F6 Practice Questions - VAT

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Question 1

Which of the following characteristics is not that of VAT:

A. Indirect
B. Multi-stage
C. Duplication
D. Highly neutral

Question 2

When selling goods and services with a tax rate higher than the regulations that the
business establishment has not adjusted itself, the tax authority shall inspect and detect it, the
handling shall be as follows:
A. Reissue invoiced in accordance with the prescribed tax rate
B. Must declare and pay taxes at the tax rate stated on the invoice
C. Must declare and pay taxes at the prescribed tax rate
D. Not required to declare and pay taxes

Question 3

When the tax authority conducts an inspection and examination, if the invoice is found to have a
lower VAT rate than prescribed, how should the seller be handled?
A. Reissue invoiced in accordance with the prescribed tax rate
B. Must declare and pay taxes at the tax rate stated on the invoice
C. Must declare and pay taxes at the prescribed tax rate
D. Not required to declare and pay taxes

Question 4

When the tax authority conducts an inspection and examination, if the invoice is found to have a
lower VAT rate than prescribed, how should the buyer be handled?
A. Request the seller to reissue the new invoice in accordance with the prescribed tax rate and
be additionally declared
B. Withholding input tax at the tax rate indicated on the invoice
C. To deduct input tax at the prescribed tax rate
D. No input tax deduction

Question 5

Invoices, documents of purchase, sale and use below are considered illegal:
A. Buying, selling and using invoices that have expired
B. Invoices issued by the Ministry of Finance (General Department of Taxation) provided by tax
authorities to business establishments
C. Invoices self-printed or printed by businesses themselves for use in accordance with
D. Other specific invoices and documents are allowed to be used.

Question 6

The seller has issued an invoice and has delivered the goods, the buyer who does not have an
invoice has received the goods and received the invoice. When returning goods, buyers and sellers
do the following:
A. The seller issues an invoice to receive the goods
B. Buyer returns the invoice and returns the goods to the seller
C. The seller and the buyer make a record of the return of the goods
D. The seller and the buyer make a record of the return of the goods and the buyer returns the
goods and returns the invoice to the seller

Question 7

Bank payment documents are understood as:

A. Documents from the buyer depositing cash into the seller's account
B. Documents proving the transfer of funds from the buyer's account to the seller's account
opened at payment service providers
C. The buyer pays from the buyer's account to the seller's personal account (bookkeeper)
D. Have documents proving the transfer of funds from the buyer's account to the seller's

Question 8

Trading Company A imported 500 air conditioners from Japan and paid VAT at the import stage.
After that, Trading Company A exported 500 of these air conditioners to Cambodia. So:
A. Trading company A does not have to calculate output VAT, the VAT amount of these 500 air
conditioners paid at the import stage and the input VAT of transportation and warehousing
services are not entitled to tax refund but deductible
B. Trading company A does not have to calculate output VAT, the VAT amount of these 500 air
conditioners paid at the import stage and the input VAT of the shipping and warehousing
services are refunded if there is a VAT amount of VND 300 million or more
C. Trading Company A calculates output VAT at the rate of 0%, the VAT amount of these 500 air
conditioners paid at the import stage and the input VAT of transportation and warehousing
services is refunded if there is a VAT amount of VND 300 million or more
D. None of the above

Question 9

A Company Limited produces fresh beef fish seasoned with spices according to the process: freshly
caught beef fish is cut into fillets, then marinated with sugar, salt, solpitol, packed, frozen, fresh beef
fish seasoned with spices is subject to VAT rate:
A. Non-taxable
B. Not required to declare tax payment
C. 5%
D. 10%

Question 10

Which of the following products is not subject to VAT:

A. Fertilizers are organic and inorganic fertilizers
B. Feed for livestock, poultry, aquatic products and other pet food
C. Specialized machinery and equipment for agricultural production
D. All of the above

Question 11

Offshore fishing vessel is a ship with a main engine capacity of 90CV or more working in fishing or
logistics services for seafood exploitation, what is the VAT rate:
A. Not required to declare and pay taxes
B. Non taxable
C. 5%
D. 10%

Question 12

Which of the following items is subject to VAT?

A. Ores used for manufacture of fertilizers such as apatite ore, humus used for manufacture of
B. Pesticides include pesticides according to the List of pesticides promulgated by the Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Development and other pesticides
C. Growth stimulants for livestock and plants
D. All of the above

Question 13

Which of the following services is not subject to VAT:

A. Care services for the elderly and people with disabilities, including medical care, nutrition
and organization of cultural, sports, recreational, physiotherapy and rehabilitation activities
for the elderly and people with disabilities
B. Public passenger transport includes public passenger transport by bus, tram (including tram)
along intra-provincial, urban and adjacent routes outside the province in accordance with
the law on traffic
C. Transportation of sick people, services for renting hospital rooms and beds of medical
D. All of the above

Question 14

Which of the following are subject to VAT?

A. Goods and services produced and traded in Vietnam
B. Goods and services purchased by overseas organizations and individuals
C. Goods and services used for production, business and consumption in Vietnam (including
goods and services purchased by overseas organizations and individuals), except for subjects
not subject to VAT
D. All of the above

Question 15

Which of the following goods and services are not subject to VAT?
A. Goods exported abroad, including export mandates
B. Transitional processed goods
C. On-spot exports
D. Export products are unprocessed exploited resources and minerals according to the
Government's regulations

Question 16

Which of the following goods and services are not subject to VAT?
A. Dredging inland canals for agricultural production
B. Animal feed, poultry and other pet food
C. Fertilizer
D. All of the above

Question 17

The 0% tax rate does not apply to:

A. Exported goods
B. Exported Services
C. International transport
D. Cars sold to organizations and individuals in the non-tariff zone

Question 18

What VAT rate is applied to goods exported to foreign countries?

A. 0%
B. 5%
C. 10%
D. Not subject to VAT

Question 19

The 0% VAT rate applies in which of the following cases?

A. Education
B. Vocational training
C. International transport
D. Products from farming

Question 20

Which of the following case is not subject to VAT?

A. Pesticides and growth stimulants for plants and animals
B. Ores used for fertilizer manufacture
C. Fertilizers are organic and inorganic fertilizers
D. Clean water serving everyday life

Question 21

Which of the following case is not subject to VAT?

