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Project Management


Prof Assem Tharwat

Synergy Univeristy Dubai
Chapter 4
Project Scope
 1- Defining the project scope
 2. Establishing project priorities
 3. Creating the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
 4. Integrating the WBS with the organization
 5. Coding the WBS for the information system
 6. Responsibility Matrix
 7. Communication Plan
 8- Q&A - Discussions
1- Defining the project scope
 A project scope statement is a clear definition of
the boundaries of a project. It includes all the
assumptions, responsibilities, requirements,
constraints, milestones, and deliverables needed
to ensure the project is a success. The benefits of
stating what the project scope is don't stop with
 The Scope should include 9 components
Project Scope Components

 1. Project Goals & Objectives & Main requirements

 2. Project Scope Description
 3. Project Exclusions
 4. Project Constraints
 5. Project Assumptions
 6. Project Technical requirements
 7. Project Deliverables
 8- Project Milestone
 9- Project Acceptance Criteria
1. Project Goals & Objectives &
Main requirements
 Goals & Objectives
Project goals and objectives are what define the purpose of a
project. Project objectives are the smaller steps that lead to
the project goals, which are broader. Start your project
scope document by explaining them. These goals and
objectives should be documented in a project charter, too.

 Project Requirements
Project managers and stakeholders must reach an agreement
about the project scope and other project requirements
such as the expected quality, risk, benefits and cost, among
2. Project Scope Description
It might sound easy enough, but this is the most important step. Here is where
you’ll define your project scope, which is all the work that needs to be done to
complete the project. Here are some simple steps to help you define the project
Use a work breakdown structure to visualize all your project tasks, deliverables,
and milestones.
List what’s within the scope of your project, and what’s out of scope. Everything
that’s not included in the project scope is known as project exclusions.
Identify project constraints, which are all the limitations such as time or cost.
Create a scope baseline to compare your actual progress to the planned project
Project exclusions and constraints are essential because they help establish
boundaries for the project to exist. They also manage your stakeholders’
expectations/input and give your team members some creative limitations to work
3. Project Exclusions
 While it’s imperative that you define the boundaries around
what the project includes from the outset, it’s also extremely
important that you list what this project doesn’t include. For
 Application updates that are planned for a later project and
are intentionally not included in this project
 Restricted or rescheduled customer access to certain
support lines/product features
4. Project Constraints

Project constraints are what make managing projects such a puzzle to

solve. The top three constraints to managing any project are typically
time, money and scope, known as the triple constraint of project
management. They’re interconnected, meaning that if you pull one
lever on ‘scope,’ another lever on ‘money’ or ‘time’ will also move.

But there are additional project constraints that can crop up at any time,
including risk, resources, organization, method, customers and more.
List all the constraints you foresee in your project, so you can try to
have solutions in place ready to launch when needed.
5. Project Assumptions

Your project assumptions typically revolve around the very

things that end up being constraints, including time, money
and scope. For example, it’s in this section of your project
scope document, “the front-end development team will be
available during this project time period,” or, “the customer
support team will receive new product training by x time.” It’s
important to list these out as this won’t only tell key
stakeholders what your primary resource needs are to make
the project go, but it also gives you fast insight as to where
your biggest risk factors lie.
6. Technical requirements
 As a project manager, the onus is on you to not only plan out projects
but come up with contingencies to safeguard against everything from
changing scope to technical issues. Setting up IT project management
requirements is part of an initial effort to ensure there are no technical
hitches along the way.
 This is especially true when developing software products, when each
feature must be fit for the rigors of user testing. There are a wide range
of technical requirements and the omission of any one of them on a
particular project can lead to disastrous results.
 By considering all the technical requirements that may apply to your
project upfront, you give yourself the best chance of successfully
completing it to stakeholder, client, or end user expectations.
There are 10 main requirements
 Availability refers to the amount of time your team or the end user of
your product has to use the software. Expressed as a percentage
 Reliability as a technical requirement refers to the average amount of
time between outages and technical issues. The longer the time period,
the more reliable the software or service.
 Data quality The data that you gather — most likely from your
customers — helps you make customer-centric decisions that lead to
more impactful results.
 Information security To avoid issues when moving data around,
information security is critical.
 Performance largely refers to load times. If a web page takes more than
two seconds to load in a web browser, then the end user or team
member experience is weakened. Address performance issues to
boost productivity and customer satisfaction.
 streamline the overall experience.
There are 10 main requirements
 Serviceability is all about how effectively you can make changes, updates,
or upgrades to your service or software without interrupting usage.
Maintainability refers to how quickly you can resolve technical issues.
Measured by the metric mean time to repair (MTTP), an optimal
maintainability rate is less than an hour for the most severe issues.
 Accessibility is an essential technical requirement, as it makes sure
information is available to everyone. For example, closed captioning (CC)
for videos allows team members or users to digest multimedia content
even if they’re hard of hearing.
 Human error Your software or service should be able to detect when
users have made an error, and inform them..
 Human error is inevitable to some degree, it’s important to accommodate
it during product development.
 System error
 System errors indicate an issue in the backend. In these cases, you want
the user to be directed to technical support so they can continue using the
software as soon as possible.
7. Project Deliverables

