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T24 Accounts


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Course Objectives

 After completing this Course you will be able to know

 Dependencies and linkages between Account module and T24 Core and
other applications

 Main business features of Account module

Slide 2
Account – Product Overview

Customer Floating
Accounts Charges

Account Cheque
Group level
level book


Statements Signature

Passbook Balance
Internal Sweep
Slide 3
Account Dependencies

 Accounts makes use of


 Core dependencies
 Accounting
 Delivery
 Limits

 Accounts also uses other Static tables

 Accounts are needed by all contract applications like MG, LD, FX etc
for drawdown and liquidation purposes

Slide 4
Account Dependencies – Product Related

 Customer type of accounts use 1000 to 9999 Category range. It is

possible to accrue interest for these accounts.
 Suggested sub categories are
 Current accounts 1000 – 1999
 Vostro accounts 2000 – 2999
 Others 3000 – 3999
 Nostro accounts 5000 – 5999
 Savings accounts 6000 – 6499
 Savings pass book 6500 – 6999
 Provision accounts 7000 – 7999
 Contingent accounts 9000 – 9999

 Internal accounts use 10000 to 19999 range. It is not possible to

accrue interest for these accounts. Suggested sub categories are
 Cash accounts 10000 – 10999
 Suspense, Fixed assets, capital 11000 – 19999

Slide 5
Account Dependencies – Interest Related


Floating interest

Possible to set a negative interest rate for MM, SW,DX

Possible to give a negative spread and

block margin for Accounts.

Slide 6
Account Dependencies – Charges and Commissions
Charges and commissions
for maintenance of
Accounts collected
directly through

an inter bank facility for
requesting or advising charges of
many types from other financial
institutions. Can also be
type of General charge

It is also possible to accrue / amortise charges defined in

FT.COMMISSION.TYPE on daily or monthly basis.
Possible to schedule charges for specific accounts or groups through
IC.CHARGE and IC.CHARGE.PRODUCT, which could be
Accrued or Amortised over the scheduled frequency period. Possible to
have Min/Max commission and Overall Min/Max percentage.

Slide 7
Account Dependencies - Currency related




Currency markets 1 to 9 can be defined for an account. STMT.ENTRY

affecting an account will make a reference of this market instead of the
market mentioned in transaction processing module.
Consolidation keys for Accounts are consolidated based on the
market mentioned at account level
Interest Day Basis will be defaulted from Currency table. Possible to
change at Group / Account level

Slide 8
Account Dependencies – Currency Related

 Different Interest day basis for calculation of interest possible depending

on methods followed for calculating number of days and days in a year
 A 360 / 360
30 days in each month
360 days in an year
 D 360 / 366
30 days in each month
Actual days in an year
 None
No interest for these accounts

 General and G (366/364) methods possible while setting

Account specific interest conditions using
 General method used to restore Group condition from Account specific

Slide 9
Quiz - 1

1) What are the main functional differences between Customer type

accounts and Internal accounts in T24?
Ans: It isaccounts..
It internal possibleItto accrue interest
is impossible to accrueand charges
interest for accounts
for internal customer as balance in
internal accounts
accounts belong
and not to the Bank.
possible for There is noaccounts.
internal counterpartyCounterparty
for internal accounts. There
is there
is no counterparty for intern It is impossible to accrue interest for internal accounts internal
for customer
accounts belongaccounts
to the Bank.and notis for
There internal accounts.
no counterparty for internal accounts. al accounts.

2) Can we apply negative interest for debit balances of an account?

Ans: No. Negative interest is possible for only credit balances.

3) How can we close an account?

Ans: Using ACCOUNT.CLOSURE Application.

4) If the interest day basis is defined as B 366/360, while calculating

monthly interest for February 2008, how many days will be taken for
Ans: 29 days

Slide 10
Application Specific Parameters

Slide 11
Account - Parameter Tables

 Interest and Charges related tables to be set-up :




Slide 12
Account - Parameter Tables

 Interest and Charges related tables


 Optional table for operating conditions


Slide 13
Account - Parameter Tables

 Statement related tables


 Account related parameter tables


 Account control tables


Slide 14
Cheques, Sweep and Image Management - Parameter Tables

 Account sweep related parameter table


Slide 15
Interest, Charges and Statements Related Parameters

Slide 16
Accounts Service Conditions

 Preferential Service Conditions

 Interest
 Charges
 Statements

 Group Specific

 Account Specific

Slide 17
Interest & Charges – Basic Elements

 Capitalisation
 Interest application - When and at what frequency
 Debit and Credit

 Interest Types & Rates

 Fixed and floating - Currency wise
 Effective dates
 Level and Band
 Minimum balance and start dates

 Charges Types
 Interest related
 Ledger fees

Slide 18
Quiz - 2

1) What are the possible areas of preferential service conditions for

Account related operations?
Ans: Interest, Charges and Statements.

2) What are the possible ways to differentiate interest Capitalisation?

Ans: 1.Frequency of capitalisation 2.Separate frequencies for
debit and credit interest capitalisation.

3) A Bank has set rules to collect 5% interest for balances of 50,000 and
6% thereafter. What will be the interest rate for an account with a balance
of 100,000 under Level and Band methods?
Ans: Level 6%; Band 5.5%.

4) A Bank wants to collect 0.25% of debit interest as charges. What type

of charge would this be?
Ans: Interest related charges.

Slide 19
Accounts - Interest & Charges Grouping Structure



6. ACCT.




Slide 20
Statement Generation Grouping Structure




Slide 21

 To define attributes like interest, charges and statement issuing

frequency, accounts are grouped using set of criteria like product,
nationality, industry, sector etc
 Savings account of residents
 Savings account of non resident senior citizens
 Current account of corporates engaged in software industry
 Current account of private citizens of US nationality

 Rules can be set separately for Interest & charges related and
Statement related selections, Company wise
 Record Ids are ACCOUNT and STATEMENT for default purpose
 ACCOUNT-Company code and STATEMENT-Company code, if company
wise rules are required to be set up
ACCOUNT-GB0010001, STATEMENT-GB0010001 etc

Slide 22

 Ranks proposed selection criteria and indicates applications from

where data is chosen
 Allowed applications are ACCOUNT and CUSTOMER
 Any single valued or local reference field can be chosen
 PRIORITY.ITEM Field to be indicated in the format
 PRTY.VALIDATION Field indicates validation display as enrichment

and SECTOR are
chosen as choices 1
and 2 for both

choice 3 for

Slide 23

 Possible to effect changes to the selection criteria and/or their ranking,

any time later
 The record Id should now include the effective date of change
 Based on the previous selection criteria, already General and group specific
conditions would have been built
 There would be a need to re-define rules for some or all of these groups.
GEN.COND.KEEP and GROUP.COND.KEEP Fields to indicate earlier
records that are to be retained

Effective date to be current or future date

Advised to leave GEN.COND.KEEP as Null so that
all old records would be removed and new
conditions can be set
GROUP.COND.KEEP can also have a value of
ALL to retain all records

Slide 24
Workshop / Demonstration - 1

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Core > Condition Priority
 Make the following changes to CONDITION.PRIORITY record for
STATEMENT to take effect from a future date
 Priority 1 is INDUSTRY
 Priority 2 is CATEGORY
 Priority 3 is SECTOR

 All General conditions are proposed to be re-defined while existing

group conditions are proposed to be retained

 Get the record authorised

Slide 25
Workshop / Demonstration – 1 Solution

Slide 26
General Conditions

 Once CONDITION.PRIORITY records are created, respective General

Condition tables get selection values from there

 ACCT.GEN.CONDITION is to define rules for grouping together Accounts

that have the same interest and charges conditions
Id is up to 4 numeric digits. 9999 groups can be formed

 STMT.GEN.CONDITION table is to define rules for grouping together

Accounts that have the same statement generation frequency
Id is pre-determined – Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Six-monthly, Yearly

 When CONDITION.PRIORITY record is changed, these records can also be

changed with Id suffixed with “-Effective date”

Slide 27

 Choices defined in CONDITION.PRIORITY are automatically defaulted

in ITEM and PRIORITY Fields .

 Multi valued by indicating Y in MULTIVALUE Field to include any

desired combination like
 Group 1 is for Current accounts of Private individuals residing in USA and
 Group 2 is for Current accounts of Private individuals residing in other
countries. It is also for Current accounts of Corporates of any country
 Group 3 is for Savings accounts of individuals residing in US. It is also for
Special savings account of individuals residing in all countries

Slide 28
Workshop - 2

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > General >
 Create a new category for an account product called Special savings

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > General >
Acct Gen Condition
 Create a new group in ACCT.GEN.CONDITION to group Special savings
accounts of all types of customers

Slide 29
Workshop – 2 Solution

Slide 30

 Choices defined in CONDITION.PRIORITY are automatically defaulted

in ITEM and PRIORITY Fields

 Can be multi valued by indicating Y in MULTIVALUE Field to include

any desired combination like
 DAILY statements for Current accounts of Private individuals residing in
USA . It is also for Current accounts of Corporates of any country
 MONTHLY statements for other Current accounts

 FREQUENCY.TYPE Field identifies statement due date to be set

 Anniversary of opening date or period end date
 On the same day on which it was opened every month / quarter / six months
/ yearly or
 Uniformly for all accounts on the last day of a month, or March, June,
September, December etc

Slide 31
Workshop - 3

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > General > Stmt
Gen Condition
 Include Special savings account under the group YEARLY in

Slide 32
Workshop – 3 Solution

Slide 33

 For the groups formed in ACCT.GEN.CONDITION, capitalisation rules

for interest and interest related charges are set here
 Id is same as of ACCT.GEN.CONDITION

 Separate frequencies can be set for first and second debit and credits
 First Debit capitalisation frequency is mandatory. Others optional
 Daily, Business day, Twice in a month, Every nn month on dd day

 START.OF DAY.CAP Field indicates capitalisation is allowed in the

start of day processing.
 Y indicates that it is allowed, NO or null indicates that it is not

Slide 34

 Example
 For Current accounts of Private individuals residing in UK and USA (Group
1), to debit interest every month on the last date while for credit balances in
those accounts, pay interest quarterly on 15th
 For Current accounts of Corporates (Group 2), to debit interest every
quarter on the last date of a month while for credit balances in the same
accounts, interest not payable