A. International transport
B. Transfer of land use rights
C. Growth stimulants for plants and animals
D. Clean water serving manufacture

Question 22

The 5% VAT rate applies to the following goods and services:

A. Unprocessed crop products sold by organizations or individuals by themselves
B. Seeds and breeds imported according to regulations
C. Unprocessed crop products at the commercial stage for individuals
D. None of the above

Question 23

The 0% VAT rate does not apply to:

A. Transshipment goods
B. Transitional export processing goods
C. Goods sold to duty-free shops
D. Goods sold to foreign trade fairs

Question 24

Which of the following goods and services are not subject to VAT?
A. Goods exported to foreign countries, including export entrustment
B. Goods for local export
C. Products are unprocessed exploited natural resources and minerals according to the
Government’s regulations
D. Transitional export processing goods

Question 25

Cars with less than 24 seats, when sold to export processing enterprises, declare and pay VAT and
excise tax as follows:
A. Not subject to VAT, not subject to Excise Tax
B. 10% VAT, subject to Excise Tax
C. Not subject to VAT, subject to Excise Tax
D. 0% VAT, subject to Excise Tax

Question 26

The party receiving the sale of goods and services agents is not subject to VAT. At what tax rate
should the agent receive the commission?
A. Tax rate 10%
B. Not subject to VAT
C. Calculated according to the tax rate of the goods sold
D. None of the above

Question 27

ABC Company has idle money and signs a contract for a loan with Company X for a definite term,
the interest collected from Company X Not subject to VAT, not subject to Excise Tax
A. Subject to VAT at the rate of 10%
B. Are not subject to VAT
C. Not required to declare, calculate and pay VAT
D. None of the above

Question 28

Company X is an export processing enterprise that is allowed to import goods for sale or export, so
this activity:
A. Not subject to VAT
B. The tax rate is 0%
C. Not required to declare, calculate and pay VAT
D. Company X must set up a separate accounting branch, declare and pay VAT separately for
this activity, not collectively accounting for production activities for export

Question 29

Organizations and individuals that transfer investment projects for production and trading of goods
and services subject to VAT to enterprises and cooperatives:
A. Not required to declare, calculate and pay VAT
B. Are not subject to VAT
C. Subject to VAT with the tax rate of 10%
D. Answers A and B

Question 30

Which of the following activities is NOT an object that is not required to declare and pay VAT?
A. Household revenues not related to the sale of goods and services by business
B. Mr. A is a non-business individual selling a 4-seat car to Mr. B
C. Company A spends money to support Company Z so that Company Z can perform a music
program that advertises Company A's business products
D. All of the above

Question 31

Products of cultivation, husbandry and aquatic products that have not been processed into other
products or are only preliminarily processed by enterprises or cooperatives pay VAT according to
the deduction method and are sold at the stage of commercial business for other enterprises,
A. Apply the VAT rate of 5%
B. Not required to declare, calculate and pay VAT
C. Not subject to VAT
D. None of the above

Question 32

Farm A's rice products pay tax according to the method of direct deduction of rice cultivation and
A. Not required to declare, calculate and pay VAT
B. The tax rate is 5%
C. Not subject to VAT
D. Must calculate and pay VAT at the rate of 1% on turnover

Question 33

XYZ Agricultural Products Company pays tax by the deduction method to purchase rice for drying,
grinding, and then selling it to Household Mr. X:
A. Apply the VAT rate of 5%
B. Are not subject to VAT.
C. Not required to declare, calculate and pay VAT
D. Must calculate and pay VAT at the rate of 1% on turnover

Question 34

Machinery, equipment, spare parts and supplies imported for direct use for scientific research
and technological development activities are subject to:
A. Not subject to VAT
B. Subject to VAT
C. Not subject to VAT if it is domestically produced
D. Not subject to VAT if it is of a domestic type that has not yet been produced

Question 35

For internal consumer goods to continue the production and business process in a production
A. Do not have to calculate and pay VAT
B. VAT invoicing, calculation and payment of VAT
C. VAT invoicing but not VAT calculation and payment
D. None of the above

Question 36

0% VAT rate for exported goods and services applies to:

A. Exported goods and services for sale or supply to overseas organizations and individuals
B. Exported goods and services for sale and supply to organizations and individuals abroad and
for consumption outside Vietnam
C. Goods sold to foreign organizations but the point of delivery and receipt of goods is located
in Vietnam
D. None of the above

Question 37

In case of providing services that both take place in Vietnam and take place outside Vietnam, for
service contracts signed between 2 taxpayers in Vietnam:
A. The entire value of the service contract is not subject to a tax rate of 0%
B. The entire value of the service contract is subject to a tax rate of 0%
C. The value of services performed outside Vietnam has documents proving the application of
0% tax rate
D. None of the above

Question 38

Does XYZ Company import alcohol and tobacco and then export it to pay VAT?
A. Not having to calculate and declare VAT
B. Tax rate 0%
C. Tax rate 10%
D. Output VAT is not required but input VAT cannot be deducted

Question 39

Which of the following cases apply to 5% VAT rate?

A. Crop and livestock products that have not been processed into other products or only
through ordinary preliminary processing of organizations and individuals that produce or
grow crops for sale
B. Crop and livestock products that have not yet been processed into other products or are
only preliminarily processed at the commercial stage of enterprises paying VAT by the credit
method and selling them to enterprises or cooperatives
C. Crop and livestock products that have not been processed into other products or are only
preliminarily processed at the commercial stage of enterprises paying VAT according to the
credit method and selling them to business households and individuals. and other business
D. All of the above

Question 40

Company A is an enterprise that declares and pays VAT by direct method. If Company A has
revenue arising from the sale of computer software and consulting services, Company A:
A. No VAT payable at the rate (%) on revenue from computer sales (because computer
software is not subject to VAT)
B. To declare and pay VAT at the rate of 5% on revenue from business establishment consulting
C. Must declare jointly for both activities according to the ratio of revenue allocation of
consulting business establishment to total revenue of the enterprise
D. Answer A and B

Question 41

The amount of VAT payable by the tax deduction method is equal?

