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HACCP – What is It?

Food Safety Management

Food Safety - is it expected?
Your customer/consumer expects that your
product is
 Free from microbial contamination

 free from insect/rodent contamination

 free from pesticides / chemicals


 free from physical hazards

22 Dec 07 HACCP 2
What Causes Food Safety
 direct causes include biological / physical
/ chemical hazards
 indirect causes are the result of
managerial and employee deficiencies
 company needs to address changes in
people’s behavior to prevent
reoccurrence → have the right attitude!

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How can We Achieve Better Food
Safety in our Product
 Think about the best way to do things
 Implement a HACCP plan that protects
food going through our plant
 Tackle underlying causes of
food contamination
 Have a clean and sanitary

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Why do we worry about Food
 Consumers / buyers / governments
demand that we produce safe food
 Recalls are expensive → can cost jobs
 We can get sick
 our families: children, parents - not some
unknown person in a far away place

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How do we achieve food safety in
our product?
 Be aware of food hazards
 Biological / chemical / physical
 Keep out / minimize food hazards
 Develop system to ensure food safety in

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Managing Food Safety
 Managing Food Safety is most
effectively done through the
implementation of a HACCP system
utilizing documented references to meet
the requirements of BC CDC
 BC Food Act and regulations

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Brief history of HACCP
 HACCP was developed by Pillsbury for
the NASA space program in the 1970’s
 Codex Alimentarius (FAO) has developed
it for international use
 Canada refined it in 1992 as the
Food Safety Enhancement
Program (FSEP)

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What is HACCP?
 Hazard Analysis
 What are Hazards?
 Where can they be found?
 How can they be controlled?
 Critical Control Points
 How do we control hazards?
 CCPs – measuring product acceptabilty

 Prerequisite Programs – creating an

environment to produce safe product

22 Dec 07 HACCP 9
Food Safety Hazards
Potential hazards can include:
 Biological
 Microorganisms: bacteria / yeasts / molds / viruses
 insects
 Chemical
 Cleaners
 Lubricants / fuel / hydraulic fluid / coolants
 pesticides
 Physical
 Glass / plastic / wood / rocks
 Metals

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What is a food safety
management system?
A food safety mgt system helps the process
& people to produce a safe product by
controlling hazards
A food safety mgt system needs:
 Effective procedures

 Delegated responsibilities

 Trained people

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What are the components of a
food safety program?
 Programs supporting food safety in the following
 Sanitation and Pest Control
 Preventive Maintenance
 Traceability / Recall Program
 Making employees more knowledgeable
 Employee Training
 Doing things right the first time
 Standard Operating Procedures
 Policies

22 Dec 07 HACCP 12
Food Safety Management
 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) /
Prerequisite Programs
 must-do / should-do
 Operational controls and Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP)
 HACCP Plan(s) for product(s)
 Critical Control Points (CCP)  must do
 Review / verification procedures
 Self-inspection or audit
 Government inspection or audit
22 Dec 07 HACCP 13
What are Prerequisite
They are the foundation of a
food safety management
1. Premises
2. Transportation and Storage
3. Equipment
4. Personnel
5. Sanitation and Pest Control
6. Recall / Traceability

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Having effective Prerequisite
 Well maintained premises
 Proper receiving / storage / shipping practices
 Sanitation and pest control programs
 Well maintained and correctly operated
 Properly trained employees
 Tracking/Recall program

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Critical Control Points (CCP)
 Control Point - A step in the process
where the product can be stopped and
a measurement taken
 Critical Control Point
 Measurement is taken to determine if
product is acceptable or not
 Has corrective actions that:
 Bring the process back to acceptablity
 Takes care of product that is unacceptable

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What is IndianLife Foods doing
about HACCP?
 Developing a HACCP-based plan for each
product with CCPs
 Developing Prerequisite Programs
 Providing employee

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HACCP and the employee
 Observe Good Manufacturing Practices
 Know Critical Control Points
 Who is responsible?
 Why is it a CCP?
 Monitoring procedure
 Frequency of monitoring
 Keep records as required

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Responsibility for record
 Plant management /
 Government

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Next steps
 Know your job
 Work together with supervisors and
inspectors – be part of the HACCP team
 Follow written procedures

 Prove it !
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