Lesson 1 - Making of The Constitution

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Mrs Thabile Chonco-Spambo

Office: Dullah Omar Institute for Constitutional Law, Governance

and Human Rights
Email: tchonco-spambo@uwc.ac.za
Consultations: Wednesdays 11:00-13:00 & Thursdays 12:00-14:00
Prescribed reading:

 De Vos et al pp 3-25

 In re Certification of the Constitution of the RSA [1996] ZACC

26; 1996 (4) SA 744 (CC); 1996 (10) BCLR 1253 (CC) paras
1-3; 5-21; 26-43 (First Certification Case)
Additional reading:

 C Murray “A Constitutional Beginning: Making South Africa’s

Final Constitution” (2001) 23 UALR L. Rev. 809

 A Sachs “The creation of South Africa’s Constitution”

[comments] (1996) New York Law School Law Review, Vol
41 Issue 2, pp 669-702
Introduction to the Constitution
Q: What is a Constitution?
Set of laws that establish a State
Who is the State?
Where does the State operate?
Powers & duties
Prescripts on how to interact with each other & the citizens of a country
Q: What is a Constitution?
Q: Why do we have constitutions?
 System of gov in a country;
Structures, powers, limitations, capacities, relationships
Critical historical state of affairs in the political development of a
country =
colonisation, independence, unification, republic; dissolution of a
political entity due to social instability, transition, democracy
Q: What is a Constitution?
Q: Why do we have a Constitution?
Q: What is constitutional law?
concerned with state, society & law
Body of law that regulates principle organs of state -
powers & functions,
Substantive inquiry
• How can a collection of words provide a basis for present & future
generations to build a peaceful, law-abiding nation?
“just words”…?
• Ideas of government & society
Shaped by the past
• Also ideas of members of society
Regulation of social interaction
• Theory of Constitutional Law
• Prescripts for a constitutional state
• Prescribes that a Constitution must structure & constrain state [& private]
• Prescribes vs describing
• Respect for dignity & human worth
• Encompasses constitutional principles we’re going to look at shortly
• Value based
• Shaped by a country’s political & social history
The place of a Constitution in the government of a society…
Two branches of SA
Constitutional Law

Separation of Powers Bill of Rights

-creation of the State -State’s duties vis-à-vis citizens
-what we interrogate:
constitutionality of law or conduct
-what we interrogate:
against the power assigned by the constitutionality of law or conduct
Constitution against a right in the BoRs
A Constitution for every ‘season’?
Before the Union
• Cape & Natal = British rule = Westminster system
• Transvaal & Orange Free State = Boer Republics =
departure from Westminster system (SoPs, BoR
reserved for white males only) = Constitution of
1858 racist & prevented courts judicial review ability
• Indigenous SAns = chiefdoms
• British domination grows…
• Anglo-Boer war 1899-1902 = Britain defeats Boer
Republics, takes states
• Formation of the Union of SA in 1910 (exclusion of
black South Africans)
1. Union
Constitution 1910
• Unification of 4 colonies
• Unitary constitutional state = white
political power
• Westminster system ↑
• Constitution created racially divided state-
White people – Westminster constitution
Black people – tribal authority, Bantu
Authorities Act, Black Admin Act
Union Constitution 1910 cont…
Features of Union Constitution:
☼bicameral parliament – House of Assembly & Senate
☼parliamentary supremacy
☼constitutional amendment by ordinary procedures except eg s35
• s35 of the Union Constitution protected non-racial voting rights in Natal &
the Cape
• Laws of the Cape of Good Hope allowed anyone to vote, regardless of their
race, if:
 they earned a certain amount of money; or
 owned property of a certain value.
• But…in 1939 Black voters were removed from the common voters roll -
Representation of Natives Act
• Next to be removed were coloured voters…
Union Constitution 1910: attempts to remove coloured voters

• National Party passed Separate Representation of Voters Act

– Did not get two-thirds majority
– Successfully challenged in Harris v Minister of Interior –
• National Party enacted High Court of Parliament Bill
– Successfully challenged
• Increased seats in senate
– Passed Separate Representation of Voters Act with two-thirds majority
– Unsuccessfully challenged
• New act – South Africa Act Amendment Act:
– A court cannot enquire into or pronounce on the validity of any law passed by Parliament except the languages
2. Republic of South African Constitution
3. Republic of South African/Tricameral
Constitution 1983
Negotiation process begins…
(former) Justice Albie Sachs -
• Convened on 20 December 1991
• Liberation movements, De Klerk government, TBVC states
• Divided into 5 working groups
♣Group 1: creating climate for free political activity
♣Group 2: constitutional transformation, set of constitutional principles & method of
drafting/adopting new constitution → failed to reach agreement & lead to breakdown
♣Group 3: government during transition
♣Group 4:future of TBVC states
♣Group 5: timeframes for implementation – collapsed because of Group 2
CODESA – SA Gov concerns
• Negotiations broke down
CODESA – ANC concerns
• Negotiations broke down
• Proposed two-stage framework for constitution drafting & SACP proposed
“sunset clause”
CODESA - Declaration of Intent
MPNF – Multi Party Negotiating Forum

• Negotiating Council who deliberated over reports from technical committees

• ANC: Constitution drafted by democratically elected government
• NP: Constitution drafted by MPNF, long transitional government
• Compromise: two-stage transition against once off transfer
4. Interim Constitution 1993
• Drafted by people yet to be democratically elected
• Interim government of unity - Coalition gov btwn ANC & NP – ended in 1999
• Westminster system replaced = legislative & exec power divided
• End of parliamentary supremacy
• Set up the Constitutional Assembly – draft new Constitution
• 34 Constitutional Principles
• 2/3 adoption
• Constitutional Court certification
5. “Final” Constitution 1996
• Supreme Constitution
• Democracy
• Value-based
• Bill of Rights
• Constitutional Court
• Separation of powers
• Aspirational
• Recognition of traditional leadership and customary law
• Transformative – law can & must be used to achieve opposite of what Apartheid gov used
law for, SERs, substantive equality

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