A. The amount of output VAT minus the deductible input VAT
B. Total output VAT
C. The added value of goods and services sold subject to VAT multiplied by the VAT rate of such
goods and services
D. Output VAT amount minus the VAT amount

Question 42

The amount of VAT payable under the Direct Method on value added is equal?
A. The amount of output VAT minus the amount of deductible input VAT
B. The added value multiplied by the VAT rate applicable to the purchase, sale and processing
of gold, silver and precious stones
C. The added value of goods and services subject to sales tax multiplied by the VAT rate of such
goods and services.
D. The total value of goods and services subject to sales tax multiplied by the VAT rate of such
goods and services

Question 43

Which of the following methods can be used to calculate VAT?

A. Deduction method
B. Direct method on value added
C. Direct method as a percentage of revenue
D. All of the above

Question 44

The VAT deduction method applies to any of the following?

A. Crop and livestock products that have not been processed into other products or only
through ordinary preliminary processing of organizations and individuals that produce or
grow crops for sale
B. Crop and livestock products that have not yet been processed into other products or are
only preliminarily processed at the commercial stage of enterprises paying VAT by the credit
method and selling them to enterprises or cooperatives
C. Crop and livestock products that have not been processed into other products or are only
preliminarily processed at the commercial stage of enterprises paying VAT according to the
credit method and selling them to business households and individuals. and other business
D. All of the above

Question 45

Which of the followings apply to the VAT deduction method?

A. Operating enterprises with annual revenue from sales of goods and services subject to VAT
of VND 1 billion or more and fully implementing the invoice and voucher accounting regime
as prescribed
B. Enterprises with annual sales of goods and services subject to VAT less than 1 billion VND
shall fully implement the invoice and voucher accounting regime and voluntarily register to
apply the deduction method
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 46

The method of calculating directly on added value by percentage multiplied by revenue applies to
the following subjects:
A. Business households and individuals
B. Other economic organizations that are not enterprises or cooperatives, except for the case
of registration for tax payment by the deduction method
C. Foreign contractors do not comply with the accounting regime of invoices and documents as
D. All of the above

Question 47

If you want to apply the VAT deduction declaration method, what should you do:
A. Submit a notice to the tax authority, the tax authority responds within 5 days
B. File form 01/VAT when submitting the declaration for the first time
C. File form 02/VAT when filing the declaration for the first time
D. Answer B and C

Question 48

The amount of VAT payable by the method of direct calculation on VAT for the purchase, sale and
processing of gold, silver and gemstones is determined as follows:
A. VAT payable = Value Added x VAT rate
B. VAT payable = Value Added x 10%
C. VAT payable = VAT x 1%
D. Answer A and B

Question 49

For self-made fixed assets of enterprises paying VAT by the deduction method:
A. When the fixed asset is completed, a VAT invoice must be issued
B. When the fixed asset is completed, no invoice is required, no VAT and input VAT on the
formation of self-made fixed assets shall be declared and deducted according to regulations
C. When the fixed asset is completed, no invoice is required, no VAT and input VAT on the
formation of self-made fixed assets cannot be declared and deducted according to
D. None of the above

Question 50

A motorcycle trading company selling X type 100cc cars, the selling price without VAT is 25.5 million
VND/unit (of which the selling price of the car is 25 million VND, the installment interest is 0.5
million VND), the VAT calculation price is:
A. 25 VND million
B. 25.5 VND million
C. 27.5 VND million
D. 28 VND million

Question 51

A business establishment that has exported goods or goods that are considered for export if it has
been certified by the Customs office (for exported goods) but does not have sufficient other
procedures and documents for each specific case:
A. Output VAT is not required but input VAT cannot be deducted
B. Output VAT must be charged but input VAT must not be deducted
C. Output VAT is not charged, but input VAT is deductible
D. All of the above

Question 52

In case the business establishment in the investment period has not yet entered into production
and business activities and dissolves without incurring output VAT of the main business activities
under the investment project:
A. Full amount of input VAT is deducted
B. Not having to adjust the declared, deducted or refunded VAT amount
C. No input tax refund is deductible
D. None of the above

Question 53

A business establishment with exported goods and services if the input VAT of exported goods and
services has not been fully deducted if:
A. From VND 300 million or more, value-added tax refund is issued monthly and quarterly
B. Less than 300 million VND shall be deducted in the next month and quarter
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 54

Fixed assets are cars carrying people with 9 seats or less purchased for modeling and for customers
to test drive with a value exceeding VND 1.6 billion (price without VAT):
A. Input VAT deduction corresponding to the value of VND 1.6 billion
B. Input VAT corresponding to the portion worth VND 1.6 billion is not deductible
C. Input VAT corresponding to the value of over VND 1.6 billion is not deductible
D. Input VAT is fully deductible

Question 55
For production and business establishments with investment projects, both investing in the
production and trading of goods and services not subject to VAT, and investing in the production
and business of goods and services subject to VAT:
A. The amount of withholding tax is adjusted according to the ratio (%) between the revenue of
goods and services subject to VAT compared to the total revenue of goods and services sold
in a year from the first year of revenue
B. The amount of withholding tax is adjusted according to the ratio (%) between the revenue of
goods and services subject to VAT compared to the total revenue of goods and services sold
in two years from the first year of revenue.
C. The amount of withholding tax shall be adjusted according to the ratio (%) between the
turnover of goods and services subject to VAT compared to the total revenue of goods and
services sold in the three years from the first year of revenue.
D. None of the above

Question 56

Foreign experts coming to Vietnam for work, VAT of rent paid by businesses in Vietnam is deducted
A. Foreign experts sign labor contracts with business establishments in Vietnam
B. Foreign experts who sign labor contracts with overseas enterprises, are paid salaries by
foreign enterprises and enjoy the regimes of overseas enterprises during their time of
coming to Vietnam for work, between overseas enterprises and business establishments in
Vietnam have written contracts stating that enterprises in Vietnam must bear the costs of
accommodation stay for foreign experts during their time in Vietnam
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 57

For goods and services purchased with deferred payment, installment payment, when it is time to
pay, the business establishment does not have payment documents through the bank:
A. Business establishments must declare and reduce the amount of VAT that deducted; with
the value of goods and services without bank payment documents in the period previously
declared invoices
B. Business establishments must declare and reduce the amount of VAT that has been
deducted for the value of goods and services without bank payment documents in the tax
period arising from the cash payment.