 SETTLE.ACCT.CLOSE Field to indicate whether settlement account is

required while closing accounts falling under this group

Slide 35
Workshop - 4

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Interest, Taxes &
Charges > Interest > Group Capitalisation

 For the group created in ACCT.GEN.CONDITION set the following

capitalisation conditions in GROUP.CAPITALISATION
1. Debit frequency every business day
2. Credit frequency once a month, on the first of every month
3. Settlement accounts is not required

Slide 36
Workshop – 4 Solution

Slide 37

 Id incorporates Group, currency and effective date

 Rules can be set group wise and currency wise to take effect from indicated

 General charges and taxes applicable for this group are indicated in

 CHARGE.KEY is mandatory. Even if there are no charges, a null charge

key to be indicated

 TAX.KEY optional. To be used to debit tax, if any, on debit interest

 Links record from TAX or TAX.TYPE.CONDITION (with a prefix of *)

Slide 38

 Interest calculation related choices

 Value for INTEREST.DAY.BASIS Field defaulted from respective
If it should be different, then it can be indicated
‘None’ to be indicated if debit interest need not be calculated
 Calculated on daily, average, or highest balance during the interest period
Indicated in DR.BALANCE.TYPE Field
 Interest rate can be set differently for different balances by multi valuing
interest related fields, while interest calculation can be set to level or band in
Example : Interest is indicated as 5% for balances up to USD 5,000 and
6% thereafter. Account has USD 6,000 as debit balance
1. Under level calculation, 6% interest on entire balance
2. Under band calculation, 5% on first 5,000 and 6% on 1,000

Slide 39

 Amount up to which rate is valid indicated in DR.LIMIT.AMT Field

 If 2 rates are input and no limit is specified for the first level, the first rate is
applicable up to the Overdraft Limit specified for each Account in the

 Fixed or floating rates can be applied

 Different choice possible. First slab fixed and second slab floating

 Fixed interest rate input in DR.INT.RATE Field

 Floating rate indicated in DR.BASIC.RATE Field

 Over the floating rate, a margin can be applied by adding or subtracting or
multiplying using DR.MARGIN.OPER and DR.MARGIN.RATE Fields
Current rate 6.75%. If margin rate of 10 is multiplied to this rate, effective
rate is 7.425%, being 110% of 6.75
 Floor rate for floating interest can be indicated in DR.MIN.RATE Field

Slide 40

 Minimum interest amount proposed can be indicated in DR.MIN.VALUE

 If calculated interest is below this minimum amount, then interest can be
optionally waived by setting DR.MIN.WAIVE to Yes
 Instead, minimum interest indicated can be collected by setting

 Similar rules for a second interest to be debited from the respective

accounts, which is over and above the first interest
 For example, a Bank may wish to charge additional interest on accounts
with average balance under USD 50,000 debit
 All concerned fields are prefixed with DR2 for this purpose

 COMPOUND.TYPE Field used to specify number of compounding

periods per year
 DAILY, WEEKn, Mnn or Nnn choices available

Slide 41

 Interest calculation related choices (continued)

 If Annual Payment Rate is required to be indicated in underlying Accounts,

APR.REQUIRED Field to be set as Yes
APR is same as TEG in France

 Maximum legal rate, can be indicated in MAX.LEGAL.RATE Field

 MAX.DEBIT.CHG.RATE Field identifies the maximum charge percentage of

the first debit interest amount

 These three values can be defaulted from pre defined record in


Slide 42
Workshop - 5

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Interest, Taxes &
Charges > Interest > Group Debit Int

 For the group created in ACCT.GEN.CONDITION, set the following rules in

GROUP.DEBIT.INT for USD, with immediate effect

 First debit interest calculated on daily balance with banded structure, 8%

fixed on the first 50,000 and floating interest of Loan base rate with a spread
of 0.05% thereafter. Minimum value of interest to be collected is USD 25

 Second debit interest calculated on average balance on level basis, 1% if

the debit balance is less than or equal to 50,000 and no interest thereafter.
If the minimum value of interest is less than USD 5, then it may be waived

 Use default GENERAL.CHARGE available

Slide 43
Workshop – 5 Solution

Slide 44

 Similar to GROUP.DEBIT.INT, but has features suited for credit interest

 Id incorporates Group, currency and effective date

 Rules set group wise and currency wise to take effect from indicated date

 Taxes applicable for this group are indicated in TAX.KEY Field

 To be used to debit tax, if any, on credit interest.
 Links record from TAX or TAX.TYPE.CONDITION (with a prefix of *)

 INTEREST.TAX.MIN Field can be used to indicate the amount of

interest that can be earned tax free in a capitalisation period
 For CR and CR2 individually and not for their sum
 By setting NET.TAX Field as Y, debit interest could be netted against the credit
interest prior to calculating tax, if capitalisation dates are same
DR can be netted with CR and DR2 with CR2

Slide 45

 Interest calculation related choices

 Like GROUP.DEBIT.INT, rules can be set here also for first and second
credit interest as fixed and/or floating on level or band basis
Minimum value of Credit interest and paying or waiving them also similar
 CR.MAX.RATE Field to define the capped rate for credit interest to be
applied to the credit balance type
 CR.BALANCE.TYPE Field permits Daily, Minimum and Average
As against Daily, Highest and Average in DR.BALANCE.TYPE
 Negative interest rate can be allowed by setting the Field
NEGATIVE.RATES as YES. This could come by Negative fixed rate or
Negative spread being more than floating rate.
Account will be debited with the interest amount in spite of maintaining a
credit balance. Useful to penalise overdraft accounts with credit
 NEGATIVE.RATES set as BLOCK.MARGIN will allow negative
interest only if negative effect is from base rate/fixed rate, margin
cannot make a rate negative

Slide 46

 Interest calculation related choices

 In addition, a minimum balance needed for interest calculation can be

stipulated in CR.MINIMUM.BAL Field

 A start and end date for minimum balance for interest calculation can also
be stated in CR.MIN.BAL.ST.DTE and CR.MIN.BAL.ED.DTE Fields
If an account is opened or closed in between the start and end dates, it is
still possible to credit interest if opted as YES in CR.ACCR.OPEN.AC and
CR.ACCR.CLOSE.AC Fields respectively, as long as

 If balance in account falls below the value indicated in CR.ZERO.INT.BAL

Field any time during a capitalisation period, then interest will not be paid
for the entire capitalisation period
Accounts opened or closed during capitalisation period will attract interest
if opted for YES in CR.ZERO.INT.OC Field

Slide 47

 Interest calculation related choices (continued)

 Possible to use the first and second credit interest only to offset the
respective debit interests without actually crediting a customer account by
indicating Y in CR.OFFSET.ONLY and/or CR2.OFFSET.ONLY Field
Provided capitalisation dates are same

Slide 48
Workshop - 6

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Interest, Taxes &
Charges > Interest > Group Credit Int

 For the group created in ACCT.GEN.CONDITION, set the following rules in

GROUP.CREDIT.INT for USD, with immediate effect

 First credit interest calculated on minimum balance, 5% fixed, whatever be

the balance, provided there is a minimum balance of USD 5,000 in the
account between 10th and last of each month

 No interest is payable if balance falls below USD 2,000 any time during a

Slide 49
Workshop – 6 Solution

Slide 50
General Charges

 General charges related to accounts are two types – Interest related and
Account maintenance

 Interest related charges, levied when Debit 1 interest is applied


 Account maintenance or ledger fees, levied on last date of calendar

month - monthly, quarterly or half yearly as defined in COMPANY Table

 Charges effective on the date of capitalisation are applicable for entire

capitalisation period

Slide 51
Interest related General Charges

 A flat percentage charge on Debit interest amount

 A flat percentage charge on the highest Debit balance recorded

 Both charges are on Debit 1 interest and applied on capitalisation date

 Cannot be specified together as Interest related charges

 HIGHEST.DEBIT could however be collected like account maintenance
charge also using HIGHEST.DEBIT.CHG Field in GENERAL.CHARGE

 Currency wise Minimum, Maximum and Free amounts specified.

 Free amount is deducted from calculated charge and then adjusted for
Minimum and maximum charge amount
 Default charges in local currency, for Currencies not specified

Slide 52
Workshop - 7

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > Debit int Addon
 Set a rate of 1% with a minimum of USD10 and maximum of USD100
 Use PL category code of 52004
 Use transaction codes 340 and 341

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > Highest Debit
 2% with a default minimum of 10, maximum of 100 and a free amount of 25
units of local currency
 Use PL category code of 52004
 Use transaction codes 350 and 360

Slide 53
Workshop – 7 Solution

Slide 54
Workshop – 7 Solution

Slide 55
Interest related General Charges

 A flat percentage calculated on overdraft balances and collected on behalf
of the Government

 A flat fee levied for production of a Debit Interest Statement
 Rates are maintainable. Rate on capitalisation date is valid for entire period

 Id of these records is up to 2 numbers with month and year

 99 records can be set up under each type of these charges
 No direct link

 PL Category code and Transaction codes required

Slide 56
Workshop - 8

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > Interest Statement

 Set up a record with default charges of 10 units of local currency and for
GBP, charge amount of 5 units

 Use PL category code of 52004

 Use transaction codes 344 and 345

Slide 57
Workshop – 8 Solution

Slide 58
Account Maintenance General Charges

 A fixed charge specified for each chargeable credit entry which passed over
an Account during the Capitalisation period

 A Percentage charge on the total value of chargeable credit entries which
pass over an Account during the Capitalisation period

 Entries are chargeable only for those transactions that have 'Y' in the

 Both charges cannot be specified together

 Currency wise Minimum, Maximum and Free amounts can be specified

Slide 59
Workshop - 9

 Set up the following account maintenance related general charges

 Use PL category code of 52005 for both records

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > Number Of Credit
 Default charge of 0.5 and free amount of 10
 Use transaction codes 348 and 349

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > Turnover Credit
 0.25%. Minimum 10
 Use transaction codes 355 and 356

Slide 60
Workshop - 9 Solution

Slide 61
Workshop - 9 Solution

Slide 62
Account Maintenance General Charges

 A fixed charge specified for each chargeable debit entry which passed over
an Account during the Capitalisation period

 A Percentage charge on the total value of chargeable debit entries which
pass over an Account during the Capitalisation period

 Entries are chargeable only for those transactions that have 'Y' in the

 Both charges cannot be specified together

 Currency wise Minimum, Maximum and Free amounts can be specified

Slide 63
Workshop - 10

 Set up the following account maintenance related general charges

 Use PL category code of 52005 for all records

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > Number Of Debit
 For GBP, Charge amount of 0.5, Free amount of 10 and maximum 15.
Default charges 0.5
 Use transaction codes from out of 353 and 354

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > Turnover Debit
 0.25% for GBP with Maximum 200 GBP, Default charges 0.25%
 Use transaction codes from out of 357 and 358

Slide 64
Workshop – 10 Solution

Slide 65
Workshop – 10 Solution

Slide 66
Account Maintenance General Charges

 A fixed charge to be applied if a specified Balance is not maintained
 Required Balance may be defined as Minimum or Average Balance
 A range of charges for different Balances may be specified

 Charges for supplying full statement, copy thereof or every sheet of the
statement, with facility to indicate number of free pages, minimum and
maximum amounts.

