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Corporate Social Responsibility
Broadly speaking, proponents of CSR have used four arguments to make their case: moral obligation, sustainability, license to operate, and reputation. The moral appeal—arguing that
companies have a duty to be good citizens and to ‘do the right thing” —is prominent in the goals of Business for Social Responsibility, the leading nonprofit CSR business association in the
United States. It asks that its members “achieve commercial success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities, and the natural environment.” Sustainability
emphasizes environmental and community stewardship.
1. An excellent definition was developed in the 1980s by Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and used by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development "Meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The notion of license to operate derives from the fact that every company needs
tacit or explicit permission from governments, communities, and numerous other stakeholders to do business. Finally, reputation is used by many companies to justify CSR initiatives on the
grounds that they will improve a company's image, strengthen its brand, enliven morale, and even raise the value of its stock.
2. To advance CSR, we must root it in a broad understanding of the interrelationship between a corporation and society while at the same time anchoring it in the strategies and activities of
specific companies. To say broadly that business and society need each other might seem like a cliché, but it is also the basic truth that will pull companies out of the muddle that their
current corporate-responsibility thinking has created. Successful corporations need a healthy society. Education, health care, and equal opportunity are essential to a productive workforce.
Safe products and working conditions not only attract customers but lower the internal costs of accidents. Efficient utilization of land, water, energy, and other natural resources makes
business more productive. Good government, the rub of law, and property rights are essential for efficiency and innovation. Strong regulatory standards protect both consumers and
competitive companies from exploitation. Ultimately, a healthy society creates expanding demand for business, as more human needs are met and aspirations grow. Any business that pursues
its ends at the expense of the society in which it operates will find its success to be illusory and ultimately temporary. At the same time, a healthy society needs successful companies. No
social program can rival the business sector when it comes to creating the jobs, wealth, and innovation that improve standards of living and social conditions over time.
3. A company’s impact on society also changes over time, as social standards evolve and science progresses. Asbestos, now understood as a serious health risk, was thought to be safe in the
early 1900s, given the scientific knowledge then available. Evidence of its risks gradually mounted for more than 50 years before any company was held liable for the harms it can cause.
Many firms that failed to anticipate the consequences of this evolving body of research have been bankrupted by the results. No longer can companies be content to monitor only the obvious
social impacts of today. Without a careful process for identifying evolving social effects of tomorrow, firms may risk their very survival.
4. No business can solve all of society’s problems or bear the cost of doing so. Instead, each company must select issues that intersect with its particular business. Other social agendas are
best left to those companies in other industries, NGOs, or government institutions that are better positioned to address them. The essential test that should guide CSR is not whether a cause
is worthy but whether it presents an opportunity to create shared value— that is, a meaningful benefit for society that is also valuable to the business. However, Corporations are not
responsible for all the world’s problems, nor do they have the resources to solve them all. Each company can identify the particular set of societal problems that it is best equipped to help
resolve and from which it can gain the greatest competitive benefit. Addressing social issues by creating shared value will lead to self-sustaining solutions that do not depend on private or
government subsidies. When a well-run business applies its vast resources, expertise, and management talent to problems that it understands and in which it has a stake, it can have a greater
impact on social good than any other institution or philanthropic organization.
5. The best corporate citizenship initiatives involve far more than writing a check: They specify clear, measurable goals and track results over time. A good example is GE’s program to adopt
underperforming public high schools near several of its major U.S. facilities. The company contributes between $250,000 and $1 million over a five-year period to each school and makes in-
kind donations as well GE managers and employees take an active role by working with school administrators to assess needs and mentor or tutor students. In an independent study of ten
schools in the program between 1989 and 1999, nearly all showed significant improvement, while the graduation rate in four of the five worst performing schools doubled from an average of
30% to 60%. Effective corporate citizenship initiatives such as this one create good will and improve relations with local governments and other important constituencies. What's more, GE’s
employees feel great pride in their participation. Their effect is inherently limited, however. No matter how beneficial the program is, it remains incidental to the company’s business, and the
direct effect on GE's recruiting and retention is modest.
6. Microsoft's Working Connections partnership with the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is a good example of a shared-value opportunity arising from investments
in context. The shortage of information technology workers is a significant constraint on Microsoft’s growth; currently, there are more than 450,000 unfilled IT positions in the United States
alone. Community colleges, with an enrollment of 11.6 million students, representing 45% of all U.S. undergraduates, could be a major solution. Microsoft recognizes, however, that
community colleges face special challenges: IT curricula are not standardised, technology used in classrooms is often outdated, and there are no systematic professional development
programs to keep faculty up to date. Microsoft's $50 million five-year initiative was aimed at all three problems. In addition to contributing money and products, Microsoft sent employee
volunteers to colleges to assess needs, contribute to curriculum development, and create faculty development institutes. Note that in this case, volunteers and assigned staff were able to use
their core professional skills to address a social need, a far cry from typical volunteer programs. Microsoft has achieved results that have benefited many communities while having a direct
—and potentially significant—impact on the company.
7. At the heart of any strategy is a unique value proposition: a set of needs a company can meet for its chosen customers that others cannot. The most strategic CSR occurs when a company
adds a social dimension to its value proposition, making social impact integral to the overall strategy. Consider Whole Foods Market, whose value proposition is to sell organic, natural and
healthy food products to customers who are passionate about food and the environment. The company's sourcing emphasizes purchases from local farmers through each store's procurement
process. Buyers screen out foods containing any of nearly 100 common ingredients that the company considers unhealthy or environmentally damaging. The same standards apply to
products made internally. Whole Foods’ commitment to natural and environmentally friendly operating practices extends well beyond sourcing. Stores are constructed using a minimum of
virgin raw materials. Recently, the company purchased renewable wind energy credits equal to 100% of its electricity use in all of its stores and facilities, the only Fortune 500 company to
offset its electricity consumption entirely. Spoiled produce and biodegradable waste are trucked to regional centers for composting. Whole Foods' vehicles are being converted to run on
biofuels. Even the cleaning products used in its stores are environmentally friendly. And through its philanthropy, the company has created the Animal Compassion Foundation to develop
more natural and humane ways of raising farm animals. In short, nearly every aspect of the company’s value chain reinforces the social dimensions of its value proposition, distinguishing
Whole Foods from its competitors.