Question 58

For goods and services purchased with deferred payment, installment payment with a value of
goods and services purchased from twenty million VND or more, without bank payment documents
because it has not reached the time of payment under the contract:
A. The business establishment must adjust and reduce the amount of VAT declared for
deduction at the time of payment due under the contract
B. Business establishments must adjust and reduce the amount of VAT declared for deduction
at 31/12 every year
C. Business establishments are still entitled to declare and deduct input VAT
D. None of the above

Question 59

For goods and services used to exchange and give to customers, the VAT price is:
A. Selling price excluded VAT
B. Selling price included VAT
C. Taxable price of goods and services of the same type
D. Taxable price of goods and services of the same or equivalent type at the time of exchange
and gift

Question 60

March 3/2020 VAT declaration of enterprise X has data:

- VAT in the previous period changed: VND 0.15 billion.
- Input VAT for export activities, domestic business activities subject to tax incurred during the
month: VND 4.8 billion.
- Total revenue is 21.6 billion VND, of which: export revenue is 13.2 billion VND, domestic sales
revenue subject to VAT is 8.4 billion VND.
What is the input VAT amount of exported goods?
A. VND 2,933 billion
B. VND 1,603 billion
C. VND 4.8 billion
D. VND 4.95 billion

Question 61

For goods circulating internally to continue the production and business process, the value added
tax calculation price is:
A. Not having to calculate and pay VAT
B. Selling price excluded VAT
C. Selling price included VAT
D. Taxable prices of goods and services of the same or equivalent type at the time these
activities arise

Question 62

Internal circulation goods are goods:

A. Sold by the business establishment
B. Used by the supplying business for consumption of the business establishment
C. To continue the production process in a production or business facility
D. Donated or donated by the business establishment

Question 63

For internal consumer goods at enterprises, VAT behavior is:

A. Not required to declare and pay Value Added Tax when used for business activities of
B. Taxable prices of goods and services of the same or equivalent type at the time these
activities arise
C. VAT must be declared and paid at the same or equivalent price if the purpose does not serve
the production and business of the enterprise
D. Answer A or C

Question 64

The VAT calculation price for imported goods is:

A. Price excluded VAT
B. Price excluded VAT, included Excise Tax
C. Price excluded VAT, included Import Tax
D. Import price at the border gate plus (+) with Import tax (if any) plus (+) with Excise tax (if
any) + Environmental protection tax (if any)

Question 65

In case of construction and installation including raw materials, the VAT calculation price is:
A. Actual construction and installation value
B. Construction and installation prices excluding the value of raw materials without VAT
C. Construction and installation prices including the value of raw materials without VAT
D. The taxable price of the work item or the value of the completed workload handed over
without VAT

Question 66

In case of construction and installation excluding raw materials, the VAT calculation price is:
A. Actual construction and installation value
B. Construction and installation prices excluding the value of raw materials without VAT
C. Construction and installation prices including the value of raw materials without VAT
D. The taxable price of the work item or the value of the completed workload handed over
without VAT

Question 67

In case of construction or installation, payment shall be made according to the work item or the
value of the volume of construction or installation completed and handed over, the VAT calculation
price is:
A. Actual construction and installation value
B. Construction and installation prices excluding the value of raw materials without VAT
C. Construction and installation prices including the value of raw materials without VAT
D. The taxable price of the work item or the value of the completed workload handed over
without VAT

Question 68

For real estate business, the VAT calculation price is:

A. Real estate transfer price
B. Real estate transfer price minus land price
C. Real estate transfer price minus the actual land price (or land rent) at the time of transfer
D. Selling price of the house and transfer of land use rights

Question 69

In which case it is not considered a payment via bank to be deducted from input VAT for goods and
services of VND 20 million or more:
A. Clearing debts
B. Clearing between the value of goods and services purchased and the value of goods and
services sold
C. Authorized payment via 3rd party payment via bank
D. Documents of cash deposit to the seller's account

Question 70

The VAT calculation price of goods sold by production and business establishments is:
A. Retail price of goods in the market
B. Selling price excluded VAT
C. The selling price excluded VAT, but included Excise Tax and Environmental Protection Tax
D. Total VAT stated on invoice

Question 71

The VAT calculation price for imported goods is:

A. Import price at the border gate plus Excise Tax (if any)
B. Prices of imported goods
C. Import price at the border gate plus Import tax (if any) plus Excise Tax (if any)
D. Import price at the border gate plus Import tax (if any) plus Excisse Tax (if any) plus
Environmental Protection Tax (if any)

Question 72

Input VAT of fixed assets used simultaneously for the production and trading of goods and services
subject to VAT and not subject to VAT:
A. Be entitled to deduct the input VAT amount of fixed assets according to the depreciation
rate deducted for production of goods and services subject to VAT
B. Shall be deducted according to the ratio of the revenue of goods and services sold subject to
VAT compared to the total sales
C. Fully deductible
D. Shall be deducted according to the ratio of revenue subject to VAT, revenue not subject to
VAT to the total revenue from selling goods and services, including revenue not subject to
VAT that cannot be separated.

Question 73

Input VAT is deducted only if:

A. Legitimate VAT invoices for purchases or receipts for payment of VAT on imported goods, or
receipts for payment of VAT on behalf of foreign organizations
B. Have bank payment documents for goods and services purchased, except for the purchases
that cost below VND 20 million each
C. Exported goods and services, in addition to the conditions specified at Points a and b of this
Clause, must have contract to sell, process goods, or provide services for a foreign entity,
commercial invoices for sale of goods and services, bank payment documents, customs
declarations for exported goods
D. Both A, B, C

Question 74

Enterprise A sells 5 electric fans, the selling price without tax is VND500,000/unit. 10% tax rate.
What is the output VAT of that number of fans?
A. VND200,000
B. VND250,000
C. VND500,000
D. VND2,500,000

Question 75

Enterprise B imports 1000 bottles of 39-degree wine without Special consumption tax (SST)
of VND300,000/unit, the SST rate is 65%.
What is the VAT price of those 1,000 bottles of wine?
A. VND459,000
B. VND495,000
C. VND459,000,000
D. VND495,000,000

Question 76

Enterprise X has a sales revenue of children's toys excluding VAT in July 2020 of VND100 million.
Aggregate input VAT is eligible for deduction VND2 million. The VAT rate of children's toys is 5% and
the VAT amount that has not yet been deducted from the previous period is VND1 million.
How much VAT must be paid by the end of the tax period of July 2020 of the company?
A. VND2 million
B. VND3 million
C. VND4 million
D. VND5 million