 Rates on capitalisation date is valid for entire period

 Id of these records is 1 or 2 digit number with month and year

 These records get linked to GROUP.DEBIT.INT through
GENERAL.CHARGE and hence have no direct link

Slide 67
Workshop - 11

 Set up the following account maintenance related general charges

 Use PL category code of 52005 for both records

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > Balance Requirement
 Default charges of 10, if balance is less than 5,000 and 5, if less than
 Balance type as Average
 Use transaction codes 346 and 347

 Through command line set up ACCT.STATEMENT.CHARGE

 Default charges 5, copies 3, every sheet 1 and free sheets 5
 Use transaction codes 344 and 345

Slide 68
Workshop – 11 Solution

Slide 69
Account Maintenance General Charges

 A fixed charge or a percentage on total value or a FT.COMMISSION.TYPE
on chargeable transactions
 Id is up to 3 numbers with date and optionally a GENERAL.CHARGE Id
 If GENERAL.CHARGE id is also included, then this is specific to that . In
that case, it has to be a fixed charge amount

 Currency wise Minimum, Maximum and Free amounts can be specified

 Calculated based on Individual Transaction

 Every time this transaction occurs in an account, charges to be calculated

Slide 70
Account Maintenance General Charges

 TRANSACTION.CHARGE gets attached to any TRANSACTION record


 IMMEDIATE.CHARGE Field in TRANSACTION record should be set to NO

to enable collecting these charges along with other Account maintenance
general charges, as they cannot be applied immediately

 System maintains an internal file ACCR.ACCT.TRAN.CH with details of

currently accrued transaction based charges for each account

 Details are used at the time of capitalising the charges

 Daily transactions charges are calculated online

 Charges could be selectively collected or waived through option in


Slide 71
Workshop - 12

 Use the command line > TRANSACTION.CHARGE

 Set up the following account maintenance related general charges

 Use PL category code of 52005

 Use transaction codes 357 and 358

 Attach the transaction charge for withdrawal transaction and combine it

with transfer transaction


Default free amount 25

Slide 72
Workshop – 12 Solution

Slide 73






Slide 74

 Id can be up to 4 digit number and effective date of charges

 Charges for a group of accounts or a particular account applied

 Applicable charges are linked through fields in the names of charges
 HIGHEST.DEBIT could however be collected like account maintenance
charge also using HIGHEST.DEBIT.CHG Field

 Interest related charges other than GOVERNMENT.MARGIN, can be

waived, if they maintain a stipulated minimum or average balance.
 Balance could be stipulated currency wise
 INT.CHRG.BAL.TYPE Field with choices of Minimum or Average
 INT.CHARGE.CCY and INT.CHARGE.BAL Fields for indicating currency
wise balance needed for the above and
 INT.CHARGE.DEF.BAL Field for default balance LCY equivalent

Slide 75

 For foreign currency accounts, Account maintenance charges (other

than TRANSACTION.CHARGE) can be collected or waived
 Opting for Yes or No in CHARGE.OF.FCY.ACCT Field

 Minimum, maximum and free amounts of charges could be made

applicable once for the entire capitalisation period, or could be applied
in monthly steps by opting for P or M in Field CALCUL.STEP.PERIOD
 P for entire period and M for monthly


NUMBER.OF.DEBIT or TURNOVER.DEBIT are proposed to be
collected, COMB.DEBIT.CREDIT Field to be set as NO.

Slide 76

 Charges on transactions, set through TRANSACTION.CHARGE and

linked to TRANSACTION can be selectively applied
 TRANS.CODE.CHARGE Field can be opted as Yes or No

 Possible to combine charges of respective transactions into one and

apply rules of minimum, maximum and free according to rules of the
 COMB.TRNS.CHRG.CDE Field can be used to indicate the selected
TRANSACTION.CHARGE record numeric Id

Slide 77

 Possible to opt for collecting or waiving all Account maintenance

charges (other than TRANSACTION.CHARGE), if the balance in an
account is negative
 WAIVE.CHRG.NEG.BAL Field with option Yes and No

 If opted for Yes, then even if the balance is negative only for a day,
charges are waived
 If CALCUL.STEP.PERIOD is set as M, then balances are checked for each
month separately.
 Charges collected only for those months when the account did not have
negative balance
 If it is set to P, then, charges collected only if there was no negative balance
through out the period of capitalisation

Slide 78

 Account maintenance charges could be consolidated and applied as

single debit (except TRANSACTION.CHARGE )
 CHARGE.CODE.LEVEL Field to be set as COM for combining charges and
IND for individual transactions of charges
If Combining charges is opted, then PL category, Credit and Debit
transaction and Tax codes for the combined entry should be specified

 When combined or collected individually, charges could be waived, if a

minimum value is stipulated in DEF.LOW.AMT.CHARGE Field or
Currency wise of LOW.AMT.CHARGE Fields

Slide 79

 When Account maintenance charges are combined, it is possible to set

rules for waiving or offsetting, depending on type of balance specified in
OFFSET.BAL.TYPE as Minimum or Average

 Charges can be waived if accounts have balance indicated in


 If accounts maintain a credit balance as indicated in DEF.BAL.NO.OFFSET

or Currency wise BAL.NO.OFFSET, then a notional interest can be
calculated at an interest rate indicated in PERCT.FOR.OFFSET using
interest day basis indicated in DEFAULT.DAY.BASIS or DAY.BASIS Fields

 Notional credit interest amount can be offset against the calculated charges

Slide 80
Workshop - 13

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > Account
Charges > General Charge
 Set up a record in GENERAL.CHARGE for Special savings accounts.
1. Include interest related charges created earlier for
2. If the average balance is 10,000 and above in local currency and
5,000 and above in GBP, these charges could be waived
3. Rules for calculation applicable for entire period
4. Charges applicable for local as well as foreign currency accounts
5. Include charges created earlier for BALANCE.REQUIREMENT,
6. Combine and Collect all TRANSACTION.CHARGE. Use your charge
created earlier for applying minimum, maximum and free amount rules

Slide 81
Workshop – 13 Solution

Slide 82
Workshop - 14

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Interest, Taxes &
Charges > Interest > Group Debit Int

 Access GROUP.DEBIT.INT created earlier

 Replace the existing default General charges by the new

GENERAL.CHARGE created by you, so that the new general charges
are applicable to this group

 Authorise the record

Slide 83
Workshop – 14 Solution

Slide 84
Accounts - Interest & Charging Structure – a Recap



6. ACCT.




Slide 85
Quiz - 3

1) What is the role of CONDITION.PRIORITY in forming groups of

Accounts for differential treatment for interest and charges?
Ans: a. Conditions based on which groups are going to be
defined are indicated.
b.These conditions are prioritised

2) What is the role of ACCT.GEN.CONDITION?

Ans: Groups of accounts for differential treatment are created here.

3) What is the role of GROUP.CAPITALISATION ? How is it linked to

Ans: a. For the groups formed in ACCT.GEN.CONDITION,
capitalisation rules for interest and interest related charges are set here.

Slide 86
Quiz - 3

4) How are debit interest conditions defined for groups formed

Ans: In GROUP.DEBIT.INT, using id of Group Number suffixed
with currency code and effective date, group wise interest conditions
are set and the conditions are effective from the effective date of id.

5) How are charges made applicable to groups of Accounts?

Ans: Charges are linked to GENERAL.CHARGE. This in turn is
linked to group of Acccounts/individual accounts in GDI/ADI
through Charge key field.

6) For setting special conditions for interest at Account level,

what should be the Id of ACCT.GEN.CONDITION?
Ans: ACCT.GEN.CONDITION is not used for this. ADI/ACI
with account number effective date as id is used for setting
special conditions at account level.

