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Group A
Objective learning

 What is Respiration
 Types of Respiration
 Phases of Respiration
 Functions of Respiration
What is Respiration

 Respiration: is defined as a metabolic process wherein, the living cells of an

organism obtains energy (in the form of ATP) by taking in oxygen and liberating
carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
Types of Respiration
 Aerobic Respiration
 Anaerobic Respiration
Aerobic Respiration : It is a type of cellular respiration that takes
place in the presence of oxygen to produce energy.

Anaerobic Respiration : It is a type of cellular respiration that

takes place in the absence of oxygen to produce energy.
Phases of Respiration
The importance of project
 Managing expectations
 Managing the project team
 Reducing conflicts
Communication options

Now more than ever, they are many

communication media available to your
project to best manage project
communications, you need to understand the
strengths and limits of each option, so that use
the medium that is most appropriate for type
of relationship you have with the targeted
audience and for the content of the message
Communication options

 Face-to-face
 Telephone
 Email
 Instant messaging
 Voice mall
 Conferencing ( audio,web,video)
Communication options

The right choices can improve project

productivity, facilitate open communications,
and build stronger stakeholder relationships.
The wrong choices create misperceptions
confusion, and weaker stakeholder
Seven powerful principles

1. Planyour communications like every other

aspect of managing projects, you want and
need to plan your project communications.
The goal of communications planning is to
ensure that all the stakeholders involved in
the project have the information they need
when they need it, to fulfill their
Seven powerful principles

2.Remember the basic: the three most

powerful communication techniques are also
the simplest.
 Make it a high priority: don’t shortcut
project communications; show respect for
 Use your manners: Be polite; show
appreciation and gratitude.
Seven powerful principles

 Follow-through: if you say you are going to do

something, do it.
3.Five Cs of communication keep the five Cs in
mind when composing or delivering any project
 clear state the subject; stay on subject ; hold
the receiver’s hand through the message; use
appropriate terms.
Seven powerful principles

4. Take responsibility for understanding:

key points include:
 Invest the effort, patience, and determination
to make sure you are clearly understand.
 Employ effective listening skills to ensure you
have clearly understand what the other
person has intended.
Seven powerful principles

 Use the communication medium that is the

best fit for the intended audience. Be
 Tailor your communications content to best
fit the information needs of each target
audience (project team, customers, senior
management, and personnel management).
Seven powerful principles

5.Build relationships effective communications

know that the bridge between people is built
upon trust, rapport, and personal connection.
Be eager and willing to invest the time to build
one-on-one relationships with your key
stakeholders, especially early on the project.
Seven powerful principles

6.Be proactive another key mindset and

approach principle. Your enemies in project
communication are surprise, doubt, and
uncertainty. Per the communications plan,
keep your targeted audiences informed on a
consistent basis. Anticipate any additional
information needs. Never leave stakeholders
wondering or needing to call you first.
Seven powerful principles

7.People and politics go together: another

name for this is “don’t be naïve.” effective
communications demonstrate an
understanding and savviness for the political
nature of the project environment.
Seven powerful principles

They understand the political implications of

any potential communication and make sure
to look at it from other perspectives before
delivering the intended message.
Any question


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