Question 77

Y Construction Company has a revenue in the tax period of VND2,000 million. In which:
- Revenue from the performance of construction contracts with enterprise Z: VND1,500 million.
- Revenue from the implementation of construction contracts in export processing zones: VND500
- Aggregate input VAT is eligible for deduction: VND100 million
What is the VAT payable until the end of company Y's monthly tax period?
A. VND50 million
B. VND100 million
C. VND150 million
D. VND200 million

Question 78

M Trading and Construction Joint Stock Company has revenue in the tax period of VND
5,000,000,000. In which:
- Revenue from commercial business activities: VND2,000 million
- Revenue from other construction contract performance: VND3,000 million
- Aggregate input VAT is eligible for deduction: VND75 million
Know the VAT rate of commercial and construction business is 10%.
What is the VAT payable until the end of the monthly tax period of the M company?
A. VND500 million
B. VND475 million
C. VND425 million
D. VND400 million

Question 79

In the tax period of 07/2020, AMB Trading Company has the following information:
- Input VAT amount: VND400 million (include an invoice with input VAT amount of VND30 million is
paid in cash).
- Output VAT amount: VND800 million
- The amount of VAT still payable at the end of the tax period of 06/2020 is: 0 VND.
The amount of VAT payable in the tax period of 07/2020 of AMB company is:
A. VND 400 million
B. VND 370 million
C. VND 430 million
D. All 3 options above are wrong

Question 80

In the tax period of 08/2020, Phuong Dong Trading Company has the following information:
- Sales are subject to VAT accounting for 50%, sales revenue is not subject to VAT accounting for
- Collected input VAT amount: VND600 million (include buying 01 fixed asset with input VAT amount
of VND500 million, this asset is used to produce taxable and non-VAT goods). The rest are eligible
for deductions.
- Collected output VAT: VND700 million
The amount of input VAT deducted from the tax period of 08/2020 is:
A. VND 100 million
B. VND 350 million
C. VND 600 million
D. All 3 options above are wrong

Question 81
In the tax period of 06/2020, Thang Tien Mechanical Construction Company has the
following information:
- Completion of handover of works, construction and installation value without VAT: VND12,000
- Input VAT deducted: VND500 million
- VAT is still payable at the beginning of the tax period of 06/2020: 0 VND.
The amount of VAT payable in the tax period of 06/2020 is:
A. VND 100 million
B. VND 700 million
C. VND 0
D. All 3 options above are wrong

Question 82
VINCOMAIE trading company registers to pay VAT according to the deduction method. In August
2020, at the request of the customer, the company issued a VAT invoice without the output VAT
stated in which and only recorded the total payment price of VND660 million. Know that this item
has a VAT rate of 10%. The output VAT amount charged on this invoice is:
A. VND60 million
B. VND66 million
D. All 3 options above are wrong

Question 83

In the tax period of 07/2020, AMP Automobile Joint Stock Company has the following information:
- Sale of 10 9-seater cars by installment method, payment period within 2 years (divided into 10
periods, each payment period VND220 million) with a selling price without VAT of VND2,000 million,
interest installment of VND200 million/car; 10% VAT rate.
- The company issued invoices to customers.
The output VAT amount for the tax period of 07/2020 is:
A. VND2,000 million
B. VND2,200 million
C. VND220 million
D. All 3 options above are wrong

Question 84

Enterprise A receives goods processing for enterprise B, has the following information:
- The remuneration paid by company B to company A is VND40 million (without VAT).
- Fuel, auxiliary materials and other costs for processing goods purchased by company A (without
VAT): VND15 million.
- Main raw materials provided by company B (without VAT) VND135 million.
What is the VAT calculation price?
A. VND40 million
B. VND150 million
C. VND55 million
D. VND190 million

Question 85

Enterprise A has entrusted the export of goods to enterprise B and has made exports. Value of
export shipments (without VAT): VND820 million. Trust commission (without VAT): 5%.
What is the VAT calculation price?
A. VND820 million
B. VND410 million
C. VND41 million
D. VND421 million

Question 86

Business establishment A trading motorcycle, in 04/2020 has the following information:

- Selling cars by 3-month installment method, the selling price of installment without VAT is 30.3
million VND/car (in which the selling price of the car is VND30 million/unit, the 3-month installment
interest is VND0.3 million).
- In April 2020, VND10.1 million was obtained.
What is the VAT calculation price?
A. VND10.1 million
B. VND30.3 million
C. VND30 million
D. VND30.6 million

Question 87

Hanoi Travel Company signed a travel contract with Company B in Thailand in the form of a all-
inclusive package of travel for 20 tourists of USD32,000. Round trip airfare is USD9,000, cost paid to
foreign side is USD1,000.
Exchange rate: 1 USD = 23,250 VND.
What is the VAT calculation price?
A. VND744 million
B. VND534.750 million
C. VND511.500 million
D. VND465 million

Question 88

On September 9, 2020, Company A specializes in tourism business to buy 7-seater cars to make
samples and test drive for customers, the price without VAT is VND2 billion.
How much input VAT is deducted from the company?
A. VND80 million
B. VND100 million
C. VND160 million
D. VND200 million

Question 89

In the tax period, Company A pays the input service that is deductible as a specific type of invoice
such as tickets. The total price paid by invoice is VND110 million (included VAT), this service is
taxable at 10%, the amount of input VAT deducted will be:
A. VND 0 (not deducted)
B. VND 10 million
C. VND 11 million
D. VND 1 million

Question 90

In any of the following cases, payment must be made through the Bank to be deducted from input
VAT as prescribed:
A. The total value of goods and services purchased is from 20 million VND or more
B. The total value of purchasing invoices is from 20 million VND or more
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 91

The input VAT of goods and services, which are served the manufacture or sale of both the
goods/services that are subject to VAT and goods/services that are not subject to VAT:
A. VAT on the goods and services serving the manufacture or sale of the goods/services subject
to VAT shall be deducted
B. VAT on the goods and services purchased in the period shall be deducted
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 92

Input VAT on goods and services used in common for production and business are subject to VAT
and are not subject to VAT, but the input VAT amount cannot be separately accounted for, then:
A. Input VAT on goods and services used for production and business of goods and services
subject to VAT
B. VAT on goods and services purchased in the period
C. To be deducted according to the distribution ratio between the proportion of sales of goods
and services subject to VAT on the total turnover of goods sold in the period
D. Deductible according to the ratio (%) between the turnover subject to VAT. Turnover that is
not required to declare and pay VAT compared to the total revenue of sold goods and
services, including revenue that is not required to declare and pay tax, which cannot be
separately accounted for.

