GDT-Terms and Rules

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Geometric Dimensioning and

Tolerancing (GDT)
Terms and Rules

Program Studi Teknologi Rekayasa Manufaktur

Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi
Tujuan Pembelajaran
• Mendefinisikan istilah-istilah kritis dalam GDT
• Menjelaskan empat aturan umum dalam GDT
1. Actual mating envelope: The actual mating envelope is defined
separately for internal and external features.
• External feature: The actual mating envelope for an external feature of size is
the smallest, similar, perfect, feature counterpart that can be circumscribed
around the feature so that it just contacts the surface(s) at the highest points.
• Internal feature: The actual mating envelope for an internal feature of size is
the largest, similar, perfect, feature counterpart that can be inscribed within
the feature so that it just contacts the surface(s) at the highest points.
2. Basic dimension: A basic dimension is a numerical value used to
describe the theoretically exact size, profile, orientation, or location
of a feature or datum target. Basic dimensions are used to define or
position tolerance zones. Title block tolerances do not apply to
basic dimensions. The tolerance associated with a basic dimension
usually appears in a feature control frame or a note.
3. Datum: A datum is a theoretically exact point, line, or plane derived
from the true geometric counterpart of a specified datum feature. A
datum is the origin from which the location or geometric
characteristics of features of a part are established.
4. Datum feature: A datum feature is an actual feature on a part used to
establish a datum
5. Datum feature simulator: A datum feature simulator is a real surface
with a sufficiently precise form, such as a surface plate, machine
table, or gage pin used to contact datum features to establish
simulated datums. The datum is understood to exist in and be
simulated by the datum feature simulator
6. Feature: A feature is a physical portion of a part, such as a flat
surface, pin, hole, tab, or slot.
7. Feature of size : Features of size are features that have a size
dimension. A feature of size takes four forms:
• Cylindrical surfaces
• Two opposed parallel surfaces
• A spherical surface
• Two opposed elements
8. Least material condition (LMC): The least material condition of a
feature of size is the least amount of material within the stated limits
of size.
9. Maximum material condition (MMC): The maximum material
condition of a feature of size is the maximum amount of material
within the stated limits of size
10. Regardless of feature size (RFS): Regardless of feature size is a
material condition modifier used in a feature control frame to indicate
that a geometric tolerance or datum reference applies at each
increment of size of the feature within its limits of size. RFS specifies
that no bonus tolerance is allowed.
11. Resultant condition: The resultant condition of a feature specified at MMC
is a variable boundary generated by the collective effects of the LMC limit
of size of a feature, the specified geometric tolerance, and any applicable
bonus tolerance. Features specified with an LMC modifier also have a
resultant condition.
12. True position: True position is the theoretically exact location of a feature
established by basic dimensions. Tolerance zones are located at true
13. Virtual condition: The virtual condition of a feature specified at MMC is a
constant boundary generated by the collective effects of the MMC limit of
size of a feature and the specified geometric tolerance. Features specified
with an LMC modifier also have a virtual condition.
14. Worst-case boundary: The worst-case boundary of a feature is a
general term that describes the smallest or largest boundary
generated by the collective effects of the MMC or LMC of the
feature and any applicable geometric tolerance.
• Inner boundary specified at MMC
The worst-case inner boundary is the virtual condition of an internal feature
and the extreme resultant condition of an external feature.
• Outer boundary specified at MMC
The worst-case outer boundary is the extreme resultant condition of an internal
feature and the virtual condition of an external feature.
• Rule #1; where only a tolerance of size is specified, the limits of size of
an individual feature prescribe the extent to which variations in its
geometric form, as well as size, are allowed.
• Rule #2; in a feature control frame, RFS automatically applies to
individual tolerances of size and to datum features of size. MMC and
LMC must be specified when these conditions are required.
• The Pitch Diameter Rule; each geometric tolerance or datum
reference specified for screw threads applies to the axis of the thread
derived from the pitch diameter. Exceptions to this rule may be
specified by placing a note, such as MAJOR DIA or MINOR DIA,
beneath the feature control frame, or beneath or adjacent to, the
datum feature symbol.
• The Virtual Condition Rule; where a datum feature of size is
controlled by a geometric tolerance and is specified as a secondary or
tertiary datum, the datum applies at virtual condition with respect to

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