will define the way your customer thinks about your business. Ensure
your app is user-friendly, highly interactive, and easy to use. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Privacy Policy and Security

• User security is a crucial aspect of the digital landscape.

• If you are collecting vital user information, ensure your app has an efficient
security system to keep all that information safe.
• If your app features transaction processes, then the need for robust user security is
of utmost importance.
• You must put all the privacy policies in a section on the app for the users to read.
• They should be ensured that their information is safe on your app and will never
be misused. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department

• Testing the app before launching it in the market is an imperative process.

• You should test the app for user-friendliness, efficiency, responsiveness, high
performance, etc.
• You will figure out the nooks and crannies, if any, and take the necessary steps to
rectify those.
• You will also be able to determine if there is any additional cost to build an app.
• Before you offer your app to its final users, the testing process ensures that you
have developed a strong application to connect your business directly with the
world. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department

• Even if you are conscious of the cost of building an app, you cannot afford to
ignore infrastructure that will enhance scalability.
• A scalable app accommodates an increase in users smoothly without the user
experience getting affected.
• A seamless user experience is essential to the users.
• When you work on scalability, you consider the possibility of crashes and
downtime issues, errors, failures, and any outages.
• When user experience is augmented, you improve brand loyalty too. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Marketing Strategy

• You’ve built your app and are happy with the idea you came up with to tackle the
problem. Make music & noise about it! Reaching your audience is very important.
• Strategize for the marketing plans and activities in the beginning because that
works best for you.
• Start creating hype and some buzz around the app at least 2-3 weeks in advance.
• Hire a specialist to take care of your marketing or ensure you are educated well
enough on the efforts that need to be made and at what time. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Other related Factors in Developing Mobile Applications

• Target Audience Analysis

• Platform Selection
• User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design
• Performance Optimization
• Security Measures
• Scalability Planning
• Cross-Platform Compatibility
• Offline Functionality
• Monetization Strategy
• App Analytics Integration
• Legal Considerations
• Feedback Mechanisms and User Support
• Regular Updates and Maintenance
• Testing Computer
University Institute ofScience and (UIE)
Engineering Engineering Department
Target Audience Analysis:

• Understanding the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of the target

audience is essential.
• Conduct market research to identify the needs and expectations of users.
• This information will guide decisions related to design, features, and overall user
experience. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Platform Selection:

• Choose the target platforms (iOS, Android, or both) based on the app's goals and
the audience's device preferences.
• Consider factors like market share, user demographics, and development
• Cross-platform development frameworks like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin
can be employed for simultaneous development on multiple platforms. Computer
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User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design:

• Prioritize an intuitive and visually appealing design. (Good design)

• Focus on creating a seamless and engaging user experience.
• Conduct usability testing to ensure that the app is easy to navigate, with clear calls
to action and a visually pleasing interface. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Performance Optimization:

• Optimize the app for speed and responsiveness.

• This involves efficient coding practices, minimizing unnecessary resource
consumption, optimizing images and media files, and utilizing caching
• Regular performance testing on various devices is crucial (Important). Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Security Measures:

• Implement robust security protocols to safeguard user data and privacy.

• Use secure authentication methods, encrypt sensitive data, and follow best
practices for secure coding.
• Regularly update security features to address emerging threats. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Scalability Planning:

• Design the app architecture with scalability in mind to accommodate potential

growth in user base and increased data volume.
• This includes considerations for server infrastructure, database scalability, and
load balancing. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Cross-Platform Compatibility:

• If developing for multiple platforms, ensure a consistent user experience across

different devices.
• Cross-platform frameworks should be chosen carefully to balance code reusability
and platform-specific optimizations. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Offline Functionality:

• Incorporate features that allow users to access certain functionalities even without
an internet connection.
• This enhances the app's utility in situations where network connectivity is limited. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Monetization Strategy:

• Define the app's monetization strategy early on.

• Common strategies include in-app purchases, subscriptions, advertisements, or a
one-time purchase model.
• The chosen strategy should align with the app's value proposition and target
audience. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
App Analytics Integration:

• Integrate analytics tools to track user behavior, engagement, and app performance.
• Analytics data provides insights into user preferences, popular features, and areas
that may need improvement.
• Use this information to iterate and enhance the app over time. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Legal Considerations:

• Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as data protection
laws (e.g., GDPR), app store guidelines, and intellectual property laws.
• Address legal considerations early in the development process to avoid
complications later on. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Regular Updates and Maintenance:

• Plan for regular updates to introduce new features, fix bugs, and improve overall
app performance.
• Continuous maintenance is crucial for keeping the app competitive, addressing
user feedback, and staying compatible with evolving operating systems and
devices. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department
Feedback Mechanisms and User Support:

Establish channels for user feedback within the app and provide responsive customer
support. User feedback can be invaluable for identifying issues, understanding user
needs, and implementing improvements. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department

• Conduct thorough testing throughout the development process.

• This includes functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, and
security testing.
• Testing should cover various devices, operating system versions, and network
conditions to ensure a robust and reliable app.
• By carefully considering these factors, developers can increase the likelihood of
creating a successful mobile application that meets user needs, delivers a positive
experience, and stands out in the competitive app market. Computer
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Engineering Engineering Department

• The number of smartphone users is likely to increase exponentially soon.

Exposing your business to your consumers through a mobile application is the best
way to grab a good share of the digital landscape and grab eyeballs. An app helps
to be in constant touch with your customers and keep them updated about the
latest developments in your business. So, go ahead and get an app constructed for
your business. Remember that building an app is more of a strategic decision than
a technical decision; you should nurture it intrinsically and in sync with the values
and objectives of your company. Computer
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• Computer
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