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Badri Narayana S N
Chethan T
Manjunath prasad

 Introduction
A Python quiz game is an interactive application built using the Python
programming language that tests a player's knowledge on a specific topic
or a range of subjects through a series of multiple-choice questions.
Players can select answers to these questions and receive feedback on their
performance, such as a score or correct/incorrect indications. These games
are a fun and educational way to engage users and help them learn while
having an enjoyable experience. They can be customized to cover various
topics and levels of difficulty, making them suitable for a wide audience.
Python's versatility and simplicity make it an excellent choice for creating
such quiz games.
Flow Chart

 STEP 1:Create one variable for counting score

e.g score.
 STEP 2:Ask questions to a user (using the

input() function)
 STEP 3:If a user gives a correct answer then

increase a score by 1 and print(correct!)

 STEP 4:If given answer of a user is incorrect

then print(incorrect!)
 STEP 5: Print score of the user.
Problem Statement

 In the digital age, there is a growing need for interactive and

engaging educational tools that can help individuals enhance
their knowledge and skills. While traditional methods of
learning are effective, they may lack the element of fun and
interactivity that can make the learning process more
enjoyable and effective. To address this issue, we aim to
develop a Python Quiz Project that provides a platform for
users to access and take quizzes on a wide range of topics.
 The Python Quiz Application is a project designed to provide an
interactive and educational quiz-taking experience for users. This
application is developed using Python and offers a user-friendly
interface for taking quizzes on various topics. Users can select
from a range of quiz categories and test their knowledge by
answering multiple-choice questions. The application tracks scores
and provides immediate feedback on correct and incorrect
answers. It also includes features such as a timer for time-based
quizzes and a high score leaderboard. This project showcases the
power of Python in creating engaging and informative quiz
applications, making it a valuable tool for both
learners and educators.
Thank You

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