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Quarter 3- Lesson 1

Language used in
Academic Texts from
Various Disciplines

Write your message

Contents of this Lesson

●Academic Text
●Academic Writing
●Academic Reading
●Academic language
Quarter 3- Lesson 1

11:25 AM
Language plays a vital role in our daily
conversation. This language may be used in
communicating with other people either
spoken or written. Taking into accounts,
Introduction academic language takes place in our
professional dealings. This language varies
especially when used in various disciplines.

Write your message

11:25 AM

Write your message
What is TEXT?
9:14 AM

10:25 AM

* the main body of a book or other
piece of writing, as distinct from
other material such as notes,
appendices, and illustrations. "The
pictures are clear and relate well to
the text"

Write your message

Other Definitions:

1 . According to Merriam dictionary, a text refers to the actual words of an

author's work.
2 . According to Oxford dictionary, a text is the main body of printed or written
matter on a page. It could refer to a textbook, a Bible passage that is the subject
of a sermon, or a text message.
3. According to, a text of a book is the main part of it,
rather than the introduction , pictures . It refers to the main body of matter in a
manuscript, book, newspaper, etc., as distinguished from notes, appendixes,
headings, illustrations, etc.

Write your message

11:25 AM

Write your message
What is an academic text?

11:25 AM

Academic Text
Academic text is defined as critical, objective, specialized texts written by
experts or professionals in a given field using formal language. Academic
texts are objective. This means that they are based on facts with solid basis.

Write your message

Write your message
Write your message
Some General Purposes of Academic Text

Academic Text

Write your message

Structures of Academic Text

Academic Text

Write your message

11:25 AM

Write your message
What is an academic WRITING?

11:25 AM

Academic Writing
Academic writing is a core subject in the academe Academic writing is a
particular style used in formal essays and other assessments for the course. It
requires formal language, a logical structure and is supported by evidence/s.

Write your message

Academic Writing

Academic writing is clear, concise, focused, structured and backed up

by evidence. Its purpose is to aid the reader's understanding. It has a
formal tone and style, but it is not complex and does not require the
use of long sentences and complicated vocabulary.
Academic writing refers to a style of expression that researchers use to
define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their specific
areas of expertise.

Write your message

11:25 AM

Write your message
What is an academic READING?

11:25 AM

Academic reading differs from reading for pleasure. You will often not read every
word, and you are reading for a specific purpose rather than enjoyment. This page
explains different types of purpose and how the purpose affects how you read, as well
as suggesting a general approach to reading academic texts.

Write your message

Academic Reading

Academic and nonacademic texts are also typically

written for a particular audience. While nonacademic
texts are intended more for mass, public
consumption than scholarly or academic texts, they
may be targeted towards special interests or
occupations in society.

Write your message

11:25 AM

Write your message
What is an academic LANGUAGE?

11:25 AM

Academic language is the language needed by students to do the work in schools. It
includes, for example, discipline-specific vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, and
applications of rhetorical conventions and devices that are typical for a content area
(e.g., essays, lab reports, discussions of a controversial issue.)

Write your message

11:25 AM

Importance of
Academic Writing

Write your message

Importance of Academic Writing
• To measure of one’s professionalism as it seeks to simplify
complex messages providing common understanding with the
target audience.
• It is important because it is fundamental in achieving higher
• It serves as the window of one’s thoughts.
• It aids in one’s understanding of the intended message or text.

Write your message

11:25 AM

Characteristics or
features of a text
Write your message
• F -formal or informal.
• E- explicit or implicit.
• C- complex or simple.
• O- objective or subjective
• S- specific or holistic
Write your message
11:25 AM

Features of Academic Writing


Write your message

•  Complexity - Through written language, complex ideas could be
simplified using a simple language or commonly used idioms that are
understandable to a specific target audience.
•  Formality - Academic writing uses formal language rather than slang or
informal language.
•  Precision - In academic writing, facts and figures could be quoted from
exact sources for further reference.
•  Objectivity - Written language could provide more explicit or objective
purpose of communication

Write your message

11:25 AM

Characteristics of Good
Academic Writing

Write your message

• 1. Use Good Ideas
• 2. Has Clear Sense of Audience, Genre, and Purpose.
• 3. Use appropriate conjunctions for ideas to flow logically
using a certain pattern.
• 4. Choose sources judiciously. Choose appropriate authentic
sources of information and decide:

Write your message

• 6. Specific and detail-oriented prose.
• 7. Be consistent in tone and style.
• 8. Use compelling strong voice.
• 9. Be mechanically competent:

Write your message

Activity Time!

Take your cp camera with you. Go around the different

corners of the school, then take a picture of people that
interests you. Ask yourself if you could relate to it.
Then make a narrative applying the guideline #2. Has
Clear Sense of Audience, Genre, and Purpose.

Write your message

Activity Time!

(a) What is the issue?

(b)What are the specific questions surrounding
the issue?
(c) What is the context and background of the issue?
Why does the issue matter to you?

Write your message

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