Slide 87

 Rules regarding accrual of interest are set up

 Id is Company code

 MTH.END.UPTO.DAY Field specifies the day of the month on which

monthly Interest Accrual processes will take place.
 At present only 31 is allowed.
 If the day specified falls on a non-working day, Accrual takes place on the
previous working day

 Accrual calculation will include the accrual date also, if

LAST.DAY.INCLUSIVE Field is set to Y.
 Otherwise the calculation will be till the day preceding accrual date

Slide 88

 APP.POSTING.DAY Field specifies whether interest is to appear on a

Customer statement on the date it is calculated or on the following day
(Today or Next)
 If NEXT is chosen, entries affecting customer account are booked as part of
start of day processing on the next working day.
 Profit and Loss entries are booked on Capitalisation day, regardless of the
contents of this field

 INCLUDE.CHARGES Field specifies whether Account maintenance

charges are to be accrued every month end, or only when they are
 Account charges may be applied monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or yearly
as specified in the COMPANY table, always at the end of a calendar month

Slide 89

 Possible to set the accrual frequency as DAILY, MONTHLY or NONE

for any select groups or any select Categories

 Different for foreign currency accounts and local currency accounts

 GRP.ACCR.TYP Field to indicate LOCAL, FOREIGN or both currencies
 GRP.ACCR.FQU Field to indicate either DAILY, MONTHLY or NONE
If NONE is chosen, then accrual and capitalisation dates are same
 ACCRUAL.GRP Field to indicate any chosen Group formed at
ACCT.GEN.CONDITION for which rules are set up
 Corresponding fields for Category are ACCRUAL.CAT, CATEG.TYPE and

 For default conditions for other groups / categories,

DEFLT.ACCR.TYPE and DEFLT.ACCR.FQU Fields can be used

Slide 90

 Instead of calculating interest from the date of credit, it is possible to

postpone the calculation
 Interest is calculated from the value date for an accounting entry.
 Value dated balances are maintained separately for this purpose.
 It is possible to give forward or backward value dates for accounting entries.
 By using VAL.DATE.ADJUST Field in ACCOUNT.ACCRUAL, it is possible
to increase the value date by the specified number of days
 This facility is useful for Russian method of calculating interest on
accounts, when interest is calculated on the start of day balance and
not close of business balance
 Balance on 1st April 2008 is USD 25,000. Interest on this is not calculated
for 1st April, 2008, but only for 2nd April 2008, if VAL.DATE.ADJUST Field is
set as 1.
 Accrual Adjustment can be done when balance with accrual is taken
over from legacy system to T24

Slide 91
Workshop - 15

 Use the command line > ACCOUNT.ACCRUAL

 In ACCOUNT.ACCRUAL, set the following rules for your group for

Special savings accounts
 Foreign currency accounts under this group will not have any separate
 Local currency accounts will have monthly accrual

 Default frequency for both types of currencies is monthly

Slide 92
Workshop – 15 Solution

Slide 93

 Select parameters with regard to operating accounts set up

 Parameters are set group and currency wise

 Possible to set up Notice Savings accounts in which withdrawals above

specified amounts need agreed notice periods.
 NOTICE.AMOUNT Field to indicate maximum local currency amount that
can be drawn without notice
 NOTICE.PERIOD Field specified in days, months or working days
 AVAILABILITY Field specify the period for which funds will be kept available
after the notice period
 Notice of 1 month after which funds will be kept available only for 5 working
days. If amount is not drawn within this period, fresh notice is required to be

 Notice of withdrawal recorded through NOTICE.WITHDRAWAL

Slide 94

 Operational restrictions on maximum increase, allowing debits,

minimum and maximum balances can be stipulated

 MAXIMUM.INCREASE Field to indicate the maximum allowed in annual

increase in account balance

 If debits are proposed to be restricted, then DEBIT.RESTRICT Field should

be set to Yes. Otherwise No
If restricted, possible to get override as defined at RESTRICTED.MSG

 If any Premium interest is proposed to be given, then multi valuable

PREMIUM.TYPE Field to hold valid SAVINGS.PREMIUM record Id

 Minimum and maximum balances conditions indicated in MINIMUM.BAL

and MAXIMUM.BAL Fields
Transactions will attract overrides, if balance rules are breached

Slide 95

 Possible to defer collecting charges, interest and tax thereon for a

specified period after calculation.

 Debited to internal accounts and after the deferred period, customer’s

account debited automatically
deferment period in Calendar or Working days
 Internal account Category indicate in CHARGE.PENDING.CAT,

 SINGLE.LIMIT.DEFLT Field can be set to Y to restrict use of one limit

for only one account, instead of many accounts using the same limit

 Rate change advices could be sent by setting RATE.CHANGE.ADVICE

Field as Yes and indicating message type in ADVICE.TYPE Field

Slide 96

 Possible to indicate which transactions, if done more than the threshold

time in a statement period, would constitute a violation and / or not be
eligible for credit interest.
 If Cash withdrawal transaction happens 10 or more times, within a
statement period of 1 month, then account not eligible for credit interest.
Further, it should also be considered as a violation
 TXN.CODE.GRP Field to indicate Transactions that need to be considered
for fixing a threshold
 TXN.THRESHOLD Field to indicate the threshold
 WAIVE.CR.INT to indicate whether credit interest is to be waived if
threshold limit is reached
 NO.VIOLATION Field if set to Yes, will not record this as violation

 System records information in AC.VIOLATION, for accounts for every

statement cycle.
 RETENTION.PERIOD decides how long this record should be live

Slide 97

 Possible to indicate rounding rules for interest calculated through

Used for on line calculation of interest and charges up to a given date
Used for information. No accounting entry passed
Used to hold details of interest accrued but not capitalised
By default interest is accrued every month end and on capitalisation date
 STMT.ACCT.DR / STMT.ACCT.CR applications
Used to hold details of interest calculated for capitalisation

 Rules pre defined in EB.ROUNDING.RULE can be set separately for

(1) individual debit interest (2) individual credit interest calculations
and (3) total debit interest amount and (4) total credit interest amount
 By default natural rounding relevant to interest currency performed

Slide 98
Workshop - 16

 Use Admin Menu > Framework Parameter > Account > General >
Acct Group Condition

 Set the following conditions in ACCT.GROUP.CONDITION for the group

created earlier by you for Special savings account

 Conditions for USD accounts

 Minimum balance 10,000, maximum balance 500,000

 If cash withdrawals (Transaction Code 2) during a statement period exceed

20, then the accounts will not attract any credit interest

Slide 99
Workshop – 16 Solution

Slide 100
Quiz - 4

1) What is the effect of setting NONE as frequency in ACCOUNT.ACCRUAL ?

Ans: Accrual will be done on capitalisation date.

2) Where can we set Minimum balance required to be maintained by groups

of Accounts?

3) What is the effect of setting SINGLE.LIMIT.DEFLT Field in

Ans: Accounts of same customer cannot share single limit.
Accounts under the group can be attached with only a dedicated limit.

4) Is it possible to set rules to defer payment of credit interest to groups of

account through ACCT.GROUP.CONDITION?
Ans: No. It is for debit interest ,charges and taxes.

Slide 101
Statement Generation Structure




Slide 102

 Conditions for generating statements are defined here and the rules are
defaulted to ACCOUNT.STATEMENT when an account is opened

 Record Id is SYSTEM to define system wide rules

 IF.NO.MOVEMENT Field to choose whether to produce statements even

when there has been no movement in account

 FIRST.STMT Field to choose whether the first statement is to be produced

even when there has been no movement in account since account opening

 DESCRIPT.STATEMENT Field to choose whether statements should

include any Customer Narrative entered at the time of inputting

Slide 103

 Choices regarding interest and charges advices / statements

 INT.CLOSING.ADVICE Field specifies whether or not an advice should be

produced when interest and charges are applied
Details of format, address and copies are specified in Delivery system

 INTEREST.SCALE Field specifies whether or not a detailed interest

statement should be produced whenever interest is applied

 Minimum frequency, if any, for statement generation could be indicated in

number of months at MIN.MONTHS.STMT Field
NONE to indicate no such frequency

Slide 104

 In value dated accounting system, if FWD.MVMT.REQD Field is Null or

 Only the real forward entries with a Value-Date equal to or less than the
next statement date, booked during the statement period will be reported in
the statements.
 YES will report all forward entries

 Choices for consolidating pass book entries

 If number of transactions in a period exceed value in SP.PB.CONS.MAX
Field, then the entries would be consolidated and printed as total of Debit
and Credit entries of the day in Pass books.
 Transaction codes used for such debits and credits indicated in

Slide 105
Account Operations Related Parameters

Slide 106
Dates in Accounting Entries

 Booking date
 Date on which accounting entry is generated.
 In a live situation, Booking date is System run date

 Value date
 Date on which entry is to be given value for interest purposes
 Can be input while originating transaction or defaulted from
TRANSACTION Table. Otherwise assumed as Booking date

 Exposure date
 Date on which entry can be drawn against.
 This date can only be present in Credit entries or Debit entries which are
reversals of Credit entries.
 Can be input while originating transaction or defaulted from TRANSACTION
Table. Otherwise assumed as Booking Date
 Does not affect interest calculation, as Value date is relevant for that

Slide 107
Account Balances in ECB

 Cleared balance
 Values of all authorised entries over the Account
 Except any credit or reversal debit entries with future exposure dates

 Working balance
 Value of cleared balance and unauthorised debit entries. Useful for limits

 Actual balance is cleared balance and credit entries with future

exposure date

 Available balance
 Maintained as a ladder to show date wise cash flow in an account. This will
include Forward dated entries produced by contract applications and STO
 Forward movements to the account with an exposure date specified by

Slide 108
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

 Accounts and Accounting related rules are parameterised

 Id is SYSTEM

 Important Accounts related parameter choices are:

 CASH.FLOW.DAYS Field specifies the number of calendar days forward
that cash flow balances are to be maintained for each account in ECB for
accounting overrides and cash flow processing
 If 10 is indicated here, then a forward dated entry with value date of 11 and
above days will not update cash flow balances of an account under
Available balance in ECB now.
 Every day, the System will update balances suitably
 If no value is entered, then cash flow is maintained only for Nostro accounts
for 10 calendar days

Slide 109
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

 Accounting can be either trade dated or value dated for DC, FT, Teller,
SC and IC applications while only value dated accounting is possible
for other applications
 The field VALUE.DATED.ACCTNG can be populated with No and Yes
choices for DC, FT, Teller, SC and IC applications
 Select application wise or Category wise choice possible
 Cannot change usage from Yes to No subsequently
 Suspense accounts for different Category codes for split value dated
accounting using ENTRY.CATEGORY and SUS.CATEGORY Fields
 Transaction codes for operating suspense account indicated in
 Suspense entry information is held in an internal file for the days indicated
 Value dated information held in an internal file for the number of months
indicated in VAL.NO.MONTHS

Slide 110
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

 Through AVAILABLE.BAL.UPD Field, we can indicate whether at all

any unauthorised entry should be included in Available balance
 Debits, Credits, Both and None are choices. Default is None

 Through EXPOSURE.DATED.AF Field, we can set the ladder on

exposure or value date basis
 Yes or Null to indicate funds ladder to be updated on the basis of exposure
 No to indicate funds ladder will be updated on the basis of value date

Slide 111
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

 Through CREDIT.CHECK Field, Available balance or Working balance

could be set to be checked for overdraft or limit checking.