Question 93

Company A is a consumer goods manufacturing enterprise in July 2020 with a total input VAT of
VND 500 million on the invoice (in which the VAT amount and the car with less than 9 seats is 250
million VND). million dong).
The deductible input VAT amount of Company A is:
A. 500 VND million
B. 250 VND million
C. 410 VND million
D. No deduction

Question 94

Enterprise A in July 2020 has the VAT amount that has not been fully deducted from the previous
month is: 45 million VND, the total input VAT incurred in the month is: 155 VND million, including a
purchase invoice paid in cash has the VAT amount of: 5 VND million.
The amount of input VAT of the enterprise to be deducted is:
A. 200 VND million
B. 155 VND million
C. 195 VND million
D. 90 VND million

Question 95
Gold, silver and gemstone trading enterprise B in July 2020 has a monthly sales volume of 3,000
VND million.
- Sales in the month are: 3,200 million dong.
- Value of inventory at the beginning of the month is: 2,500 VND million,
- Value of goods in stock at the end of the month is: 2,800 VND million;
- The negative added value of June 2020 is: 50 VND million.
The amount of VAT payable in July 2020 is:
A. 5 VND million
B. 10 VND million
C. 50 VND million
D. 100 VND million

Question 96
For goods and services used for promotion, the VAT calculation price is determined as follows:
A. Goods and services used for promotion in accordance with the law on commerce, the
taxable price is zero
B. Goods and services used for promotion are not subject to the provisions of the law on
commerce and are not subject to VAT
C. Goods and services used for promotion but do not comply with the provisions of the law on
commerce are not required to declare, calculate and pay VAT
D. None of the above

Question 97

The VAT calculation price for goods sold by installment method is:
A. One-time selling price without VAT, including interest in installments
B. One-time selling price without VAT, excluding interest in installments
C. The selling price paid each time without VAT, including interest in installments
D. The selling price paid each time without VAT, excluding interest paid in installments

Question 98

Input VAT of goods and services used for the production and trading of goods and services subject
to VAT:
A. All deductions, including non-compensated input VAT, of goods subject to VAT losses
B. All deductions, including compensated input VAT, of goods subject to VAT losses
C. All deductions, including compensated and non-compensated input VAT, of goods subject to
VAT losses
D. None of the above

Question 99

Input VAT of goods and services (including fixed assets) used simultaneously for the production and
trading of taxable and non-VAT goods and services:
A. Full input VAT amount is deducted
B. Only the input VAT amount of goods and services used for the production and trading of
goods and services subject to VAT may be deducted
C. To deduct the input VAT amount of goods and services used for the production and trading
of goods and services not subject to VAT
D. All of the above

Question 100

Cases in which losses are not compensated for input VAT deduction include:
A. Natural disasters, fires, thefts, cases of losses that are not covered by insurance, goods that
have lost quality, are overdue for destruction
B. Natural disasters, fires, losses outside the norm, losses that are not compensated by
insurance, goods that lose quality, overdue for use must be destroyed
C. Natural disasters, fires, cases of losses that are not covered by insurance, goods that have
lost quality or are overdue for use must be destroyed. Business establishments must have
sufficient records and documents proving cases of uncompensated losses to be deducted
from taxes
D. Answer B and C

Question 101

In case before the tax period of October 2020 (for the case of monthly declaration) or before the tax
period of quarter 03/2020 (for the case of quarterly declaration), the business establishment is
entitled to VAT refund if:
A. There is an input VAT amount that has not been fully deducted in 3 consecutive tax periods
B. There is an input VAT amount that has not been fully deducted in 2 consecutive tax periods
C. There is an input VAT amount that has not been fully deducted in 1 continuous tax period
D. None of the above

Question 102

Business establishments that pay VAT by the tax deduction method if there is an amount of input
VAT that has not been fully deducted in the month or in the quarter, it will be deducted from the
next period; in case the accumulated amount of input VAT has not been fully deducted, the business
A. Get a tax refund after at least twelve months from the first month
B. Get a tax refund after at least four quarters from the first quarter
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 103

A business establishment in the investment period that has not yet entered into production and
business activities but must be dissolved, bankrupt or terminated without incurring output VAT of
the main business activities under the investment project:
A. Not having to adjust the declared, deducted or refunded VAT amount
B. Business establishments must notify the directly managing tax authority of the dissolution,
bankruptcy or termination of operation as prescribed
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 104

Business establishments are not entitled to a VAT refund but are entitled to transfer the
undeductible tax amount of an investment project under the law on investment to the next period
in the following cases
A. The investment project of the business establishment does not contribute the full amount of
charter capital as registered in accordance with the provisions of law
B. Investment projects of conditional business lines and lines of business when they do not
meet the business conditions as prescribed
C. Investment projects of business establishments in conditional business lines and lines of
business do not ensure the maintenance of business conditions in the course of operation
D. All of the above

Question 105
For VAT of domestic goods sales establishments applied according to VAT deduction method:
A. Business establishments that pay tax according to the tax deduction method are entitled to
a refund of VAT if in 1 consecutive month or more there is an input VAT amount that has not
been fully deducted
B. Business establishments that pay tax according to the tax deduction method are entitled to
a refund of VAT if for 3 consecutive months or more there is an amount of input VAT that has
not been fully withheld. The refunded tax amount is the input tax that has not been fully
deducted from the tax refund application period
C. Business establishments that pay tax according to the tax deduction method are entitled to
a refund of VAT if for 12 consecutive months or more there is an amount of input VAT that
has not been fully deducted. The refunded tax amount is the input tax that has not been
fully deducted from the tax refund application period
D. Business establishments that pay tax according to the tax deduction method if there is an
input VAT amount that has not been fully deducted in the month (for the case of monthly
declaration) or in the quarter (for the case of quarterly declaration), it is deducted in the
next period