List out the deliverables your team members need to produce in order to meet
business objectives. This can include the product itself, instruction and installation
manuals, marketing materials, press releases, advertising campaigns and more.

Your project scope statement outline helps act as a marker as you build out your
full scope statement. Because while predicting the future of the project is
impossible at such a high level, this is the first step to getting your project as close
to the outcome as possible. By starting with the seven key statements above, you
can get a head start on a successful project.

Gantt charts are the workhorses of scope management. However, most Gantt chart
software is woefully limited in terms of its functionality. ProjectManager has
dynamic online Gantt charts that do the regular organizing, prioritizing and linking
dependencies and adding milestones. But unlike other tools, you can filter for the
critical path. When you set the baseline, you’re able to compare your actual
progress to what you had planned. There’s no better way to monitor project scope.
8- Project Milestone
 A project milestone is a project planning tool that’s used to
mark a point in a project schedule. Project milestones can
note the start and finish of a project, mark the completion of
a major phase of work or anything that’s worth highlighting
in a project, such as the production of project deliverables.
Milestones help project teams coordinate their efforts by
helping everybody understand the objectives of the project
and the action steps that must be taken to achieve them.
 Project milestones help project teams focus on major
progress points in a project, which helps project managers
with project planning and scheduling. Just as tasks break a
larger project into manageable parts, milestones break
down project phases to help project managers plan,
schedule and execute them.
9- Acceptance Criteria
 Before you move forward to know the acceptance criterion for any
project, it is vital to understand the term better. Multiple teams are
working on different aspects of a project. Some have to do the design
part, some does development, while other are in the quality assurance
phase. Moreover, even the server teams are a part of project
completion, as any flaw at their end can delay the process significantly.
Hence, it is vital to have set norms that each team should follow to
avoid conflicts and ensure timely delivery of projects.
 These norms set by the concerned team or person are called the
project acceptance criteria or project management acceptance criteria.
It has all the details about targets that every team has to meet in a
given time and under what circumstances the client will accept the
project. If you have seen the user stories examples with acceptance
criteria, you would have noticed that these are nothing but targets to
achieve before the final project handover.
Project Scope Statement Sample

 To better understand what the project scope statement is,

we thought it’d be helpful to visualize it using our free
project scope template for Word as a project scope
statement example. As you can see, it has the basic project
scoping information on top and then goes into a general
justification for the project’s need and how it’ll fulfill that.

 Then we get into the main part of the project scope

statement, such as what will be in scope and out of scope
for the project. This creates boundaries for the project and
makes clear what is essential and must be prioritized.
Project Scope Statement Sample
project exclusions, issues of time, cost, scope, risk,
Cost Estimation
2. Establishing Project Priorities

Which to

Which to

Which to
accept ?
2. Establishing Project Priorities
3. Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
3. Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
4. Integrating The WBS With the Organization
5. Coding the WBS for the Information System
6. Responsibility Matrix
7. Communication Plan
Organizational Structure

Consists of three key elements:

1. Designates formal reporting relationships
– number of levels in the hierarchy
– span of control
2. Groupings of:
– individuals into departments
– departments into the total organization
3. Design of systems for
– effective communication
– coordination
– integration across departments
Forms of PMOs

• Can be characterized in different kinds:

– Weather station
Tracks and monitors project performance.
– Control tower
Improves project execution.
– Resource pool
Provides the organization with a cadre of trained project
managers and professionals.
– Command and control center—has direct authority over the
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