Questions 1-7 Questions 8-11

The reading passage has seven paragraphs (1-7). Use the information in the passage to match the companies (listed A-C) with opinions
Choose the correct heading for the paragraphs from the list below by matching the or deeds below. NB: you may use any letter more than once
number of a paragraph (1-7) with the letter of a heading (a-g). There is one extra
heading. List of companies

List of Headings a. General Electronics

b. Microsoft
a. How CSR may help one business to expand c. Whole foods market
b. CSR in many aspects of a company's business
c. A CSR initiative without a financial gain 8. The disposable waste
d. Lack of action by the state of social issues 9. The way company purchases as goods
e. Drives or pressures motivate companies to address CSR 10. Helping the undeveloped
f. the past illustrates business are responsible for future outcomes g. Companies 12. Ensuring the people have the latest information
applying CSR should be selective
h. Reasons that business and society benefit each other

The charts below show the percentage of time working adults spent on different activities in a particular country in 1958
and 2008. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where

Audio: Lesson 7H Ex5

Questions 1-3
Answer the questions below. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

1. Why does Ellen want some new clothes?

A. for her holiday
B. for new job
C. for her brother’s wedding

2. Which dress does Ellen want to buy?

Questions 4-7
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.

Delivery form
Name: Ellen Barker
Delivery address: 4____________________ Staybridge
Telephone number: 5______________________
Delivery date: 12th May
Delivery time: 6_______________________
Payment type: Visa
Amount: 7 £___________________

3. Which hat does Ellen decide to buy?


Audio: Lesson 7H Ex5

Complete the plan below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer

Fill in the missing word in each of these phrases:

1. ________regards payment,

2. __________ regard to a discount,

3. when it comes .... paying,

4. with reference... your invoice,

5. .... the question of commission.


Fill in the missing prepositions in each of these phrases:

1. according.... your report

2. ... oldest to youngest

3. alphabetically.... first name

4. ..... random

5. ....order of merit

6. .... numerical order


Fill in the missing word in each of these phrases:

1. in... days

2. ... is more

3. to make matters...

4. as if that were not...

5. that ... the case

6. on the other....

Fill each of the numbered gaps with one suitable word.

As a follow-up to our series on the two major football clubs in Manchester, (1) /_______/ United and City, we (2) /_______/ our attention this week on the two big North
London teams, (3) /_______/ Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur. For the uninitiated, the (4) /_______/ are referred to as ‘Spurs’, while the (5) /_______/ glory in the
nickname ‘The Gunners’. In the 1997-98 season, they finished first and seventeenth (6) /_______/ in the Premiership. What is (7) /_______/, Arsenal went on to win the
Double, that is to (8) /_______/ the League Championship and the FA Cup, while Spurs struggled. To make matters even (9) /_______/ apart from (10) /_______/
aforementioned titles going Arsenal’s way, Tottenham fans had to watch as their West London neighbours, Chelsea, carried off the European Cup-winners Cup. And to (11)
/_______/ it all, their team finished below their East London rivals, West Ham, in the league. The reasons for (12) /_______/ mixed fortunes are hard to (13) /_______/.
(14) /_______/ paper both first-team squads looked strong. In financial (15) /_______/, both were reasonably secure and when it (16) /_______/ to cash for buying new
players, the money was generally available. So why did one team prosper and one all but give up the ghost? Pundits make (17) /_______/ of long injury lists, unforgiving
fans harp (18) /_______/ about bad refereeing decisions in key matches, others just (19) /_______/ it down to luck. As (20) /_______/ the current season, Arsenal are
looking ominously strong again while Spurs look distinctly vulnerable, to say the least.

