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Understanding Local

Strategic analysis
Intuitive thinking

Kimberly Ann L. Imperio

Learning Competencies/ Objectives

• Define strategic analysis and intuitive

thinking HUMSS_MCT12Ic-e-1

What is strategic-analysis?
“Great quotes from great personalities”:

• Albert Einstein : “There is no logical way to

the discovery of these elemental laws. There
is only the way of intuition, which is helped
by a feeling for the order lying behind the
“Great quotes from great personalities”:

• Steve Jobs: “Don’t let the noise of others’

opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to
follow your heart and intuition.”
“Great quotes from great personalities”:

• Alexis Carrel: “All great men are gifted with

intuition. They know without reasoning or
analysis what they need to know.”
“Great quotes from great personalities”:

• Lao Tzu: “The power of intuitive

understanding will protect you from harm
until the end of your days.”
What is common in their sayings?
What are the key words mentioned in
describing intuition and intuitive thinking?
“Should you trust your Gut Instinct?”
What is Intuition according to the
What are the significant qualities of a
person who uses his/her intuition? What
kind of thinking do we have when
intuition dominates our actions?
Categorize whether the word is associated with
Analytical or Intuitive Thinking

-Experience -Heart
- Dynamic -Big Picture
- Rational -Systematic
- Non-linear -Time
1. What are the differences between
Analytical and Intuitive thinking?
2. What will you do in the following circumstances?
Flash flood/ earthquake/ fire
-getting lost
-meeting a very popular person
-wallet/gadget is suddenly lost
-surprise graded recitation
3. Why is it significant to pay attention
to our intuition or intuitive thinking?
Is intuitive thinking useful and relevant
in developing good study habits?
What is Intuitive Thinking?
Intuitive thinking is “quick and ready
insight”. Intuitive decision making is far more
than using common sense because it involves
additional sensors to perceive and get aware of
the information from outside. Sometimes it is
referred to as gut feeling, sixth sense, inner
sense, instinct, inner voice, spiritual guide, etc.

In 1 paragraph, explain whether you consider

yourself strategic-analytical or intuitive.

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