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Lahore Garrison University

Computer Science Department
Project Supervisor
 Muhammad Arsalan Raza

Presented By
 Adnan Ahmed SP20-BSCS-035
 Salman Ali SP20-BSCS-019
 Abstract
 CNN model
Presentation  Project Objective

Flow  Feature of the object

 Tools and Framework

 Public Dataset

 Dataset Visualization

 Data preprocessing

Background of the Problem

 Skin cancer: most predominant type of cancer.

 Type of Skin cancer:
i. Melanoma
ii. Non Melanoma
 The frequency of m e l a n o m a doubles every 2 years.
 M e l a n o m a is a deadly form of skin cancer, b ut survival rates are high if detected a nd diagnosed
 Detecting ways like dermoscopy are time consuming and have a low precision.
 Early detection increases survival rate.


 Convolutional Neural Network

 Keras
 Tensorflow
Reduce the time complexity to examine the skin lesion

Project  The first step to identify whether the skin lesion is

malignant or benign

Objectives  Providing the predictive model using Computer-Aided

Diagnosis using Convolutional Neural Network

 Accessible for everyone

 Easy-to-use website.
Project  Demographic information with the skin lesion
Objectives image.

 The model will analyze the data and return the

results within a split second.
Identify the class of skin Cancer

Project Location of the Hospital

Features Test Rate of Different hospital

User register and login.

Tools and Framework
 Keras and Tensor Flow

 Google Collab And Jupyter notebook.

 Visual code studio

 Python , HTML, CSS , Bootstrap,PHP,SQL

Why We Choose HAM10000

 First of all ,it is complete nothing file is missing.

 Classify the image in accurate away.

 Images were then manually cropped and saved at 800 _ 600 pixels resolution at 72 DPI

 Several acquisition functions and cleaning methods were applied to the images and a
semi-automatic workflow was developed using a neural network to attain diversity.
Data Pre-Processing

The pre-processing of skin lesion images The 57 null Age entries in the dataset
was done by using Keras were filled using the mean filling
ImageDataGenerator. method.

The Dermoscopy images in the dataset

were downscaled to 224X224 pixel The 10015 images in the dataset were
resolution from 600X450 pixel resolution split into the training set and validation
to make images compatible with the set.
MobileNet model.
HAM10000 dataset has an unbalance distribution

of images among the seven classes.

Data Data Augmentation is an effective means to expand

the size of training data by randomly modifying

several parameters of training data images like

rotation range, zoom range, horizontal and vertical

flip, fill_mode, etc.

Deep learning is a type of machine learning and
artificial intelligence (AI) that imitates the way
humans gain certain types of knowledge.
Image representations to:
Image Classification

Motivation Object detection and recognition

Semantic Segmentation
Thank You

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