Rewrite each of the sentences in a more formal style using the prompt words in the
order given.
a. About this letter you wrote to us on 19 October last, there’s no way we can agree.


b. Well, first of all, you’ve got to realise that Rome wasn’t built in a day, haven’t you?

first/make/such projects/time

c. He spent a while trying to lay down the law and then he walked out.

opening/half an hour/attempted/assert/authority/after/left/room

d. You know you were saying about the garage, well, I think it’s all right as it is.


e. When it comes to experience you’ve got to plump for Ian rather than Mike.

terms/obviously/stronger candidate

f. So that you know what’s going on, Dimos and Maria haven’t quite made it this term.


Choose the word (a-d) that best completes each sentence:

1. The /_______/ are of the opinion that they have been badly treated. 5. Be /_______/ as it may, I am afraid any kind of financial compensation is out of
a underwritten the question.
b undersigned a it
c below b that
d initialed c this
d which
2. As a partner I accept full responsibility but by the same /_______/ I feel others
should too. 6. He had an awful crash when he was about 25, since /_______/ he has been a model
a sign driver.
b reference a this
c token b when
d meaning c that
d then
3. When it /_______/ to helping with the housework, he is absolutely hopeless.
a refers 7. It would be useful if we could /_______/ the reasons for our failure.
b goes a pinpoint
c comes b answer
d amounts c underline
d focus
4. We /_______/ to your communication of 5 May.
a reply 8. We need to /_______/ the main points of our argument. a pin
b respond b highlight
c refer c spotlight
d answer d enlighten

Choose which adjectives (a-c) can complete each sentence. There can be more than one
correct adjective for each sentence.
1. The fact I had done the exam essay a week earlier was /_______/ luck. 6. 5-0 is a /_______/ win in anybody’s book.
a. a. pure p. comprehensive,
b. comprehensive q. confirmed
c. sheer r. complete

2. It was /_______/ will-power that enabled me to win. 7. He was reprimanded for his /_______/ stupidity.
d. sheer s. crass
e. full t. b. very
f. utter u. c. utter

3. This is the /_______/ thing I was dreading. 8. Giving his nephew the job was /_______/ favouritism.
g. one v. out-and-out
h. very w. outright
i. sheer x. downright

4. Deliberate handball is /_______/ cheating. 9. Many a time he’s proved to be a(n) /_______/ liar.
j. outright y. rank
k. out-and-out z. compulsive
l. comprehensive aa. inveterate

5. The athlete has /_______/ confidence in his ability. 10. He carried off the role of Hamlet with /_______/ skill.
m. unshakeable ab. unadulterated
n. pure ac. consummate
o. supreme ad. faultless

Rewrite each sentence with the two prompt words so that it is as close as possible in
meaning to the sentence before it.
1. The sheer size of my opponent succeeded in putting me off.


2. As many as 85,000 people watched the Cup Final.


3. What they’re asking of us is eminently reasonable.


4. The party was an absolute wash-out from start to finish.


5. You don’t have to pay more than £10 for a pair of shoes there.


6. Are you saying it wasn’t the boss who suggested a pay cut for his employees?


Choose just one of the three adverbs given to complete each of these sentences.

1. I found the whole experience /_______/ embarrassing. 6. I /_______/ doubt whether we will ever see him again.
a. blatantly a. seriously
b. hotly b. totally
c. acutely c. completely

2. One or two of the class were /_______/ rude. 7. He /_______/ understands the seriousness of the charges.
a. perfectly a. greatly
b. downright b. deeply
c. entirely c. fully

3. I /_______/ resent being called working class. 8. She was /_______/ absent from the staff meeting.
a. sharply a. downright
b. fully b. thoroughly
c. bitterly c. conspicuously

4. Their second goal was /_______/ off-side. 9. I was /_______/ disgusted by their behaviour.
a. seriously a. thoroughly
b. blatantly b. bitterly
c. wholly c. glaringly

5. The whole team were /_______/ confident. 10. It should be /_______/ clear that we are all under pressure.
a. abundantly a. conspicuously
b. downright b. abundantly
c. supremely c. fully

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