 EB.AF.PARAM gives option to update specific un authorised

movements for available balance
 Available balance update settings in ACCOUNT.PARAMETER gets
overridden by setting in EB.AF.PARAM

Slide 112
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

 Important Accounts related parameter choices are:

 Types of contingent accounts and range of category codes for their use in
Customer type of contingent accounts can also be opened to calculate
charges on limits not utilised
Should necessarily have non contingent liquidation accounts

 System allows changing Category of an account any time

From a contingent to another contingent and from non contingent to
another non contingent category

 Possible to change the account holder’s name only if

1.New account holder is already a joint account holder
2.Category of Account is indicated in ACCT.CATEG.STR and

Slide 113
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

 Important Accounts related parameter choices are:

 If Customer code is part of Account number, then its starting position and its
length are indicated in CUSTOMER.CODE.POS and CUST.CODE.LEN Fields

 If details of interest movement are required to be maintained for accounts,

INT.MVMT.UPDATE Field can be flagged as Y
It is possible to maintain details of customer wise interest on every account
and contract in INT.MOVEMENT, an internal file in line with parameter set

 PL Category codes to be used for prior period adjustments

 CHARGE.FIRST.MONTH indicates whether first month charges are applicable

for accounts opened anytime

 NO.UNAU.KEYS - Threshold for number of Unauth keys held in ECB

Slide 114
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

 Possible to reference T24 account numbers through alternate account

numbers also

 ALT.ACCT.PARAMETER Table should be set up to indicate conditions for

check digit and size of alternate account numbers

 In ACCT.PARAMETER, ALTERNATE.ACC.IDS Field to be set as Y and

ALTERNATE.ID Field to be used to indicate access identifiers defined in

 Alternate account number should be loaded into ALT.ACCT.ID Field in

individual accounts

 System automatically maintains the old and corresponding new numbers in


Slide 115
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

 Each contract application has its own default order like

redemption and repayment
 System defined default order could be used if DEFAULT.ORDER Field is
left blank. If None is chosen, then System will not do automatic default.
 Rules can be set for select application and transaction using SYS.CODE
Field – MM-DD; MM-PRIN etc
 CUSTOMER.SSI Field to be set as YES, if default through CUSTOMER.SSI
application is proposed to be used for any contract
 NOSTRO.DEFAULT Field to default Nostro accounts only when AGENCY
exists, or in all cases or never
 USE.FIRST.ACCT Field to indicate whether the first account of a customer
to be automatically defaulted in case of multiple accounts
 DEF.OVERRIDE Field to indicate whether override is required if default and
input accounts do not match

Slide 116
Quiz - 5

1) What is the use of value date in T24?

Ans: Used for giving value for interest calculation.

2) When working balance shows cleared balance less unauthorised debit

entries, what is the practical use of this ?
Ans:Shows amount that can be safely allowed to be drawn from
Bank’s perspective. Useful for fixing withdrawal limits.
3) If cash flow has not been opted in ACCOUNT.PARAMETER, what will
be the effect?
Ans: Cash flow will be maintained only for NOSTRO accounts
by default for 10 days.

4)Which balance is used for limit checking purposes?

Ans: Working Balance, It is also possible to check limit
for other balances by opting in ACCOUNT.PARAMETER.

Slide 117
Accounts Related Parameters - ACCOUNT.CLASS

 Records in this table are Account or Class or PL type

 Account type records required for automatic debit / credit by the

System while operating modules like FX, LC, MM, LD, DC etc.
 Internal accounts in local currency should be opened for them

 Class type records required for validation of specific class of accounts

For issuing pass book instead of statements and for operating Notice
savings accounts
To identify Nostro and Vostro accounts for various purposes – Opening
Accounts, NOSTRO.ACCOUNT, Standard settlement instructions etc

 PL type records required for automatic debit / credit while operating

modules like DX

Slide 118
Accounts Control Tables - REFERAL

 Used to establish conditions under which details of an Account or

entries over an Account should be referred to the Account Officer
 COB report containing details of transactions and balances to be referred

 Conditions could be set up to cover

 One or more transaction codes or ranges thereof
 Specific movements like Debit, Credit and Reversal
 Minimum and / or maximum amount of movements
 Combination of transaction code, movement type and amount
Miscellaneous debits reversed for amounts above USD 500
 Balances at the close of business for accounts that had movements during
the day
Closing Debit balances greater than USD 50,000 created today

 Amounts indicated are for indicated currency. If account is in a different

currency, amount converted to referral currency and checked

Slide 119
Workshop - 17

 Using the command line, create a REFERAL condition to refer

accounts with debit balance of / equivalent to USD 50,000 and above

 These balances are due to movements of the day

 Get the record authorised

Slide 120
Workshop – 17 Solution

Slide 121
Accounts Control Tables – POSTING.RESTRICT

 Different types of restrictions to be imposed on Accounts are defined

here – on Debits, or Credits or All.
 Post no debits, Post no credits, Whereabouts not known, Pending closure
 Restriction do not affect int and charges debited/credited to an account.

 Posting Restriction codes may be assigned to Customers and Accounts

as required.
 Entries meeting specified conditions will require due approval of an override

 Id can be upto a 2 digit number. Certain ranges of Codes have

predefined purpose and should not be used for anything else.
 80-89 to indicate PENDING CLOSURE types. Accounts which will be
closed soon, but not to be closed automatically.
 90-99 to indicate AUTOMATIC CLOSING types. Accounts which should be
closed automatically as soon as Balances are zero

Slide 122
Accounts - Build Sequence

1. AC.STMT.PARAMETER * Mandatory





Slide 123
Accounts - Build Sequence

7. NUMBER.OF.CREDIT * Mandatory





Slide 124
Accounts - Build Sequence

* Mandatory






Slide 125
Accounts - Build Sequence






Slide 126
Accounts - Build sequence





Slide 127
Accounts - Build sequence





Slide 128
Accounts – Product Features

Slide 129
Products Handled

 ACCOUNT application used to open and maintain all Accounts

 For moving money to and from an account, other applications are needed.

 T24 Account table stores only the static information of the account.
The financial data is held in EB.CONTRACT.BALANCES

 In T24 Accounts are classified as

 Customer Accounts
Interest and charges can be applied
Counterparty essential
Current a/c, Savings a/c, Nostro a/c, Vostro a/c etc

 Internal Accounts
Not designed to calculate or apply interest and charges
Meant for bank’s own money as Assets & Liabilities
Cannot have a counterparty

Slide 130
Account Id - Options

 ACCOUNT.MASK Field in COMPANY application identifies the mask

the user wants to apply to customer type accounts
 This field must contain at least 4 '#' characters, to define length of account
number. Maximum length 20 with separators
 First character can be 'R' which means that the account number will be right
adjusted and it may contain leading zeros
1. Mask = ##### - #####. No 1234 displayed as 1234
2. Mask = ##### - #####. No.1234567 displayed as 12 - 34567
3. Mask = R##### - #####. No. 1234 displayed as 00000 - 01234
4. Mask = R##### - #####. No. 1234567 displayed as 00012 - 34567

 Mask for internal accounts hard coded (###-#####-####)

Slide 131
Account Id - Options

 ACCT.CHECKDIG.TYPE Field in COMPANY identifies the check digit

calculation method. This can optionally include a bank number prefix
and a modules 11 check, or a routine to perform check digit calculation
 Mandatory to set as 1 or 2 in the case of Belgium or Luxembourg, where
LOCAL.CURRENCY Field of COMPANY is set to reflect those currencies
 Optionally as 3, 4, 5, 6 or 99 for setting check digit calculation rules, or
`@routine name’ where a local subroutine performs check digit calculation

 In Belgium and Luxembourg, each bank receives a range or a unique

identification number. ACC.BK.NO.PREFIX Field identifies the Bank
prefix which is part of the account number
 Options available to indicate numeric value of 2 or 3 or any value or a
routine for up to 6

Slide 132
Customer Accounts Opening – Basic Input Fields


 An account can have one or many joint holders.
 First holder can be substituted only by Joint holder, except for Nostro
 Nature of an account, like Savings, Current, Nostro, Vostro indicated
through Category code.
 Possible to change a Current account to Savings account and vice versa,
retaining the same account number, by merely changing the Category code
Nostro category code can be replaced only by another Nostro category
AZ accounts cannot be changed to other types of accounts and vice versa
 Currency of an account cannot be changed after authorisation

 Account can be accessed in other applications by using either the Id, or

Mnemonic or Alternate Account Id
 Mnemonic can be alphanumeric
 Alternate Account Id Format is dependent on the definitions in the

Slide 133
Workshop - 18

 Use User Menu > Customer > Individual Customer

 Create two Customer records – For yourself and your parent
 Get the records authorised

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Open Savings
Account - Local
 Open a Savings account in local currency in the name of your parent.
Indicate yourself as Joint account holder. Get the record authorised

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Amend Account
 Access the account and change the first holder to your name without any
joint holding. Get the record authorised.

Slide 134
Workshop – 18 Solution

Slide 135
Workshop 18 - Solution

Slide 136
Workshop – 18 Solution

Slide 137
Workshop – 18 Solution

Slide 138
Workshop - 19

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Open Savings
Account - Foreign
 Open a savings account in GBP (foreign currency) in your name.
 Get the record authorised

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Open Current
 Open a current account in Euro in your name
 Get the record authorised

Slide 139
Workshop – 19 Solution

Slide 140
Workshop - 20

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Open Savings
Account - Local
 Open a Special savings account in USD in your name
 Use the product category used by you earlier for setting rules for Special
savings accounts.