Question 106
Which of the following business establishments in the month having exported goods and services
shall be considered for tax refund on a monthly basis?
A. Business establishments that export goods and services in a month, if the input VAT of
exported goods incurred in the month has not yet been deducted is VND 100 million or
more, they will be considered for tax refund on a monthly basis
B. Business establishments that export goods and services in a month, if the input VAT on
exported goods incurred in the month has not yet been deducted is VND 100 million or
more, they will be considered for tax refund on a monthly basis
C. Business establishments that export goods and services in a month, if the input value-added
tax of exported goods incurred in the month has not yet been deducted is VND 200 million
or more, they will be considered for tax refund on a monthly basis
D. Business establishments that export goods and services in a month, if the input value-added
tax of exported goods incurred in the month has not yet been deducted is VND 300 million
or more, they will be considered for tax refund on a monthly basis

Question 107

Which of the following subjects and cases is entitled to a VAT refund:

A. Business establishments shall have decisions on tax refund processing by competent
agencies in accordance with law
B. Persons entitled to diplomatic immunity preferences in accordance with the Ordinance on
diplomatic immunity preferences
C. VAT refund for programs and projects using non-refundable official development assistance
funds or non-refundable aid or humanitarian aid
D. All of the above

Question 108

Which of the following subjects and cases is entitled to a VAT refund:

A. Business establishments that pay tax by deduction method for 12 consecutive months or
more have input tax that has not been fully deducted
B. Persons entitled to diplomatic immunity preferences in accordance with the Ordinance on
diplomatic immunity preferences
C. Business establishments that finalize taxes when dividing, separating, dissolving, bankruptcy
or converting ownership have an input VAT amount that has not been fully deducted or
D. Answer B and C

Question 109

Business establishments in the month with exported goods and services are considered for VAT
refund by month if the amount of input VAT of exported goods incurred during the month has not
been deducted from:
A. VND 150 million or more
B. VND 200 million or more
C. VND 250 million or more
D. VND 300 million or more

Question 110

Business establishments have data of 380 million dong of input VAT that has not been fully
deducted, including 280 million dong of input VAT on exported goods. Last month, the business
establishment incurred the payable VAT amount. Business establishments are entitled to VAT refund
in the month:
A. 380 VND million
B. 300 VND million
C. 280 VND million
D. No VAT refund

Question 111

Company A is an electric fan manufacturing enterprise, using 50 fan products installed in production
workshops to serve the business activities:
A. Company A must calculate and pay VAT on the export of these 50 electric fan products
B. Company A must issue an invoice, declare tax at the selling price or equivalent price of the
same type when sold to the market
C. Other answers

Question 112

Which of the following statements is false?

A. Food Company B is a business establishment that pays VAT according to the method of
deducting the purchase of rice from organizations and individuals directly in the country
sold, at the stage of purchasing from organizations and individuals directly growing and
selling, rice is not subject to VAT
B. In case Food Company B sells rice to Import-Export Company C, Food Company B does not
have to declare and pay VAT on the amount of rice sold to Import-Export Company C
C. Food Company B sells rice to Company D (which is an enterprise producing noodles and
Pho), then Food Company B does not have to declare and pay VAT on the amount of rice
sold to Company D
D. Food Company B, which sells rice directly to consumers, declares and pays VAT at a VAT rate
of 5%
E. All of the above

Question 113

If enterprise A receives compensation for damage caused by contract cancellation from enterprise B
of VND 50 million:
A. Enterprise A prepares receipts and does not have to declare and pay VAT on the above
B. Enterprise A invoices VAT (if enterprise A declares VAT according to the deduction method)
assigned to enterprise B and must declare and pay VAT with the above amount
C. Enterprise A makes a regular invoice (if enterprise A declares VAT by the direct method)
assigned to enterprise B and must declare and pay VAT with the above amount
D. Answer B and C

Question 114

Company ABC is an export processing enterprise. In addition to production activities for export, ABC
Company is also licensed to exercise the right to purchase and sell goods and activities directly
related to the purchase and sale of goods in Vietnam, ABC Company must establish a branch to
carry out this activity in accordance with the law The branch must:
A. Separate accounting and declaration and payment of VAT separately for this activity, not
general accounting for production activities for export
B. General accounting for production activities for export and calculation of distribution
according to the ratio of domestic sales revenue to total revenue

Question 115

For business establishments with production and business plans, closed production organizations,
centralized accounting and use of products not subject to VAT to produce goods subject to VAT but
in the period of investment in basic construction with the supply of goods, services that are not
subject to VAT to continue production and processing and have a written commitment to continue
producing products subject to VAT:
A. To declare and deduct VAT right from the stage of basic construction investment
B. The deduction of input VAT must be allocated
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 116

The VAT amount of an investment project to build a house for sale (with the formation of fixed
assets) in the same area after clearing with the VAT declaration of ongoing production and business
activities if:
A. Less than VND 300 million shall be transferred to the input VAT amount of the investment
project in the next declaration period
B. From VND 300 million or more, VAT refund for investment projects
C. Less than VND 300 million shall be refunded VAT for investment projects
D. None of the above

Question 117

For goods and services purchased with deferred payment, installment payment with a value of
goods and services purchased from 20 million VND or more, the business establishment has
declared and deducted input VAT. Business establishments must declare adjustments to reduce the
amount of input VAT deducted if there is no bank payment document when:
A. To the time of payment according to the contract
B. By December 31 of each year in case the time of payment under the contract is earlier than
December 31
C. Time to pay in cash
D. Both A and B are wrong

Question 118

Cases in which payment is treated as another non-cash payment:

A. Clearing between the value of goods and services purchased and the value of goods and
services sold
B. Deduct the debt through a third person whose payment method is specified in the contract
C. To be paid through banks to third-party accounts opened at the State Treasury for
enforcement by means of collecting money and assets held by other organizations and
individuals (according to decisions of competent state agencies)
D. All of the above

Question 119

Any taxpayer that is a agent selling goods/services or purchasing goods at fixed prices to
earn commissions:
A. Do not have to declare VAT on goods and services
B. Have to declare VAT on goods and services sold by agents on the corresponding purchase
and sale targets
C. Have to declare VAT on the commission earned
D. Answer A and C

Question 120

Taxpayers receiving entrusted export and import of goods:

A. Must declare VAT on goods to be entrusted with export and import (in case the trust
contract does not contain a fiduciary content on the performance of VAT obligations on
behalf of the trustee)
B. Not required to declare VAT on goods receiving entrusted import and export (in case the
trust contract does not contain fiduciary contents on the performance of VAT obligations on
behalf of the trustee)
C. Must declare VAT on entitlement trust remuneration
D. Answer B and C

