Small Talk

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A Small Talk for a Big

A light conversation with a networking purpose in mind
Small Talk
• The main function: networking
• When it happens: coffee break, lunch, Gala Dinner
• Topics: introduction, flight, previous visit, opinion on the
University/Country, Plan
The Generic Structure
• Opening : greeting introduction, welcoming the guest
• Main Talk : asking about flight, agenda, dinner, conference, etc
• Closing : thanking the guest
Opening a small talk
• Greeting : Good _______, Dr. ____________
• Introduction : I am (Prof. Dr. Fathur Rahman) the Rector of UNNES
• Welcoming : Thank you for coming to (Universitas Negeri
I’m glad/happy to welcome you here
It is (truly) an honour to invite / have you to
our occasion/event.
Main talk
Common Questions about Flight
• When did you arrive in (Semarang)?
• How was your flight?
• How was your trip?
• Was your flight pleasant?
• Was there any delay on your flight?
Example on opening and main talk
• Q: Good morning, Dr ______ , I’m (Virgiawan), the (liason officer for the UPF
guest). Thank you for coming to (Universitas Negeri Semarang). It is an
honour to have you here
• A: the honour is mine, Virgiawan
• Q: How was your flight? Was there any delay?
• A: oh it was pleasant/enjoyable/great. I took a direct flight to Semarang
• Q: is this your first visit to Semarang?
• A: No, actually. I visited Semarang 6 months ago
• Q: that is great
Asking for an opinion
• What do you think of the ______________?
• What’s your opinion on the _____________?
• How was the University President Forum?
Before the meal
• Please enjoy the food and beverage/coffee/ the meal
• Let’s enjoy the lunch.
• Today, we have/serve _________ for lunch.
• This restaurant is _________. The specialty of this restaurant/today’s
menu is ________
Before the lunch
• Q: How was the University President Forum?
• A: It was excellent, I was quite nervous actually.
• A: I’m glad you enjoyed it. We invited distinguished/great leaders from reputable/world
class universities, including/ such as you, Dr.____, to strengthen our collaboration.
• Q: I feel honoured to be invited in this occasion
• A: enough with the UPF. Let’s enjoy the lunch. Today, we serve prime rib soup, Soto
Kudus, and Es Dawet for the beverage.
• Q: It sounds great
After the lunch and transition
• Q: Did you enjoy the lunch?
• A: Oh It was superb. I liked it so much
• Q: Thank you, we served the best food for our best guests.
• A: I feel flattered
• Q: our next agenda is UNNES Fair at Kampung Budaya
• A: What do you have at UNNES Fair
• Q: we will have the Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher
Education and the Minister of Finance to open the fair and then We will display/show
excellent products from our student and faculties.

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