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Enquiries > Account
Details > Account search
 Look at the enquiry to get Account list for this product.
 Observe the Condition group for your account mentioned and check
whether this is in line with your set-up made earlier

Slide 141
Workshop – 20 Solution

Slide 142
Workshop – 20 Solution

Slide 143
Role Based Home Page for Retail Users

 Retail Users Home page has custom set of menus / enquiries

 Front-end solution for users to process Retail Operations
 Once a home page for Retail Users is invoked multiple
screens are displayed
 Enables a User / Payment Supervisor to carry out his day to day work
related to Retails operations like opening of an account

 Composite screen for Retail operations is divided into several sections

 Customer, CRM Deposits, Account, Account Sweep, Cheques, Cheques
collection, Debit Card etc.
 Menus available for Opening of Account in Local Currency, Foreign
Currency, Amendment in the accounts etc
 Components of Home Page in the form of tabs, for easy navigation

Slide 144
Interest and Charges Options

 Interest and Charges can also be settled from / to any other account

 Possible to mention liquidation accounts for interest and charges

Must be non contingent accounts

 These accounts can be in different currency as long as the currencies have

equivalent currency relationship

Slide 145
Interest and Charges Options

 Balances in accounts of same currency can be combined together for

interest calculation.
 Main account indicated in INTEREST.COMP.ACCT Field

 Possible to defer collecting charges, interest and tax thereon for a

specified period after calculation, so that the customer could be notified
of ensuing debits by using ACCT.GROUP.CONDITION

Slide 146
Interest and Charges Options

 Booking of interest can be suspended by suitably flagging

INT.NO.BOOKING Field in an account

 If flagged as 'SUSPENSE', interest and charges debited to Customer's

Account, but Profit and Loss entries are not generated. Accrued amount is
shown as Suspense amounts in the Account.
Used for bad and doubtful debts

 Suspended interest can be settled in full or in part through

ACCT.SUSP.SETTLE application.
Id is the concerned account number

 If flagged as 'Y', interest and charges are calculated for information. No

entries passed - either to PL or to Customer Account.
Can be used for Nostro Accounts

Slide 147
Account Maintenance Options

 It is possible to block funds in an account with start and end dates for
blocking using AC.LOCKED.EVENTS application

 Details of locking automatically maintained in accounts as date wise ladder



 To check Limit on an account in the Locked amount checking
 Default value is NO to ignore limit for locked amount processing
 When this field is set at different levels, account goes by the lowest
level definition

Slide 148
Account Maintenance Options

 Locked amount check can be done on current balance or Available

 For shortfall, Overrides raised are different for current balance with
limit, without limit and future cash flows
 Override ‘ACCT.BAL.LT.LOCKED’ is raised for an account with no limit for
locked amount checking ‘LIMIT.WORKING.LT.LOCKED ‘ is raised for an
account with limit
 If future cash flows are checked with out limit and if the available date is
less than the worst locked amount, Override
 If future cash flows are checked with limit and if the available date is less
that the worst locked amount, Override

Slide 149
Account Maintenance Options

 If available date is greater or equal to date of worst locked amount

 Overrides are as follows
 Override ‘ACCT.BAL.LT.LOCKED.LIMIT’ for check on current balance
 Override ‘AVAIL.LOCKED.LIMIT.OVERDRAFT’ for check on future cash
 With Locked amount checking with Limit , if the Limit is expiring within the
Available funds ladder or the Locked amount ladder, override is raised to
indicate that the Limit is expiring:
Override ‘AVAIL.LIMIT.LOCKED.EXPIRING’ to indicate that the
Limit is expiring.

Slide 150
Account Maintenance Options

 Posting restrictions can be defined to restrict Debit, Credit or all entries

 Using POSTING.RESTRICT Field, any pre defined POSTING.RESTRICT
record can be specified to an Account to produce suitable overrides

 Referral conditions can be defined based on transaction code, amount,

sign or the balance of the Account
 Using REFERAL.CODE Field, any pre defined record in REFERAL table
can be specified to produce a report at the close of business

Slide 151
Account Maintenance Options - Limits

 One or more accounts can use the same limit

 If SINGLE.LIMIT Field is set as Y, then only one account can be attached to
a limit
 If set to N or Null, multiple accounts can be attached to a limit. The
combined total all debit account balances resulting in an overdraft should
not exceed the sanctioned limit.

 It is possible to net credit and debit balances of accounts for checking

availability of limits by opting for Yes in ALLOW.NETTING Field in
 If set to No, Debit balances of accounts will be totaled together, without
adjusting for any credit balances of account found in ECB, for limit
checking purposes
 Default value is No.

Slide 152
Workshop - 21

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Account
Maintenance > Account Maintenance
 Choose an account with credit balance
 Block USD 10,000 for 1 month from next month.

 Access your account from Command line

 View the locking created in your account

 Include the REFERAL record created earlier , to same account from

Command line

Slide 153
Workshop – 21 Solution

Slide 154
Workshop – 21 Solution

Slide 155
Account Maintenance Options - Limits

 Limits for overdraft can be sanctioned using LIMIT application

 Reducing or Non reducing types of limits can be set for accounts
 Scheduled decreases and increases are possible in LIMIT

 LIMIT.REF Field in Account used to indicate Id of Limit record

 Field checked whenever a debit is processed in accounts other than Nostro
and Internal accounts
 In the absence of a limit, override for un authorised overdraft displayed
 If balance available in a limit is inadequate to cover the new working
balance, suitable override message displayed
 When overrides are duly approved, details of utilisation / excess utilisation
can be viewed through LIAB Enquiry

Slide 156
Account Maintenance Options - Limits

 CREDIT.CHECK Field gives option to choose the account balance in

ECB on which overdraft and limit checking should be made.
 AVAILABLE or WORKING. Default is Working balance

 AVAILABLE.BAL.UPD Field identifies whether Unauthorised debits or

Unauthorised credits, or both or none of them may be included in the
Available balance
 No unauthorised movement to be included is default value

 Option can be set at ACCOUNT level, or in its absence,

ACCT.GROUP.CONDITION level, or in its absence,

Slide 157
Workshop - 22

 Use Command line to open ACCOUNT.PARAMETER SYSTEM record

 Setup Available Bal Upd field as Debits and Cash Flow Days as 5
Authorise the record.

 Use Command line to open new LD record

 Input a LD Annuity loan value tomorrow and maturing 2 days from then.
 View the ECB balance updates of this Liquidation account

 Input a LD Interest bearing deposit value tomorrow and maturing 2 days from then.
 View the ECB balance updates of this drawdown account

 Authorise the LD deposit record and view the changes in the ECB record
 Authorise the LD Loan and view the changes in the ECB record

 Input a LD Annuity loan value 15 days from now maturing 2 days from then.
 View the ECB balance updates of this Liquidation account
 View the ECB balance updates after authorisation of the LD record.

Slide 158
Workshop – 22 Solution
Workshop – 22 Solution
Workshop – 22 Solution
Workshop – 22 Solution
Workshop – 22 Solution

2 3
Workshop – 22 Solution
Workshop – 2
22 Cont

 Use Command line to open ACCOUNT.PARAMETER SYSTEM record

Setup CREDIT.CHECK field to Working Balance
Authorise the record.

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > LCY Drafts Issue/Acct Trfr > Transfer
between Accounts
Transfer USD 1000 from a current Account to Account used in earlier
workshop value today
View ECB Balance after authorisation. Make a note of working balance and
available balance fields

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > LCY Drafts Issue/Acct Trfr > Transfer
between Accounts
Transfer USD 1000 from your account to any other Account value today
Observe the override that is generated.
Workshop – 22 Solution
Workshop – 22 Solution
Workshop – 22 Solution
Account Maintenance Options - Limits

 Debit interest conditions can be set in line with sanctioned limits

 First interest rate for balances up to sanctioned overdraft limit and second
interest rate for balances in excess
 GROUP.DEBIT.INT / ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT records can be set with two
interest rates but without specifying the debit amount

 If LINK.TO.LIMIT Field in Account is set as Yes, debit interest for the

account will be set according to allocated limit amount (ONLINE.LIMIT)
for the lowest defined record in the limit structure by the system
 If only GROUP.DEBIT.INT has been defined, System will create a record in
ACCOUNT.DEBIT.LIMIT application with value of ONLINE.LIMIT to act as
first level for debit interest
 If ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT has been defined for an account, System will
update the first band amount in DR.LIMIT.AMT Field there with value of

 Operational if only one account is attached to a limit

Slide 169
Workshop - 23

 Use User Menu > Credit Operations > Limits > Limit Menu > Create
Unsecured Limit
 Create Unsecured Overdraft limit of USD 50,000 to the Customer record
created in your name for allowing advances in current account
 Use Limit reference product 100
 Limit is valid for one year from now.
 Netting is not allowed
 Get the record authorised

 Use User Menu > Credit Operations > Limits > Limit Menu > Attach
Limit to Overdraft Account
 Attach this limit to your Current account in Euro opened earlier

Slide 170
Workshop – 23 Solution

Slide 171
Workshop – 23 Solution

Slide 172
Nostro Accounts - Opening

 Nostro accounts to reflect our Nostro account with another Bank.

 Besides Customer Id, Product category code and Currency,

RECONCILE.ACCT Field is also mandatory
 CUSTOMER.ID to indicate the bank with whom we maintain Nostro account
 PRODUCT.CODE to indicate Nostro account as defined in
 RECONCILE.ACCT to be set as Yes to indicate that the account balance
needs to be reconciled with original account

 RECO.TOLERANCE Field may be used to indicate tolerance amount

allowed, if any, during automatic Nostro reconciliation

 OUR.EXT.ACCT.NO Field may be used to indicate our Nostro account

number at the other end

Slide 173
Nostro Accounts - Opening

 When Nostro account is opened as per ACCOUNT.CLASS settings

 Nostro account category code can be replaced only by another Nostro

account category code defined there

 LIMIT.REF Field will be indicated as NOSTRO by System so that limits

need not be checked

 AGENCY record, if any, will be updated with Nostro account details

 CUSTOMER.ID will not be allowed to be changed till AGENCY record is


 RECONCILE.ACCT Field should be set as Yes

Slide 174
Workshop - 24

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Open Nostro Account
 Open a Nostro account to reflect operations of your GBP account with
American Express Bank, UK (Customer No. 100437)
 Your account No at their end is T24GBP123456
 Allow a reconciliation tolerance of 0.05 GBP
 Get the record authorised

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Account Enquires >
Account Search>Account Details
 Look at accounts of Customer 100437

Slide 175
Workshop – 24 Solution

Slide 176
Workshop – 24 Solution

Slide 177
Account Maintenance Options

 Inactive marking in account

 When an account remains inactive without any debit/credit transactions

from Customer side, treated as in active, Entries accepted after overrides

 Period in months for deciding inactivity defined in INACTIVITY.MONTHS

Field in COMPANY table

 System updates INACTIV.MARKER Field as Y in Account accordingly

 Marker can only be reset through ACCT.INACTIVE.RESET application

 Id is Inactive Account number

 For Group of accounts, inactivity period is set in ACCT.

