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• Online security, safety, and

• Internet threats
• Protecting reputations online
• Copyright
• Contextualized online search
and research skills
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. consider one’s and others’ safety when sharing

information using the Internet;
2. consider one’s and others’ reputation when using
the Internet;
3. determine and avoid the dangers of the Internet;
4. be responsible in the use of social networking
sites; and
5. browse the Internet efficiently and properly
through proper referencing.
Learning Objectives:

• Discuss the uses of the internet.

• Give the definition of the term online
• Identify the components of an online
Uses of the Internet,
Online Systems, and
What does the term
“online” means?
How important is it to your
daily life?
What are the uses of the
Uses of the Internet
• As a communication tool;
• As a tool for performing
business transactions;
• As a tool for research; and
• As an entertainment tool
Online Systems
Collaboration of hardware, software, and
network devices that facilitates the transfer and
processing of data among internet-enabled
Components of an Online System
• Terminal Devices
• Network
• Server
• Processing Systems
Terminal Devices
• are electronic devices such as
desktop computers, laptop, tablets,
or smartphone used to send data or
instructions to the internet.
• A collection of computers, internet
devices, and communication media
that are used to carry data.
• refers to the software system that serves
as the storage house of data coming in
and out of the system.
Processing System
• Referred to as Information System
• A group of hardware and software
designed to collect, process, store and
distribute information.
Web Search Engine
• Commonly known as Search Engine
Optimization (SEO)
• are internet- based systems that are used
to locate information on the World Wide
Cyber World
The Cyber World, also known
as Cyberspace, is virtual in
nature and unbounded unlike
our physical environment.
What are the features of the Cyber

• Virtual Self
 digital representation of humans to interact in virtual
• Source of Information
 data that are available to anyone as long as they have an
internet connection
• Social Interaction
 digital socialization using chat, blogs, vlogs, online
games, etc.
What is Internet Law?

• Internet law, also known as cyber law, is

the set of legal principles applied in using
the Internet and other computer-related
actions and interactions of people.
What are the different types of
Internet regulations?
Four (4) ways to regulate the Internet
• Laws
 law generally threatens those who misbehave, preventing
problems , issues, and crime on the internet.
• Architecture
 refers to physical reality, or “the human built
environment”. Transmission of data in the cyber world.
• Norms
 the absence of black letter law, social norms constrain
some forms of behaviour. Behaviour of people online.
• Market Regulation
 Deals with innovation of businesses and content to
What are the Internet
Policies and
Policies for Online Marketing
• to prevent deceptive and unfair
List of Online Marketing Policies
• Consumer Act of the Philippines
• Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
Laws for Intellectual Property
• Copyright, trademark, and patent
laws are implemented to protect
authors, artists, and inventors.
List of IPR
• Intellectual Property Code of the
• Fair Use
• Consumer Protection Act
What are the skills
needed to help with the
common challenges of
online research?
5-Step Simple Search Process
 Clarify
 Search
 Delve
 Evaluate
 Cite

Students first need to take a

moment to consider what
information they’re actually
looking for in their searches.
It sounds simple but students need
to know that the quality of the
search terms they put in the
Google search box will determine
the quality of their results.
Entering quality search terms is one thing
but knowing what to click on is another.

An important habit to get into is looking at the

green URL and specifically the domain. Use some
intuition to decide whether it seems reliable. Does
the URL look like a well-known site? Is it a forum or
opinion site? Is it an educational or government
institution? Domains that include .gov or .edu might
be more reliable sources.
Once you click on a link and land on a site,
how do you know if it offers the information
you need?
Students need to know how to search for the
specific information they’re after on a
website. Teach students how to look for the
search box on a webpage or use Control F
(Command F on Mac) to bring up a search box
that can scan the page.
So your students navigated the
obstacles of searching and finding
information on quality websites.
They’ve found what they need! Hooray.

We need to inform students about

plagiarism and copyright infringement
while giving them the skills they need to
avoid this.
• Clarify: What information are you looking for?
Consider keywords, questions, synonyms,
alternative phrases etc.
• Search: What are the best words you can type
into the search engine to get the highest quality
• Delve: What search results should you click on
and explore further?
• Evaluate: Once you click on a link and land on a
site, how do you know if it offers the information
you need?
• Cite: How can you write information in your own
words (paraphrase or summarize), use direct
quotes, and cite sources?
Dangers and Threats on the Internet

• stealing and accessing private information of
organizations such as government systems,
business systems, etc.
Identity Theft
• the act of stealing important information from
the target user by accessing online accounts
such as bank accounts, etc.
• an online act of humiliation and/or threats that
is done with and by children and teenagers.
Dangers and Threats on the Internet
• cybercrime, also called computer crime, the
use of a computer as an instrument to further
illegal ends, such as committing fraud,
trafficking in child pornography and intellectual
property, stealing identities, or violating privacy.
Privacy- Related
• the level of privacy protection an individual has
while connected to the Internet. It covers the
amount of online security available for personal
and financial data, communications, and
Online Safety and Security
The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can
be used to promote your business, gain
new friends, and stay in touch with the old
ones. It is also a source of entertainment.
But like most things in this world, there is
always “another side of the coin.” The
Internet is one of the most dangerous
places, especially if you do not know what
you are doing.
Internet Threats:
1. Malware – stands for malicious software
Types: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Adware

2. Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots

or advertisers. It can be used to send

3. Phishing – Its goal is to acquire sensitive

personal information like passwords and
credit card details.
Think Before You Click
1. Before you post something on the web, ask these
questions to yourself: Would you want your parents or
grandparents to see it? Would you want your future boss to see
it? Once you post something on the web, you have no control
of who sees your posts.
2. Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online.
Talk to your friends about this serious responsibility.
3. Set your post to “private.” In this way, search engines will
not be able to scan that post.
4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to
5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation,
ask the one who posted it to pull it down or report it as

If you create something—an

idea, an invention, a form of
literary work, or a research, you
have the right of how it should
be used by others. This is called
intellectual property.

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