Case Study Analysis

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Case Study Analysis

Dr. Himanshu Goel

• A case study is a research method that involves an in-
depth analysis of a particular individual, group, event,
or situation.
• It provides a detailed examination of real-life
scenarios and seeks to understand the complexities and
dynamics involved.
• Case studies are commonly used in various
disciplines, including business, psychology, sociology,
medicine, and management education.
• The purpose of a case study is to explore and gain insights
into specific phenomena, to generate hypotheses, or to test
theoretical frameworks.
• It involves collecting and analyzing qualitative and/or
quantitative data from multiple sources, such as interviews,
observations, documents, and existing literature.
• The data are then organized, interpreted, and presented in
a coherent narrative or report.
Importance of Case Study for
Management Students
• Real World Application
1.Case studies provide a bridge between theoretical
concepts and real-world applications.
2.They allow management students to see how the
principles and theories they learn in the classroom are
applied in actual business situations.
3.By examining real cases, students can understand the
complexities and challenges faced by organizations, and
learn how to apply their knowledge to solve practical
Decision Making Skills
• Management is all about making effective decisions. Case
studies present students with complex scenarios that
require critical thinking and decision-making skills.
• Through analyzing and discussing case studies, students
develop their ability to evaluate different options,
consider potential consequences, and make informed
• This helps them enhance their problem-solving and
decision-making capabilities, which are essential in
managerial roles.
• Case studies cover a wide range of industries,
organizations, and contexts.
• This exposure allows management students to gain
insights into different business models, strategies, and
challenges across various sectors.
• By studying cases from diverse industries, students
can broaden their knowledge base, develop a global
perspective, and understand the nuances of different
business environments.
Teamwork and Collaboration
• Many case studies are designed to be analyzed and discussed
in group settings.
• This fosters teamwork and collaboration among management
• They can engage in group discussions, share different
perspectives, debate ideas, and collectively arrive at
• This collaborative learning experience reflects the real-world
collaborative nature of managerial work, where teamwork
and effective communication are crucial.
Case Study
Soomesh Sharma grew up in a robust north Indian family where taking
medicines for petty problems was frowned upon. Elders in the family
believed that minor ailments could be cured by appropriate precaution
and diet control. Soomesh particularly remembered how he was chided
for wanting to eat ice-cream when his throat was sore. He was not
denied his favorite ice-cream, but also administered liberal doses of
ginger juice.
Soomesh majored in commerce in college and rounded-off his studies
with an MBA in marketing from the USA. He returned to India and
bought out Cool Cream Pvt. Ltd., a company recognized as the
manufacturer of finest ice creams throughout the country.
Contd. . .
Soomesh was visiting his elder sister who stayed in another town when
his throat got infected. Out of old habit, he gave-up his ice-cream and
asked his sister for ginger juice. His sister, out of sympathy for her
brother, mixed some ginger juice in a bowl of ice cream and Soomesh
ate the innovative product with great delight.
The Entrepreneur in Soomesh told him that his sister had an excellent
marketable product. Shortly after returning to his company, Soomesh
instructed the R and D department at cool cream to develop a ginger ice
cream. The product so developed was named as Adrak Ice cream and
tested in the market. The concept of an ice cream containing ginger,
which would protect the throats of those who relised the ice creams was
seen to be well received.
Contd. . .
Soomesh thereafter, called a meeting of various department heads to
work out a pricing strategy for Adrak ice cream. The manager of finance
wanted the price of the product to the cost of the product plus 100
percent profit. The R and D Chief supported him. He emphasized that
the product would be copied in no time and cool ice cream would lose
all the advantages and investments for developing the idea. The sales
introduced a low price to introduce the product so that it would be
accepted in the market.
The manufacturing manager was not willing to compromise on the
quality to cut the price/cost. He insisted that cool cream must maintain
its fair name at all costs. The purchase manager pointed out to the
difficulties of buying and keeping the stocks of an agricultural product
like ginger. He added that this would add to the costs.
Contd. . .
You are invited to this brainstorming session as a
consultant and are required to recommend a pricing
strategy to Soomesh Sharma, the owner of Cool Cream
Pvt. Ltd.
Q. Analyze the case and give appropriate solutions.
Q. Do you think the idea of introducing the “Ice cream
with Ginger Flavor” will capture the market and sales
will increase? Why? or Why not?
Step 1 -
Step 2 –
Identification of
Step 3 –
Step 3 - Analysis
• Price of the product is to be cost of the product plus a 100 percent profit. So it is
ok. Because profit is also to be considered.
• But when you introduce new product in the market with high price, no one will
buy it as they unaware about your product.
• Another factor is to be considered that it may have difficulties or buying &
keeping stock of an agricultural product like ginger.
• While considering all these factors, one cannot compromise the quality. It is the
responsibility to provide quality with reasonable price.
• Another important point is also to be considered that is customer satisfaction.
Because today customers are becoming very much specific about getting goods
and services.
• And ultimately one can not compromise with the image. Because already
company has built a good image in the minds of the customers.
Step 4 – Alternate
Step 4 – Alternate Solutions
• As this is a new and innovative product, introduce with low price so that
customer will try it.
• Increase the price when sales growth up and again reintroduce with low price
when sales decline.
• Introduce with skimming prices i.e., pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a
relatively high price initially and lowers the price over time.
• As this is a innovative product which is never launched before, A high price at
the time of launch would make the customers believe that Adrak Ice cream is a
high quality product developed after a lot of research.
• Customer awareness should be done through advertisements and promotion. If
you become successful in building curiosity in the mind of the customers then
they will definitely approach you.
• As company has built a good image in the mind’s of the consumers, you can
promote it as per your consideration.
Step 5 – Best
Thank You

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