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Lesson 6: Non Verbal Communication


• What is non-verbal communication?

• How can non-verbal cues reinforce the words you say?
• What does Peter Drucker meant by, “The most
important thing in this world is hearing what isn’t
Non-Verbal Communication
Non- Verbal Communication
• What people say is important to any communication but
what people “don’t” say can be more relevant. According to
Mehrabian,1981, 55 % of communication comes from facial
expressions, gestures and other non-verbal cues.
• Mehrabian’s study also says that 7% of a receiver’s
comprehension of a message is based on the sender’s words
while 38% is based on paralanguage.
Non- Verbal Cues
• Non-verbal cues tell more about one’s personality.
These are actually the first things that people notice
about you even if we don’t talk much.
• According to studies, when you enter the room,
people around would judge you right away in a matter
of just 15 seconds.
• They would check the way you dress, your facial
expressions and your body movement. Thus, it is
crucial to create a first impression. As they say, “first
impressions last.”
Looks can be deceiving
Non –Verbal Cues

• Even if people don’t engage in talk, they have initial assessment of

people around them. They can sense whether you are kind or not,
can be trusted or not by your physical appearance.

• Although technically speaking you should not judge people right

away. Looks can be deceiving. If you know how to use properly your
non-verbal cues, this will help you in establishing good relationships
and can develop and enhance good working condition.
Importance of Non-Verbal Communication

• According to Peter Drucker, “the most important thing in this world is

hearing what isn’t said.”
There are words left unsaid but if you can be sensitive
enough to reach out to other person and his/her feelings out
by just showing his/her happiness or approval through a smile;
his/her agony through frowning; his/her disgust through the
tone of the voice then you can appreciate more the real
person you are dealing with.
Here are the Importance of Non-verbal communication:

• Non-verbal reinforces the words that you say through your gestures.
• Non-verbal reveals your true feelings through our facial expressions.
• Through eye contact, it shows one’s sincerity.
• Through the tone of the voice, one’s emotion is revealed.
• Through symbols and signs, you understand directions to take and
give you meanings on what to do or undertake.
Types of Non-verbal Communication

To be an effective communicator, alignment of body language,

appearance must be shown clearly for audience will understand the
message conveyed. The following are the non-verbal types of
Facial Expressions
• The face can launch a thousand ships as they say. Facial expressions tell
more about you and the people you mingle with. Facial expressions are
universal for all the cultures that is why people of all nations can simply
establish good and lasting relationships through positive facial expressions
as in the case of smiling. You also have specific facial expressions when
you are sad, angry, disappointed or excited about something.
Facial Expressions
Eye Contact

• The eyes are windows to your soul.

• The way you look to somebody signifies something.
• It can be an affection, sympathy, interest or anger. In order for you
to get another’s interest, establishing eye contact is of importance.
• No matter what you are saying verbally or non-verbally, your eyes
express how you actually feel. Audiences and presenters tend to look
at the eyes to measure how the other person is responding.
Posture and Body Movements

Your stance communicates a lot and

shows how confident and well-mannered
you are as a person. In this type of
communication, your subtle movements,
bearing, and posture matter.

• Touch can carry a great deal of information.

Touch can help to basically get someone’s attention.
Different kinds of touches have different meanings.
It can convey positive emotions or affection
(i.e. The touch of a mom creates warmth to a child,
the tap on one’s shoulder tells us that, it’s okay,
in spite of the many problems in life and
a handshake that means a lot in establishing
friendship and business alliance).

• Anthropologist Edward T. Hall created the term proxemics to

represent the different kinds of distance that occur between people
that vary from different cultures. People from diverse cultures may
have different normative space expectations like if a person is from a
large urban area, having people stand close to them may be normal
but if a person is from a rural area or a culture where people expect
more space, someone may be standing “too close” for comfort and
not know it.

• This refers to the tone of the voice. The manner of how you say the
words matter (i.e. If you tell somebody that you’re excited but the
tone of the voice is very low, then you are giving a confusing meaning
to the receiver). The inflection, pacing, loudness or softness of the
voice give us cue on what we really feel.
* This refers to the use of time that can affect
interpersonal relationship or setting.
* Time is a relevant factor of the communication
process for longer hour of discussion
can invite uneasiness to the attendees.
* The late start of a meeting can make people
uncomfortable and disgusted but an organized
use of time will make everyone appreciate the
time allotted for the event.

• Artifacts are forms of accessories that are chosen to characterize self-

concept. The accessories that people wear reflect their kind of
personality (i.e. Men who wear earrings may send signal that they are
hip hop. Those women who wear short skirts tell us that they are
modern women who are “on the go”.
• People who wear diamonds and jewelries
may be categorized as people belonging in
the upper class while those who don’t
usually wear jewelries may be regarded
as simple persons).
Physical Appearance

* The way you present yourself speak

a lot about your personality.
* It’s the grooming, the way you
and carry yourself that usually give
an introduction of what you are
as a person.
Key Points

• There are ten types of non-verbal communication that reinforce the meaning
that we send through words.
• Facial expressions are universal in all cultures.
• Gestures reinforce the points you want to raise.
• Eye contact may mean affection, interest, disgust or hostility.
• Posture and body movements show your confidence or weakness as a person.
• Touch can mean assurance or camaraderie.
• The tone of the voice signifies the intensity of emotion or disinterest about
• Chronemics refers to the use of time.
• Artifacts reflect the kind of personality that you have.
• Physical appearance is the manner of how you present yourself

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