 When defined both at Company level and Group level ,Group level
definition takes precedence

Slide 178
Account Maintenance Options – ACCOUNT.STATEMENT

 Accounts could be issued either statement or passbooks

 Passbook allowed if the Account set at ACCOUNT.CLASS for SAVINGS
and PASSBOOK Field in Account is set as YES

 As soon as an account is opened, a record is created by System in

ACCOUNT.STATEMENT with Id as Account number
 This record gets default rules set up at AC.STMT.PARAMETER
 Frequency for issuing statement is defaulted in STMT.FQU.1 Field from
STMT.GEN.CONDITION as Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Six monthly or yearly
. Can be changed to have weekly or twice a month frequency also
 If Pass book has been opted, this and related fields are blank

Slide 179
Account Maintenance Options – ACCOUNT.STATEMENT

 In addition to changing defaulted frequency, other options available in

 Adhoc statement, without affecting regular statement frequency can be had
 Eight more cycles can be set for additional statements
 Multi valuable set of STMT.FQU.2 Fields can be used to specify the next
date and subsequent frequency for producing the Account Statement for
additional statement cycles of 2 to 9.
 Each statement cycle is independent. Statements for each cycle show
details of all entries since the last statement in the same cycle, regardless of
the other cycle

 STMT.PRINTED stores Ids of Statement Entries reported in a Cycle 1

Account Statement or in Passbook on a particular date
 STMT2.PRINTED stores Ids of Statement Entries reported in other Cycle

Slide 180
Account Maintenance Options – ACCOUNT.STATEMENT

 For each frequency cycle, it is possible to indicate SWIFT.STMT.TYPE

Field as 940 Customer statement message or 941 Balance report or
950 Statement. By default, Statement with Message Type 950

 Special instructions could be set for Message types 941 Balance report
and 942 Interim Transaction reports
 Field MESSAGE.TYPE to indicate 941 or 942
 Field SEND.MSG.TYPE with 3 options NO, STP and Y
If set to No, interim transaction cannot be generated
STP to generate through inward MT 920 request processing
If set to Y, MT 942 to be generated through DE.MT942.REQUEST or
automatically at the time indicated at MESSAGE.TIME field
 DR.FLOOR.LIMIT and CR.FLOOR.LIMIT to indicate floor limit indicators for
transactions to be included in Interim report.
Smaller entries included only in entry totals and count.

Slide 181
Workshop - 25

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Account Maintenance
> Account Maintenance

 From drop down choices available, change account statement frequency of

your current account opened in Euro as follows:

1. Statement to be sent once in two weeks

2. Additional statement to be sent every month on the first

3. One special statement on 10th of next month

Slide 182
Workshop – 25 Solution

Slide 183
Account Maintenance option – Account Level Capitalisation

 Account level rules for capitalisation, debit and credit interest rates can
ACCOUNT.CREDIT.INT for special treatment to select account
 Account number forms Id in ACCT.CAPITALISATION
 Account number with effective date for the other two tables

 At account level, in addition to normal capitalisation, if interim

capitalisation is also required, then ACCT.INTERIM.CAP table is used
 Id is date on which capitalisation is needed.
 Any number of Accounts can be included
 Possible to choose interim capitalisation selectively out of Dr1, Dr2, Cr1 or
CR2 capitalisations

Slide 184
Workshop - 26

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Account Maintenance
> Account Maintenance

 From drop down choices available, set the following rules for the USD
account opened earlier
1. ACCT.CAPITALISATION is once in a month for credit and once in 2
months for debit interest
2. Debit interest at 3% on Daily balance. Attach 99 Default General
charge in Charge key
3. ACCOUNT.CREDIT.INT is 5% fixed interest on minimum balance

 From drop down choices available, for the special savings account opened
earlier, set Account interim capitalisation as some specific date of next
month for Credit 1 interest alone

Slide 185
Workshop – 26 Solution

Slide 186
Workshop – 26 Solution

Slide 187
Workshop – 26 Solution

Slide 188
Workshop – 26 Solution

Slide 189
Adhoc Charge Request – AC.CHARGE.REQUEST

 AC.CHARGE.REQUEST is a fully integrated module used for

requesting or advising charges from other banks

 Suitable delivery messages and accounting entries are passed

depending on the situation
 Request types REQUEST, CHARGE and ADVICE produce delivery
REQUEST raises MT n91, but no accounting entry
CHARGE raises accounting entries and MT n90 for Customer / Vostro
accounts and MT n91 for Nostro / Internal accounts
ADVICE raises MT n90, but no accounting entry
 Request type BOOK does not produce any delivery message

 Any valid charge defined in FT.COMMISSION.TYPE can be used in


Slide 190
Adhoc Charge Request – AC.CHARGE.REQUEST

 CHARGE.DETAIL Field has a drop down with standard codes for

charges defined in SWIFT.CODE.WORDS table

 Codes correspond to specific SWIFT message type

 In Category 1 and 2
COMM - Our commission, INT - Interest related charges etc
 In Category 4 and 7
AGENT - Agent's commission, COMM - Our commission etc
 In Category 5
BROK – Brokerage, CHGS – Charges, COMM – Commission etc

 Either this field or EXTRA.DETAILS Field must be used for information

regarding details of charges

Slide 191
Adhoc Charge Request – AC.CHARGE.REQUEST

 STATUS Field indicates current status of charge request

 UNPAID - A request has been made but no further action has been taken.
Unpaid status could subsequently be changed to any other status with
suitable change in CHARGE.DATE Field
 TAKEN - Account entries for the charge have been raised via another
 PAID - The charge has been paid, and accounting entries raised
 WOF - The charge has been written off

 Request type of CHARGE or BOOK along with Status of PAID will raise
accounting entries
 CHARGE with delivery message and BOOK without

Slide 192
Workshop - 27

 Use User Menu > Corporate Operations > Adhoc Charge request >
With delivery
 Collect from your current account DDCOMM type of charge. Charge amount
GBP 3.05
 Request type is CHARGE and status is PAID

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Account Entries
> Entries for Today
 Look at the accounting entry details for today in your current

Slide 193
Workshop – 27 Solution

Slide 194
Workshop – 27 Solution

Slide 195
Account Closing

 Accounts can be closed on a future date automatically or online using

ACCOUNT.CLOSURE application.

 Steps for automatic closing :

 POSTING.RESTRICT Field should have a value between 90 – 99
When flagged for closure, any entries over the ACCOUNT require due
approval of override
 CAPITAL.DATE Field to indicate the date on which the system should start
the closure process by capitalising interest and charges
 SETTLEMENT.ACCOUNT Field to indicate the number of account to which
the outstanding balance is to be transferred. If no account is specified,
outstanding balance to be manually brought to zero
 Outstanding interest and charges are calculated immediately for information
purpose, up to the Capitalisation date specified
 Ac Closing statements are produced during COB
 Results of interest and charges calculation, current balance, and indicators for
un cleared items, standing orders, cheques or cards outstanding are displayed
in NOINPUT Fields

Slide 196
Account Closing

 Account charges not calculated for the month in which the Account is
closed, unless the Closure date is the last day of month.
 Possible to specify any pre defined charges for closing account

 During close of business on Closure Capitalisation date, outstanding

interest and charges are recalculated and capitalised.
 During the start of day processing of next day, a funds transfer is generated
between the Account and Settlement account, to automatically bring the
account balance to zero
 During end of day processing, if the ACTUAL, CLEARED BALANCE and
unauthorized transaction related fields in ECB should zero, ACCOUNT is
 If either BALANCE in ECB is not zero, then ACCOUNT remains open and
interest capitalisation processed every day until it can be closed.

 When the ACCOUNT is closed, a closing account statement is

produced and remaining Standing Orders cancelled

Slide 197
Account Closing – Online

 When Online Closure of Account is required, then CLOSE.ONLINE

Field is to be set to Y and CAPITAL.DATE should be current date

 If SETTLEMENT.ACCOUNT is supplied, on line final settlement takes

place when ACCOUNT.CLOSURE is authorised
 If SETTLEMENT.ACCOUNT is not supplied, then a TELLER record is
created in IHLD.
 On authorisation of TELLER record, the ACCOUNT.CLOSURE record will
also get authorised and settlement entries will be generated by the system

 If the ECB hold balances in unauthorised entries related fields

Slide 198
Workshop - 28

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Teller > Teller Operations >
Enquires > Account Balances
 View USD current accounts with category code 1001
 Choose a current account with credit balance

 Use User Menu > Retail operations > Account menu > Account
Closure > Account Closure
 Close this account online. Mention another current account in USD as
settlement account
 Collect charges of USD 100 using ACCTCLOSE Charge type

Slide 199
Workshop – 28 Solution

Slide 200
Workshop – 28 Solution

Slide 201
Workshop 29

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > LCY Drafts Issue/Acct Trfr >
Transfer between Accounts
 Transfer USD 100 from an account to another account with a future value

 View the updates in ECB for the account.

 Use User Menu > Retail operations > Account menu > Account
Closure > Account Closure
 Close one of the accounts used here online.
 Observe the results.

Slide 202
Workshop 29 solution

Slide 203
Workshop 29 solution

Slide 204
Internal Accounts - Opening

 In T24, Internal accounts are opened to indicate bank’s own money as

Assets and Liabilities
 Cash, Capital, Premises and Furniture, Departmental and other suspense
accounts, Tax holding awaiting payment to authorities etc

 Can be non-contingent or contingent items

 Salient features:
 Not designed to calculate or apply interest and charges.
 No counterparty allowed
 Id is ISO Currency code - Category code - 4 digit serial number
ACCOUNT.OFFICER as they cannot default from CUSTOMER record
 Advisable to include Currency in ACCOUNT.TITLE and SHORT.TITLE

Slide 205
Accounts – Other Facilities

 PRINT.STMT Field in ACCOUNT.STATEMENT is an optional input,

and input can only be made for Internal Accounts.
 Input can be Null, Yes or No.

