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Wind Loading

 Background
 Standards
 Design
Wind Loading

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Wind Loading

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Wind Loading

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Wind Loading
 CP3: Chapter V: Part 2

Code of basic data for the design of

buildings Chapter V . Loadings Part 2. Wind

 BS 6399-2:1997

Loadings for buildings Part2: Code of

practice for wind loads

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Wind Loading - CP3
 Wind Speed - 3 second gust

 Exposure

Open Country

Open Country, scattered wind breaks

Small towns, outskirts of cities

City centres

 Building Height

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Wind Loading - BS6399
 Wind Speed - hourly mean

 Height above sea level

 Distance from sea

 Exposure



 Building height

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Wind Loading - BS6399
 Standard Method

 Directional Method

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Wind Loading - BS6399
 Site Wind Speed

Vs = V b x S a x S d x S s x S p

Vb – Basic wind speed

Sa – Altitude factor

Sd – Direction factor

Ss – Seasonal factor

Sp – Probability factor

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Wind Loading - BS6399
 Altitude factor

Sa = 1+ 0.001x Height above sea level

If topography not significant

 As a generalisation any building more than half-way up a

hill, or an on a ridge or cliff will have increase wind
loading and a more detailed calculation of Sa will be

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Wind Loading - BS6399

 Sd – Direction factor

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Wind Loading - BS6399

 Ss – Seasonal factor = 1

 Sp – Probability factor = 1

1 in 50 years storm

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Example calculation

Vs = Vb x Sa x Sd x Ss x Sp

Sa =1.005

Sd =1

Ss = 1

Sp = 1

Vs = 16.63 x 1.01 x 1 x 1 x1 = 16.80 m/s

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Wind Loading - BS6399
 Effective wind speed
Ve = Vs x Sb

Sb = Terrain & Building Factor

 Site in town or country

 Distance from the sea

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Wind Loading - BS6399

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Building size:
Example calculation
H = 26.2 m
L = 44.3 m
Ve = Vs x Sb

Sb = 1.97 for distance 30 km from sea and He = 26.2 m

Ve = Vs x Sb = 16.80 x 1.932 = 32.5 m/s

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Wind Loading - BS6399
 Dynamic Pressure

qs = 0.613 x Ve2

qs = 0.613 x (32.5)2 = 647.5 N/m2

= 0.65 kN/m2

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Wind Loading - BS6399
 Pressure to structure

 External pressure

pe = qs x Cpe x Ca

Cpe is the external pressure coefficient

Ca is the size effect factor = 1

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Wind Loading - BS6399

 Internal pressure

pi = qs x Cpi x Ca

Cpi is the internal pressure coefficient

Ca is the size effect factor = 1

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Wind Loading - BS6399
 Wind Loads

p = pe - p i

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Wind Loading - BS6399

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Wind Loading - BS6399

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Wind Loading - BS6399

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Malaysia Wind Map

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Wind speed gust

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 Page 34 *Sources of data: Razali, A.M et al, Mapping of Annual Extreme Wind Speed
Analysis from 12 Stations in Peninsular Malaysia

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