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Metal oxide and acid

1 Describe the safety precautions necessary
for the reaction of copper oxide and
sulphuric acid.
2 Carry out the reaction.
3 Predict the products of different reactions.

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.
Precipitation reactions
Task 1 (Starter)
Use the table on your worksheet to fill
in the hazards and precautions you
should take when carrying out the
reaction between lead nitrate and
sodium chloride

For help!

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.

Copper oxide

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.

Set-up And Method

Task 2 Add small amounts of copper
oxide in a beaker

Add 20cm3 sulphuric acid, and


Keep adding, until some un-

reacted copper oxide remains at
the bottom

Filter the solution, removing the

un-reacted copper oxide

Transfer the filtrate to an

evaporating basin

Heat gently, until about one

third of the water has

Leave the solution to cool, and

examine the crystals…
You Have 10 Minutes
To Complete Task 2

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.
(lead nitrate and sodium chloride)
Task 3

What Did You See?

Metal oxide acid Colour of the Colour of the
oxide solution

Sulphuric acid black blue

Copper oxide

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.
Naming Products
Copper oxide + sulphuric acid

Copper sulphate + water

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.
Check Your Knowledge
Task 4 (Plenary)

Complete the following equations:

1. Sodium oxide + hydrochloric acid __________+ _____________

2. Magnesium oxide +hydrochloric acid ________+_____________

3. ___________+ ______________  lead sulphate + water

4. __________ oxide + ___________  potassium chloride + _______

5. __________ oxide + sulphuric acid  barium ______+ ______

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.
Precipitation reactions
1 Describe the safety precautions necessary
for the reaction of copper oxide and
sulphuric acid.
2 Carry out the reaction.
3 Predict the products of different reactions.

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.
Precipitation reactions
1 All can describe the safety precautions
necessary for the reaction of copper oxide
and sulphuric acid.
2 Most can carry out the reaction.
3 Some can predict the products of different

Describe how to prepare a salt from the reaction of a metal oxide and an acid.

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