Question 121

In the quarterly stable tax filing cycle, if the taxpayer discovers on his own or through inspection and
inspection, the tax authority concludes that the revenue of the previous year adjacent to this stable
tax filing cycle is over VND 50 billion, the taxpayer is not eligible to file a quarterly value-added tax
return of that stable cycle:
A. The taxpayer must make quarterly declarations until the end of the declaration cycle and
make monthly declarations for the next declaration cycle
B. The taxpayer makes the switch to monthly declaration at the time of detection until the end
of the stabilization cycle
C. From the next year adjacent to the year of discovery until the end of the stabilization cycle,
taxpayers must file a monthly value-added tax return
D. None of the above

Question 122

Quarterly tax return applies to value-added taxpayers whose total sales of goods and services in the
preceding year are from:
A. VND 10 billion or less
B. VND 20 billion or less
C. VND 50 billion or less
D. VND 200 billion or less

Question 123

Is quarterly or monthly tax returns stable throughout the calendar year and stable over how many
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 3 years
D. 5 years

Question 124

Taxpayers who have business activities in construction, installation and sale of extra-provincial
current goods with the value of construction, installation and current sales outside the province,
including VAT, must pay temporary tax to the local tax authority managing construction activities,
installation, resale and transfer of out-of-province real estate?
A. VND 100 million or more
B. VND 1 billion or more
C. VND 2 billion or more
D. There is no limit on the amount of money, all must declare taxes in the locality where the
construction, installation, current sales and transfer of real estate outside the province are

Question 125

Taxpayers doing business in construction, installation, current sales, transfer of real estate outside
theprovince shall pay temporary value-added tax calculated at the rate of:
A. 2% for goods subject to 10% value-added tax rate
B. 1% for goods subject to 5% value-added tax rate
C. Based on sales of goods without value added tax
D. All of the above

Question 126

VAT returns for construction, installation, current sales and transfer of real estate outside the
province shall be filed according to:
A. Each time revenue is generated
B. Month if the taxpayer can register with the Tax Authority
C. A and B are both correct
D. A and B are both wrong

Question 127

Enterprise A has a VAT invoice purchased on 12/07/2020. In the tax declaration period of 07/2020,
enterprise A omitted to declare this invoice.
What is the maximum time limit for declaration and additional deductions in the tax return period?
A. March 07/2020
B. Make additional declarations before tax authorities and competent agencies announce
inspection and inspection decisions
C. Unlimited declaration period
D. Make additional declarations within 10 years from the expiration of the time limit for filing
tax returns of the tax period with errors and errors, but before tax authorities and
competent agencies announce inspection and inspection decisions

Question 128

Deadline for filing a monthly VAT return according to the deduction method:
A. No later than the 15th day of the month following the month in which the tax liability arises
B. No later than the 20th day of the month following the month in which the tax liability arises
C. No later than the 25th day of the month following the month in which the tax liability arises
D. No later than the 30th day of the month following the month in which the tax liability arises

Question 129

Deadline for filing a quarterly VAT return according to the deduction method:
A. No later than the 20th day of the first month of the next quarter incurring tax obligations
B. No later than the 25th day of the first month of the next quarter incurring tax obligations
C. No later than the 30th day of the first month of the next quarter incurring tax obligations
D. No later than the last day of the first month of the quarter following the quarter in which tax
obligations arises in case of quarterly declaration and payment

Question 130

VAT declaration is a monthly or quarterly tax declaration and in the following cases:
A. Declaration VAT for each time it is incurred by the direct method on the turnover of irregular
business people
B. Declaration VAT temporarily calculated for each time it is incurred, for construction,
installation and sales activities outside the province.
C. Declaration VAT that the Vietnamese party pays tax on behalf of foreign contractors
D. All of the above

Question 131

Deadline for declaration and payment of VAT:

A. For taxpayers the month is the 20th.
B. In case of importing goods, the deadline for payment of import tax.
C. For taxpayers as prescribed as the last day of the first month of the quarter following the
quarter incurring tax obligations in case of quarterly declaration and payment
D. All of the above

Question 132

Import - Export Company C in May 2020 has 4 VAT payment vouchers at the import stage with a
total VAT of 320 million VND. Public C can declare and deduct the above 4 documents at the latest in
the tax declaration period of which month?
A. May 2020 tax declaration period
B. October 2020 tax declaration period
C. There is no limit on the period for claiming deductions
D. A time limit of 10 years from the expiration of the time limit for submission of tax
declaration dossiers of the tax period has errors but before the tax authorities, the
competent agencies announce the inspection and examination decisions

Question 133

VAT payers include:

A. Company Limited, Joint Stock Company, Cooperative
B. Individuals, households, groups of independent business people engaged in production,
business, and import activities
C. Enterprises in export processing zones
D. Answers A and B

Question 134

In case the business establishment detects that the input VAT amount when declaring or deducting
is erroneous, it shall be declared and deducted additionally within the time limit:
A. 6 months
B. 12 months
C. 3 months
D. None of the above


1 C 21 B 41 A 61 A 81 B 101 D 121 D
2 B 22 C 42 B 62 C 82 B 102 D 122 C
3 C 23 A 43 D 63 D 83 A 103 C 123 A
4 B 24 C 44 C 64 D 84 C 104 D 124 B
5 A 25 B 45 A 65 C 85 C 105 D 125 D
6 D 26 B 46 D 66 B 86 C 106 D 126 C
7 B 27 B 47 D 67 D 87 D 107 D 127 D
8 C 28 D 48 D 68 C 88 D 108 D 128 B
9 D 29 A 49 B 69 D 89 B 109 D 129 D
10 D 30 C 50 C 70 C 90 D 110 D 130 D
11 B 31 B 51 A 71 D 91 B 111 C 131 D
12 D 32 C 52 B 72 D 92 D 112 E 132 D
13 D 33 A 53 C 73 D 93 C 113 A 133 D
14 C 34 D 54 D 74 B 94 C 114 A 134 D
15 D 35 A 55 C 75 D 95 A 115 A
16 D 36 B 56 B 76 A 96 A 116 B
17 D 37 C 57 B 77 A 97 B 117 C
18 A 38 D 58 C 78 C 98 A 118 B
19 C 39 C 59 D 79 C 99 B 119 D
20 C 40 D 60 A 80 B 100 C 120 D

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