 Using AC.PRINT.MASK application, selectively some entries masked

from appearing in a statement
 When a wrong entry is reversed for rectification, we can mask both entries
from appearing in a statement

 Entries can be consolidated Account wise by setting rules in

 Mainly used for Accounts with high volume entries to net entries together
and store details in a detail file that can be archived
 Id can be any alpha numeric between 3 and 20. This Id is to be attached to
Accounts needing consolidation of entries
 Possible to selectively consolidate Forward entries or other entries

Slide 206
Accounts – Other Facilities

 AC.CONSOLIDATE.COND is used to set rules for consolidating entries

 Mainly used for Accounts with high volume entries such as Nostro or
Internal accounts
 To consolidate entries based on system enforced criteria
 In addition, user defined criteria can be set for consolidation
 Detailed entries are stored in a detail file that can be archived when

 Consolidation done on-line in a cumulative manner daily and

consolidated record stored as
 STMT.ENTRY for Accounts
 CATEG.ENTRY for PL Categories
 RE.CONSOL.SPEC.ENTRY for entries other than the above

Slide 207
Accounts – Other Facilities

 Id can be any alpha numeric between 3 and 20

 Id attached to Accounts / Categories (for P & L)

 Type of Entries to consolidate can be specified through ENTRY.TYPE

 S , F, C or R (Non-Forward dated Statement, Forward dated Statement,
Category, Special entries)

 Selected EB.SYSTEM, TRANSACTION and CATEGORY codes and/or

Routines can be excluded from consolidation

 ADD.CONSOL.FLD Field, to include additional STMT / CATEG entry

data Fields to be used in consolidation of entries

Slide 208
Accounts – Other Facilities

Start and Stop Consolidation
 NO.ENTRIES.START Field is used to specify Entry after which the
consolidation process will start
 Also Useful to stop consolidation, when number of entries is less in a day

 Details not to be maintained

 For STMT Entries from specified modules, details of the consolidated
entries will not be maintained. NO.DETAIL.APP Field is used for this

 Attach the Record Id to CONSOLIDATE.ENT Field of an ACCOUNT or

 When attached to an Account, its STMT.ENTRY records will be
 When attached to a PL CATEGORY, its CATEG.ENTRY records will be
 For RE.CONSOL.SPEC.ENTRY only one record with Id: REDEFAULT is
allowed, and it is not to be attached to any Category

Slide 209
Accounts – Other Facilities

 Entries consolidated by the following fixed criteria:

 Entry Type - S, F, C or R (Statement, Forward dated, Category or
Special entries), CRF Key (for Category and Special entries only), Account
Number or Product Category, CR or DR, Currency, System ID, Transaction
Code, Value Date, Exposure Date, Reversal Marker, Currency Market,
Suspense Category, Terminal Number (not updated), Booking Date,
Account Officer (P&L only), Product Category (for Category and Special
entries only)
 Plus additional elements defined in ADD.CONSOL.FLD Field

 Default AC.CONSOLIDATE.COND record with Id: DEFAULT

 Consolidates STMT.ENTRY records of Nostro and Internal Accounts
 No need to attach this record to Nostro or Internal Accounts
 NO.ENTRIES.START Field can be set to 0

 There is a default record called CLDEFAULT to consolidate 50 entries

and above on customer accounts

Slide 210
Accounts – Other Facilities

 T24 automatically recalculates and corrects interest when entries with

value dates prior to the last interest application are processed

 When previously capitalised interest is recalculated, old results stored in

CORR.ACCT.DR2 as appropriate

 New results stored in STMT.ACCT.CR, STMT.ACCT.DR, STMT.ACCT.CR2


 Appropriate accounting entries are processed for differences

Slide 211
Accounts – Other Facilities

 Back-valued changes to interest rates or conditions are not

automatically processed. TABLE.CAPITALIS.CORR should be used to
request recalculation and correction of previously applied interest
 Possible to request corrections for all Accounts, specific Accounts or
selected Groups of Accounts.
In each case, the date from which recalculation should start must be

 Corrections are calculated up to each capitalisation date between the

recalculation start date specified and the last capitalisation date

 Correction entries are generated with the correct value date for each
capitalisation period and taken into account in the recalculation of
subsequent periods

Slide 212
High Volume Account Processing

Application FT etc







Single Accounts
Account & Balances
Balances in
Update Process in HVT account

We have 3 high volume accounts AC1,AC2, AC3 updated via 3 sessions, 5345, 3748 and
7256. Each session writes its own AC.HVT.TRIGGER records

AC Input Service

TSA Agent 1 TSA Agent 1 TSA Agent 1

Session number Session number Session number
5345 3478 7256

Write Write Write

AC1.5345 AC1. 3478 AC1. 7256
AC2.5345 AC2. 3478 AC2. 7256
AC3.5345 AC3. 3478 AC3. 7256
Merging Process in HVT Account

Each agent will merge all the records for a single account. The merging service can run
continuously reselecting the driving table.

AC HVT Merge

Sort Select + Consolidate

5345 5345 5345
3478 3478 3478
7256 7256 7256
Select Consolidated Table

TSA Agent 5
TSA Agent 4 TSA Agent 6
Session 4657
Session 1246 Session 8346
Merge Merge
AC1.5345 AC3.5345
AC1.3478 AC3.3478
AC1.7256 AC3.7256

Write ECB AC2

Write ECB AC1 Write ECB AC3
Delete Delete
AC1.5345 AC3.5345
AC1.3478 AC3.3478
AC1.7256 AC3.7256
High Volume accounts

 What types of accounts can use high volume processing?

Customer Nostro Internal

Accounts Accounts Accounts

AA accounts

No credit checking available for High Volume

Workshop 30

 Use Command line, open the application ACCOUNT

Edit an existing T24 account and update HVT flag as Yes

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Current Account

Open a new account for your customer with HVT flag as YES
Workshop 30 Solution
Workshop 30 Solution
Workshop 30 contd

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > LCY Draft Issue/Acct Trfr > Transfer between

Transfer two amounts to one of your high volume account

USD 1100
USD 500

 Authorise your record

 View the AC.HVT.TRIGGER records generated.

 View the EB.CONTRACT.BALANCES record for the high volume account

Workshop 30 Solution
Workshop 30 Solution
Workshop 30 Solution
Workshop 30 Solution
Workshop 30 Solution
Workshop 30 contd


 Check the EB.CONTRACT.BALANCES record for the high volume


 Check that the AC.HVT.TRIGGER records have been removed

 Check that the records on the other accounting files have been merged
and the original entry’s are removed
Workshop 30 Solution
Workshop 30 Solution
Future and Forward transaction in AC.HVT.TRIGGER
Quiz - 6

1) Name the possible mask types for internal accounts ?

Ans: Mask for internal accounts is hard coded as Currency,
Category and Serial number (###,#####,###). No other option available .

2) Is it possible to block funds in account without mentioning start and end

dates through AC.LOCKED.EVENTS ?
Ans: Start date is essential, Even if not input, system defaults
start date. End date is not mandatory.

3) When a wrong entry is reversed for rectification, can it be stopped from

appearing in a statement ?
Ans: Yes by using AC.PRINT.MASK application, it is possible to
Mask both entries from appearing in a statement.

4) What is the use of AC.CHARGE.REQUEST application?

Ans: Used for advising or requesting charges from other Banks.

Slide 231
Accounts - Other Features

Slide 232
Product Features - Accounting

 Accounting entries passed for Accounts are Contingent as well as Non

contingent in nature
 STMT.ENTRY and CATEG.ENTRY passed for Debit / Credit to Non
contingent balances of Accounts and PL heads respectively
Accounts include Customer accounts and Internal accounts
PL heads include Interest, Charges and Commission
 RE.CONSOL.SPEC.ENTRY passed for contingent balances in accounts
and to record accruals and capitalisation
 Transaction codes specified through ACCOUNT.PARAMETER. Also uses
transaction codes of other applications that move money in and out of
accounts including FT.COMMISSION.TYPE

Slide 233
Standard Enquiries

 Standard enquiries include:

 List of accounts with selection criteria

Product wise, Currency wise, officer wise etc

 Today’s account balance

Working, ledger and cleared balances

 Accounting entries for today, for any given date and on statement date

 Average account balances during a given period account wise average

debit, credit and zero balances

 Interest related enquiries

 List of charges unpaid, Inactive accounts and locked amounts

Slide 234
Standard Enquiries

 STMT.ENT.BOOK Enquiry gives booking date wise debit and

credits for a date and period
 When this enquiry is not showing the correct balances, following files
need to be accessed for correction

 If VAL.ENT.BOOK is not showing the correct balance, files to be

corrected are

Slide 235
Workshop - 31

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Account > Account Entries >

 Look at the following enquiries

1. Average balance in accounts during a period of your choice

2. Balance on statement date for an account and drill down up to

accounting entry level

3. Entries from last statement

Slide 236
Workshop –31 Solution

Slide 237
Workshop – 31 Solution

Slide 238
Workshop – 31 Solution

Slide 239
System Maintained Tables

 Internal file containing details of Account Balances value date wise and
Booking date wise and Activity used to calculate interest and charges
 Details held in separate records Account wise for each month in which there
is any Activity by which the value dated/Booking date balance changes.

Slide 240
System Maintained Tables

 Details of groups of Customer accounts whose value dated balances and
activity are combined for calculation of interest and charges. The value
dated balances and activity for each account are stored separately in the
Account Activity file (ACCT.ACTIVITY) and added together at the time
interest and charges are calculated

 When interest in an account is to be liquidated by another account, system
maintains this record with details of liquidation account as Id and accounts
which are liquidated by that account

 When charges in an account are to be liquidated by another account,
system maintains this record with details of liquidation account as Id and
main accounts which are liquidated by that

Slide 241
System Maintained Tables

 Date wise record of accounts closed

 Contains details of overdrawn accounts which are not covered by a credit
limit and credit limits which have been exceeded


 Customer wise accounts and Customer wise accounts in a currency

 Condition group wise list of accounts

 When the condition group of an account has changed, then details of old
and new condition groups, account wise

Slide 242
System Maintained Tables

 Contains Ids of STMT.ENTRY records, Account wise to be reported in next
Cycle 1 Account statement

 File gets updated for Account Statement Date.

 Contains the financial details using fields account balance field, Date moved
fields and Exposure management fields.
 contains details of consolidation key, Asset type wise balances
 records months for which ACCT.ACTIVITY balances

 Live file which contains the details required for the generation of account
statement handoff record . This is further moved to delivery module

Slide 243
Customer Type ACCOUNT - Dependency Diagram

Slide 244

 We have so far seen

 the dependencies and linkages between Account module and T24 Core and
other applications
 main business features of the Account module

Slide 245
Thank You
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